I get its her thing.....but I wanna see Satie witha big belly....can the hammer space thing please be a toggle? it also lowkey makes her harder since you don't know at a glance if she has anybody inside her currently, but personally its more that I like to see the big squirmy bellies and while I get Bella already does that I would love to see Satie with a massive prey filled belly too.
you probably didn't do this....I also won against Tulpy on nightmare...by playing as Bella and when she regurgitated me I was on 0% fullness,,,Bella can eat her if she's incapacitated it seems.
that's not what I meant, I'm not accusing you of being a liar I'm saying I ate her to get the victory, I'm saying you probably didn't win in the same fashion. lemme rephase it : "you probably didn't do this, but I also won against Tulpy on nightmare by playing as Bella and eating her after she regurgitated me. " hopefully that clears up the wording, and since you asked for the proof that I have cleared nightmare, no i haven't beaten nightmare mode by finding the exit key and leaving, only by eatin her have i cleared it.
i'm sorry i got angry, it's taken me hours to beat her and i finally beat her at that time and i was thinking at the time "i swear imma flip if someone says im lying". so you can win by eating the predator? you don't have to escape?
yup seems to be only the fairy though, instead of relying on rng for a key you rely on rng that she regurgitates you while you are also hungry. Not such an obvious way to win but fun secret win condition. Keep in mind if you're hungry enough you can eat her while she has a student currently in her but I've only gotten that on normal mode since the others are long digested by the time bella gets hungry on nightmare mode.
your hunger im guessing probably only needs to be under 16% but everytime I've done it I've been at 0% I guess, I get regurgitated by her and while she's reeling from it you have an opportunity to eat her, unless it was stealth nerfed in the last patch. On normal mode its also possible to eat her while she has a normal sized student in her if you're hungry....you can't even try eating her if she's pursuing anyone though.
Hey ghost I just wanted to ask will you be planing on continuing updates on this game its not that I'm asking for more I'm just wondering if you have any future plans for this game?
i enjoyed the first 2 preds but Satie seems a little overkill with how fast she is compared to her loudness and with how open the building is she dashes at you without leaving much escape room even hiding sometimes it just felt like she knew exactly where i was going into rooms and hiding spots i was in unprovoked
i beat the game now (completed every pred with the book and double pred and fairy's nightmare mode) all preds aside from Satie were fun to play against. is there a way to play as the other predators so far i have only unlocked Bella. also wish eating other students as Bella could be done a bit faster
Love the full release, played the shit out of it, probably more than I did the first time I got my hands on the demo, and that's saying something. I'm going to have a lot of little suggestions, but that's not to take away from the experience that already is there; it's great.
So really only 2 major problems:
So I have yet to unlock any playable preds except Bella, despite beating all of them with the book and even doing a few extras, like beating double random pred, beating the fairy with the book as Bella, and beating the fairy by eating her as Bella (really nice interaction btw, loved that). Thus I have to assume that nightmare mode clears are the way to unlock the rest, and I am STRONGLY against that. Nightmare mode is waaaaay too much for my taste, I just don't enjoy it. Which is fine, it's a super hard mode made for people that want a serious challenge. However, I do not think any major unlocks should be gated behind it. I suspect that beating it would require many hours of attempts and would largely come down to the rng of how fast I found the exit key, and that does not sound fun or worthwhile in the slightest. Escaping with the book is a fine enough challenge to have to unlock playable preds.
The ass has been censored. I'm not kidding, I think this is a major problem. It's not too big of a deal on Tulpy (though I still don't like it), and obviously doesn't matter for Ligeska, but it looks really weird on Bella and Satie. Satie's ass is massive by default but instead she just has a weird dark void and her skirt magically sticking out. Meanwhile if Bella gets fed enough you can see her cheeks peeking out from the void, which looks bizarre. Plus, the asses were just really nice to begin with. Unless the censorship is there to meet some requirement, and I've seen much more explicit stuff on this site so I doubt it, losing out on the asses is genuinely one of my biggest problems with the current version.
Now just some minor things:
Satie's deal seems like its supposed to be that she's fast but easy to track. However her increased traversal speed means if you hear her without immediate cover you are probably screwed, and if she spots you down a corridor before you can hear her you are screwed. I found her to be the most difficult to beat pred by a decent margin, and that's nothing against Ligeska. Ligeska is my favorite pred, she's fantastic. I just think Satie is a bit harder than probably intended.
Tulpy's digestion could maybe be slowed down a tad. With other preds you can feed them a couple students to take them out for longer, but Tulpy feels like she just churns through prey at record speed. And since the best way to deal with her is to bait her into eating another student then getting as much done as you can while she's out, it might make runs vs her feel a little less like they are reliant on finding the key quickly or risking just randomly run into a near untrackable pred and losing.
This is a positive point, not a suggestion or criticism: I love that you can bait a pred into eating another pred in the 2 random preds mode. So far I've only pulled it off with the fairy, but in theory there should be other possible combos. Regardless, it's a really neat mechanic.
It'd be nice if student preds were just a little bit more aggressive about targeting other students when hungry. It seems like you have to run straight into them to get them to eat you, and I've only once seen the aftermath of one eating another rando student (didn't even get to witness it). It's a toggleable mode, so don't need to worry about it messing with the difficulty either, and I think a lot of people would appreciate it.
The ability to move the camera when eaten, as well as the drawn out defeat screen, are much appreciated. However, it'd also be nice to be able to rotate the camera vertically as well as horizontally, and to be able to do a full 360 around the pred when eaten but not yet digested. Oh, and a 3rd person mode for viewing ourselves when playing as pred would be real nice, too.
As far as I can tell, Bella is the only pred with weight gain atm. I really miss having it on other preds, or at least having it be VERY noticeable, like with Bella.
Also PLEASE, at some point in the future, add a sandbox mode of some kind. Let us do stuff like customize stuff like the number of students and the number of preds, let us play as the pred (not just the character, but the one hunting the students with their full size and abilities and nobody hunting them), and maybe give us an observer mode (possibly toggleable while active in game) so we can watch things unfold. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this is the kind of game that can benefit a ton from letting the player have a bit of fun with it, and I know a lot of other players desperately want this mode as well.
yeah I'm done I beat the first two pred in less than an hour but satie I havent beaten once on normal mode she just is too fast an the apples are completely useless once you get to her stage, not only that but at random points she will teleport in front of me like one time I saw her in the lunchroom I leave there go up to ground floor and turn toward the staircase in front of the exit she just casually comes walking down that staircase (noted I ran as soon as I was out of sight and stopped at the t intersection and started walking) unwinnable unless you get lucky with seed generation
I never noticed Satie teleporting just remember the pred can move faster than you think I had plenty of encounters like that though I could always assume which path they took there just fast I wouldn't say its unwinnable I would just say watch the corners and make sure you have some prey nearby that was my strat I know its not much but I won after like 20 tries.
Saw that alot of people were wondering who the next unlockable character is. It's Satie and to get her, you have to do her Nightmare Mode. Had to do many reattempts especially with how fast she is. Best strat is to reroll the seed until you get the lamia as she fills satie to the point that she cant eat you buying you a decent amount of time.
So, how many player characters are there? And how are they unlocked? I know there is Bella which is done by beating Bella with the book in hand, is it the same for the other preds?
Hi, I want to buy the game, but unfortunately in our country does not work any payment system paypal and I have no way to buy the game on itch.io. How can I buy ? Is it possible to contact you to send you the payment for the game directly to the card and you will send me a link to the game?
The guide was a little helpful, but the escape chance is still extremely low. Can anyone tell me how the exit key works, because I am unable to find it and keep getting eaten and digested by Bella. I have lost every singly try and would actually like to experience the other preds, but I'm literally always losing to Bella.
Once you find the exit key (labeled 'exit'), there's a set of double doors on the main floor, by the security room. Use the key on that door and you win.
Since it's RNG I can just blame my abysmal luck on never winning. Thankfully it isn't set to the last door to unlock, or I'd be 100% screwed. Thanks for letting me know.
Your game is fantastic. I played the demo since about 3 weeks ago and am excited to have purchased the full game. I've been keeping a close eye on this page for updates!
My favorite predators are of course Bella and Ligeska. Bella is naturally very beginner friendly with the apple mechanic. I like that they aren't fast and of course can swallow multiple prey. I know Ligeska has a mechanic wherein students may reveal your location to her, I'm curious how it works. Do all the predators have weight gain like Bella?
My least favorite was Satie due to her high speed. She was the hardest predator for me, which made her not feel as fun as the others.
Nightmare mode is truly a challenge, but I wish it included more than 2 other starting students since I love how the predators actually chase anyone on sight. More students, more prey, more fun.
So far I can play as Bella. Besides the novelty of it, is there any benefit to swallowing another student? I understand she has high volume which increases her resistances to digestion while swallowed. I enjoy playing with the predators as fellow students and was pleasantly surprised when one swallowed me. The sadistic side of me wishes they would get hungrier quicker and maybe even act on their hunger (rather than me having to be next to them).
I understand you mentioned being done with updates for now. I am grateful for your past bi-weekly schedule of releasing updates. I think this game would benefit even more with a 'sandbox' mode, allowing the player to customize the level, such as:
starting number of students
number of predators
stat adjustments (movement speed, digestion rate, etc)
Those are just some basic examples.
Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback, I look forward to what you do. All the best.
I came across a few more issues. 1: Bella is instantly hungry after eating a student which just shouldn't be possible. 2: Bella can supposedly see 200 degrees around her which is just unfair in every way. If she has a 90-degree view when walking and a 150 when standing still, it would be reasonable, but not a constant 200-degree view. (It might be 180, but I'm not sure. It's still too much especially when hiding is so diffacult.)
Okay man normally I don't like to get into arguments but i think what your experiencing is a skill issue
1. I think your over exaggerating about her vision I had plenty of times when I was on her side and she never saw me, I don't know if your running around or not so she can hear you but she doesn't
2. Bella's stomach capacity is 3 she can have 3 students in her stomach before she full, even then she has an animation when she's eating someone your supposed to run in that grace period.
3. Bella being faster than you is the point I have seen a lot of people complain about this but its not that hard to get around Bella prefers apples over you so just hold a apple its better losing a key than being eaten. if a student is nearby use them as a meat shield, even then the more students Bella has in her stomach the slower she is by the time she has 2 she is literally slower than you, and besides would you rather her be slower than you all the time then you would always outrun her and all the mechanics you could use to keep her at bay would be pointless.
4. I honestly don't know what your talking about with Bella seeing you through walls I have beaten her 5 times so far and never encountered such a glitch maybe you were not as hidden as you thought
5. your just unlucky with apples or your just bad at finding them there usually always in an unlocked room or in the cafeteria just be careful rushing down there immediately that's where Bella spawns.
6. the RNG escape system. I have seen so many people complain about this and everyone who does always says there should be a mash or minigame to escape. these people don't understand the point of the game this isn't struggle simulator were you have to press the keys at the right time its supposed to be tense. you don't want to be caught if you could just either mash or minigame your way out of her belly she would become more of an inconvenience than an actual threat. and sure Ghost could make it a hard minigame but then would you really want to break both your fingers and you keyboard just to get out of Bella's belly the point is being eaten by Bella is supposed to be a bad thing you will likely die from. and I have stated previously that there are defenses you can use to keep Bella at bay or escape her belly easier by filling her up.
7. yes Bella taking your key is annoying but that's the point think about it if you just had an apple it just means you have a get out of jail free card in order to make it so you still don't want to be caught she will eat your key to punish you. and you don't lose it forever you just have to wait for her to burp it out her taking your key is a punishment for being caught so JUST DONT GET CAUGHT. and if you find that hard than that's your skill issue I have beaten Bella mutable times without being eaten you just have to be careful and even so her escape RNG isn't as bad as you think its not an entirely grantee death I once got eaten by her 3 times and escaped each one yeah I was lucky as hell but I took steps to increase my chances and besides its supposed to be against you anyway that's why its to tense its a great feeling.
8. I honestly have no idea what you mean by Bella moving towards your last location usually I don't see her for awhile until running into her later which supports that tense feeling of not knowing where she is. she has the exact same pathfinding as the other students just a bit tweaked with features like being able to hear you and chasing you when she sees you other than that she wanders the exact same way as the other students.
so after all that look your treating Bella like she's some impossible force but look around you almost everyone here in the comment section beat her that fact is you supposedly failing over 100 times says more about your skill than it does about the game. just be more careful check if students are nearby to use as meat shields, try to predict her current location from where you saw her last if you see a student going in the same direction as you stick with them when going around corners listen for footsteps just incase these are the strats I use to stay alive and they work. and its not easy making a game and ghost must of worked really hard to get it out fully in only a month then there you whos complain about almost every feature of the game Bella's sight, Bellas speed, RNG this RNG that when in reality your just having a skill issue thw whole solution to your problem is to just get good. I will admit this game is not perfect I sometimes wish there were more ways to keep the Preds at bay and more items you could use to interact with them though I don't want to pressure any of the devs about this its more of a nickpick if anything if what's already there works it works its still a very fun game and in my opinion one of my favorite vore games. its hard the odds are supposed to be stacked against you that's why its all the more satisfying when you finally win. sorry if this came out a little aggressive I just keep seeing these kinds of complaints and wanted to address them I don't mean to insult you and I'm sorry if I have.
A few of these are most likely skill issues or just poor luck happening repeatedly. I really shouldn't be playing for several hours on no sleep for a few days and slightly drunk, but I'm an idiot who keeps screwing himself. As for the see through walls and tracking my location even when not being chased, I was actually spotted by her despite her being practically behind a corner on the opposite end of the hallway and going upstairs to the washroom and hiding. She honestly should have lost me since I hid in the last stall crouching, but she still ate me. There was one time I was hiding behind a pillar in a room I was in while sneaking immediately open hearing faint footsteps and she entered the room walking right up to me and insta gulped me. No chase, no gasp, just gulped me instantly. I'm pretty sure she isn't supposed to walk towards the player if they are hiding properly and didn't run near her like she has with me more than once. As for the RNG I finally managed to escape her stomach once and if I were to put a percentage based on my fails to success, it would be 0.3% chance. I'm a very unlucky person.
As for her speed being 25% faster then the player. I did test it on a few runs that I got spotted on prepose and did the math. I'm fine with her being faster then the player, but 25% is a bit much for a character who is supposed to be the slowest. 10%-15% instead of 25% faster with her being about 10% slower then the player after gulping a student isn't an unreasonable request. She's just a bit too fast based on what her profile says. and her field of view is a bit ridiculous for such a small map and some hiding spots such as behind pillars don't actually hide the player from the preds Like they should if she decides to check the room you are in after stopping right outside. and as for her becoming increasingly slower I had her eat 2 students and she wasn't much slower than the player. I think it was a minor glitch where she didn't fully register the second prey she ate since her belly only grew to the size of 2 prey after swallowing me.
(Edit) I'm well aware of my luck with apples being that bad since if only 4 spawns for me they are usually all behind locked doors, but if 8 spawn I usually get 3 in non-locked rooms with 1 on the cafeteria and since the kitchen is almost always locked I at least know where one is should I find the key as fer her sight I was sneaking on the opposite side of the hallway I saw and heard her start running despite her not looking directly at me a few times. I do like the game a lot and the apple mechanics are well done, but how long she's sated by them is about 3 seconds which is just too short in my opinion. I've also been pinned in a room by her a few times since she likes standing in doorways after taking my apple.
I see the thing is when shes chasing you is that sometimes shes can be closer than you think so maybe the reason she got you in the stall was because she was right behind you.
I do see what your talking about with her field of view but personally I never encountered any issues with it normally I run into a room and crouch behind the open door and she loses me so that's something you can try
She is supposed to be slower than you when she eats 2 students maybe shes not I always assumed she was due to the fact I was always able to escape her when she had 2 prey.
I will say this some of your criticisms could apply a bit more to another Pred Satie shes the third one you unlock and shes basically Bella on steroids Bella the only Pred affected by the apple trick so Satie will just eat you anyway and shes faster than Bella the only 2 downsides she has is shes has louder footsteps than Bella and can only hold 2 prey instead of 3 I like to think she could hold more but according to her lore she wants to keep her figure so I like to think she holds back her true power shes still very scary but personally I still had fun with her despite this because I just had to be more careful and if your wondering no apples aren't useless now they can still be used to fill saties belly to make escape slightly easier.
as for the other 2 preds there not exactly Bella clones they have things that make them different The fairy is a completely silent Pred with her only sound cue being the gasp when she sees you but she can only hold one prey so feed her a prey and she will leave you alone for awhile. and the lamia is also a silent Pred she does make the sss sound snakes make though but its hard to tell where she is just by that one sound shes large and slow but still can move slightly faster than you to catch you she is the hardest to escape I only escaped her once and she can hold at least 5 students at a time maybe more I don't know the exact number and she gets the other students to snitch on your location I haven't beaten her yet but shes a fun challenge.
Bella I would say shes the second easiest to escape her belly the fairy the easiest though that doesn't mean its easy Satie either has the same or better belly strength than Bella and the lamia has the strongest even with 5 students she digested us all her stomach strength is insane and I love it.
I think part of my problem is I was trying to Metal Gear it, but the small map has little to no hiding spots that actually work and as for the bathroom thing I was far away when I hid, and she got to me after 20 seconds. It was most likely caused by me overusing my laptop or a bug that rarely happens. My mind is clearer now that I am not drunk and got some sleep, so I realize how stupid I sounded. I do think an easy mode for those who are having a lot of trouble like me would be a nice addition or at least lowering how far the preds can see since they can spot you from one side of the map to the other which does make stealth less viable and make the pillars a bit bigger so they can actually hide the player. Maybe Ghost will read this and consider these.
(Edit) She's about the same speed as the player but has better turning and can B-line towards you when she's eaten another student. I think she's supposed to get slower per prey, but it's not working as intended.
Personality I don't try to stealth it I feel like the game is more about getting as much done as possible while taking the measure's to secure yourself like if I can confirm Bella is on the top floor or is at least heading there I will take the opportunity to run to cover more ground and get more done quickly while also being careful around corners I usually follow other students around corners if possible to avoid surprises that's just how I play you can hide from Bella though I would agree that the map doesn't have enough hiding spots but you do at least have enough for her to lose sight of you if you know what to do at least in my experience
I've come across some major issues. 1: Bella's movement is always towards the players last position which is not acceptable at all for a game like this. 2: Bella has a ridiculous field of view which has no limits. In a map this small that basically means instant death which is very unfair. 3: Bella will always take any key you are holding, and you normally can't drop things when being chased. This is very unfair especially when a player has the exit key. 4: She is much faster than the player which means that despite being the "slowest" Pred she is still way faster. These make the game very unbalanced especially when this game is already heavily reliant on an unfair RNG system that already leaves the player at a huge disadvantage. RNG for struggle is set way too low for escape meaning that having a struggle system is entirely useless if it doesn't help the player and would just be aesthetical. Replacing this with a bellyache system that gets progressively harder each time you are swallowed would definitely help unlucky people like me who can NEVER ESCAPE with RNG. I have attempted Bella 123 times and still can't win.
This is a good game, but it's unbalanced. Bella is supposed to be the "slowest" pred, but she's 25% faster than the player and about 5% slower than the player when stuffed. She is hungry after 3 seconds of eating which is ridiculously short of a timeframe for escape since she will usually hear you running. If she spots you, she can see you through walls and objects while chasing which is total BS since escaping her view is the only way to escape her and she can spot you from farther then you can hear her.
as Ghost said, Once you're caught is Considered a Game Over, the Struggles are RNG based, and is pure luck if you're able to get the pred to vomit you, using sound to locate the Pred Works BUT is a guessing game, you can't tell exaclty where they are at, if they are above, underneath or same level as you, and that's something you manage over the experience you gain as you play and if you're spoted with BELLA, TULPY and SATIE, get out of sight as quick as possible and sneak.
The struggler being RNG based is BS. If you have to rely on luck for escape, then you might as well give up once caught. RNG works for many things, but not struggling from a pred in a game like this. I've been caught too many times and never once escaped.
I've made well over 50 attempts at this and can't beat Bella at all. No strategy works since she hears the keys drop and can see me from the other side of the map instantly and sees me through walls when tracking me. Add the RNG making escape impossible, and it becomes BS. I like the game, but the preds have a ridiculous advantage that makes it outright unfair. I've also read about a nightmare mode and can't find it anywhere. Is it an unlock?
Personally, I like the difficulty. It makes the game feel much more intense and you have to be really careful about keeping an eye on the pred and making sure a student is nearby just in case.
Although I will agree that nightmare mode is a legit nightmare. Seems nearly impossible!
I like hard games too, but the preds have a huge advantage that makes it impossible for anyone relatively unlucky like me. I can't beat Bella who is supposed to be the easiest enemy no matter what I do.
That's why it's called Nightmare, I've been trying for 4 hours straight the Bella nightmare mode XD
But you're right, it's DANG HARD, pred's Hearing is Granny Level almost, they can hear you throught the Floors, and at the moment you drop something the know exactly where that noise was and they don't give up on chasing that source of sound wich is Horrifying when it happens XD
i am having an issue opening the game it keeps telling me "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found" anyone know how to fix?
Student preds is for ehrn you unlock the other 3 preds, the thing is... Keeping track of where the pred is, always carry a apple if possible, and again if possible, lure students into being eaten
you are always the main preds target, you can however body block using another student, you basically have to be physically touching them and positioning them between you and the pred to avoid getting eaten, if you successfully used the other student to bodyblock her from eating you you'll ahve a small window to run away while she ingests them, if she spots you before the other student inside her is digested she will move alot slower giving you an opportunity to break line of sight and hide(crouch behind stuff if you can) or alrenatively bait her into eating another student. Alternatively and this makes bella by far the easiest pred to deal with, hold an apple, she is the only pred that will not eat you if you are holding an apple she will instead consume the apple and any keys you happen to be holding.
its a bit rng you'll learn the map little by little until you know where they all spawn outside of rooms, one piece of advice i guerss would be to drop any purple keys you find outside rooms if you can't take them with you, same for apples gives you a reference that you have searched that room and have no need to re scan it. Obviously don't leave the room if you hear a pred very close. (disclaimer: this advice doesn't apply at all in nightmare mode since key dropping makes noise and preds will b line to any dropped item location if they're close enough to hear it)
i find that dropping a key in the middle of the bathroom then hiding in the final stall crouching saves me from predators, also use the student, it's the fastest one
I did a little experiment now that I unlocked the two random pred mode....got fairy and bella....fairy spat me out in front of bella...while fairy was reeling from the regurg i wondered to myself...can I bodyblock with another predator? moments later fairy pred is swallowed by bella, dayum okay preds eat other preds. REALLY hard to pull off but that's awesome. Probably woulda made that run 50% easier if i hadn't gotten cocky and tried to lure her into as many students as possible, she ate me after eating the other fairy pred and one student, rode along until i could cofirm the fairy got digested, student escaped but bella released 2 sets of bones, one definitely the fairy pred's. edit: no matter how hard I try I can't manage to replicate this with other preds, I'm assuming preds can only eat other preds if the prey has their belly empty and i got SUUUPER lucky when she regurgitated me in front of the other pred so no idea if I can possibly get the lamia to eat one of the other larger girls since they almost never regurg and its really unlikely it will happen in front of the lamia(I say one of the other larger girls but I've never had a match with two random pred where Ligeska has spawned with Bella, always seems to be Satie every time)
For bella you need to exit the school with the book in hand for the rest... well i'm still figuring out, but it's only available in the full game the demo only has bella
Man, I am just having a time esxaping Bella and finding a way to unlock the exit. I really can't wait to beat this first map and unlock the other preds and and play as the pred too. That's the only way to unlock further stuff and play as the pred, right?
You can play as Bella. Though when the students aren't the main pred, most of them are a fair bit shorter than usual.
Currently you can only eat somebody when your belly is almost empty - with the hunger meter at about 16% left.
Strangely, Tulpy seems to require a slightly lower % (e.g. waiting longer without food) than the other students, which is amusing to me. I suppose she is just uh... calorically-dense.
Pixie Pred: her being so small is such a pain! She's so hard to spot! I swear she devoured me so many times around corners! (Especially when you turn your sound off!)
Satie: I didn't get to see too much of her, but I'm assuming she's just Bella+? kinda beat her on the first try.
Lamia Pred: Really cool to have this slow moving tank around the map! Fed her 3 students and that barely kept her from chasing me still! Going to try to beat her tomorrow.
← Return to game
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I got her to eat 5 people and then me hoping as her normal belly would get bigger after her lower stomach filled up
Yeah, actually, I completely agree with this idea!
I totally wanna see Ligeska have the standard belly in the front like the other 3 until she digests the player!
TIme for Ligeska, the most intense one...
I've been suffering on Satie with Nightmare mode on..
I get its her thing.....but I wanna see Satie witha big belly....can the hammer space thing please be a toggle? it also lowkey makes her harder since you don't know at a glance if she has anybody inside her currently, but personally its more that I like to see the big squirmy bellies and while I get Bella already does that I would love to see Satie with a massive prey filled belly too.
i was able to beat tulpy on nightmare mode
you a godamn hero, haven't got Legiska's first win yet XD
you probably didn't do this....I also won against Tulpy on nightmare...by playing as Bella and when she regurgitated me I was on 0% fullness,,,Bella can eat her if she's incapacitated it seems.
see how the map says completed in green? if you haven't completed nightmare, it's yellow, stop accusing me of lying and how about you show your proof?
Chill you too LOL
that's not what I meant, I'm not accusing you of being a liar I'm saying I ate her to get the victory, I'm saying you probably didn't win in the same fashion. lemme rephase it : "you probably didn't do this, but I also won against Tulpy on nightmare by playing as Bella and eating her after she regurgitated me. " hopefully that clears up the wording, and since you asked for the proof that I have cleared nightmare, no i haven't beaten nightmare mode by finding the exit key and leaving, only by eatin her have i cleared it.
i'm sorry i got angry, it's taken me hours to beat her and i finally beat her at that time and i was thinking at the time "i swear imma flip if someone says im lying". so you can win by eating the predator? you don't have to escape?
yup seems to be only the fairy though, instead of relying on rng for a key you rely on rng that she regurgitates you while you are also hungry. Not such an obvious way to win but fun secret win condition. Keep in mind if you're hungry enough you can eat her while she has a student currently in her but I've only gotten that on normal mode since the others are long digested by the time bella gets hungry on nightmare mode.
To eat the fairy, do you have to wait for 0% with Bella?? Or what are you doing for eat the fairy with Bella??
your hunger im guessing probably only needs to be under 16% but everytime I've done it I've been at 0% I guess, I get regurgitated by her and while she's reeling from it you have an opportunity to eat her, unless it was stealth nerfed in the last patch. On normal mode its also possible to eat her while she has a normal sized student in her if you're hungry....you can't even try eating her if she's pursuing anyone though.
Hey ghost I just wanted to ask will you be planing on continuing updates on this game its not that I'm asking for more I'm just wondering if you have any future plans for this game?
hello everyone, I like the way out, but I have a problem, since I live in Russia, I can't buy the game, maybe someone knows how I can buy it?
try using VPN
i enjoyed the first 2 preds but Satie seems a little overkill with how fast she is compared to her loudness and with how open the building is she dashes at you without leaving much escape room even hiding sometimes it just felt like she knew exactly where i was going into rooms and hiding spots i was in unprovoked
i beat the game now (completed every pred with the book and double pred and fairy's nightmare mode) all preds aside from Satie were fun to play against.
is there a way to play as the other predators so far i have only unlocked Bella.
also wish eating other students as Bella could be done a bit faster
DANG, i wanna be as cool as you XD
Love the full release, played the shit out of it, probably more than I did the first time I got my hands on the demo, and that's saying something. I'm going to have a lot of little suggestions, but that's not to take away from the experience that already is there; it's great.
So really only 2 major problems:
Now just some minor things:
Also PLEASE, at some point in the future, add a sandbox mode of some kind. Let us do stuff like customize stuff like the number of students and the number of preds, let us play as the pred (not just the character, but the one hunting the students with their full size and abilities and nobody hunting them), and maybe give us an observer mode (possibly toggleable while active in game) so we can watch things unfold. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this is the kind of game that can benefit a ton from letting the player have a bit of fun with it, and I know a lot of other players desperately want this mode as well.
I loved this idea of sandbox mode, I personally prefer to play as a predator than as prey.
Your thoughts resonate with my own. Thanks for sharing!
Please bring back the booty ; w;
Not the case, I put myself through hell and beat Tulpy on Nightmare and gained nothing, i'll attempt Bella on Nightmare and see if I gain any results.
yeah I'm done I beat the first two pred in less than an hour but satie I havent beaten once on normal mode she just is too fast an the apples are completely useless once you get to her stage, not only that but at random points she will teleport in front of me like one time I saw her in the lunchroom I leave there go up to ground floor and turn toward the staircase in front of the exit she just casually comes walking down that staircase (noted I ran as soon as I was out of sight and stopped at the t intersection and started walking) unwinnable unless you get lucky with seed generation
I never noticed Satie teleporting just remember the pred can move faster than you think I had plenty of encounters like that though I could always assume which path they took there just fast I wouldn't say its unwinnable I would just say watch the corners and make sure you have some prey nearby that was my strat I know its not much but I won after like 20 tries.
ok no joke for the past 6 hours I've been trying to win against satie....I'll be real honest I actually unplayable against satie
Saw that alot of people were wondering who the next unlockable character is. It's Satie and to get her, you have to do her Nightmare Mode. Had to do many reattempts especially with how fast she is. Best strat is to reroll the seed until you get the lamia as she fills satie to the point that she cant eat you buying you a decent amount of time.
So, how many player characters are there? And how are they unlocked? I know there is Bella which is done by beating Bella with the book in hand, is it the same for the other preds?
I think either tulpy or satie is the next unlock
Hi, I want to buy the game, but unfortunately in our country does not work any payment system paypal and I have no way to buy the game on itch.io. How can I buy ? Is it possible to contact you to send you the payment for the game directly to the card and you will send me a link to the game?
PayPal or credit card. I got it with my credit card.
The guide was a little helpful, but the escape chance is still extremely low. Can anyone tell me how the exit key works, because I am unable to find it and keep getting eaten and digested by Bella. I have lost every singly try and would actually like to experience the other preds, but I'm literally always losing to Bella.
Once you find the exit key (labeled 'exit'), there's a set of double doors on the main floor, by the security room. Use the key on that door and you win.
I'm asking if the exit key spawn is random or set. such as if I need to open all doors and it spawns behind the last locked door during a run.
Its rng sadly, although I am almost certain that it will always be behind a locked door, Bella on nightmare was rough with bad rng.
Since it's RNG I can just blame my abysmal luck on never winning. Thankfully it isn't set to the last door to unlock, or I'd be 100% screwed. Thanks for letting me know.
Hello Ghost!
Your game is fantastic. I played the demo since about 3 weeks ago and am excited to have purchased the full game. I've been keeping a close eye on this page for updates!
My favorite predators are of course Bella and Ligeska. Bella is naturally very beginner friendly with the apple mechanic. I like that they aren't fast and of course can swallow multiple prey. I know Ligeska has a mechanic wherein students may reveal your location to her, I'm curious how it works. Do all the predators have weight gain like Bella?
My least favorite was Satie due to her high speed. She was the hardest predator for me, which made her not feel as fun as the others.
Nightmare mode is truly a challenge, but I wish it included more than 2 other starting students since I love how the predators actually chase anyone on sight. More students, more prey, more fun.
So far I can play as Bella. Besides the novelty of it, is there any benefit to swallowing another student? I understand she has high volume which increases her resistances to digestion while swallowed. I enjoy playing with the predators as fellow students and was pleasantly surprised when one swallowed me. The sadistic side of me wishes they would get hungrier quicker and maybe even act on their hunger (rather than me having to be next to them).
I understand you mentioned being done with updates for now. I am grateful for your past bi-weekly schedule of releasing updates. I think this game would benefit even more with a 'sandbox' mode, allowing the player to customize the level, such as:
Those are just some basic examples.
Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback, I look forward to what you do. All the best.
I came across a few more issues. 1: Bella is instantly hungry after eating a student which just shouldn't be possible. 2: Bella can supposedly see 200 degrees around her which is just unfair in every way. If she has a 90-degree view when walking and a 150 when standing still, it would be reasonable, but not a constant 200-degree view. (It might be 180, but I'm not sure. It's still too much especially when hiding is so diffacult.)
Okay man normally I don't like to get into arguments but i think what your experiencing is a skill issue
1. I think your over exaggerating about her vision I had plenty of times when I was on her side and she never saw me, I don't know if your running around or not so she can hear you but she doesn't
2. Bella's stomach capacity is 3 she can have 3 students in her stomach before she full, even then she has an animation when she's eating someone your supposed to run in that grace period.
3. Bella being faster than you is the point I have seen a lot of people complain about this but its not that hard to get around Bella prefers apples over you so just hold a apple its better losing a key than being eaten. if a student is nearby use them as a meat shield, even then the more students Bella has in her stomach the slower she is by the time she has 2 she is literally slower than you, and besides would you rather her be slower than you all the time then you would always outrun her and all the mechanics you could use to keep her at bay would be pointless.
4. I honestly don't know what your talking about with Bella seeing you through walls I have beaten her 5 times so far and never encountered such a glitch maybe you were not as hidden as you thought
5. your just unlucky with apples or your just bad at finding them there usually always in an unlocked room or in the cafeteria just be careful rushing down there immediately that's where Bella spawns.
6. the RNG escape system. I have seen so many people complain about this and everyone who does always says there should be a mash or minigame to escape. these people don't understand the point of the game this isn't struggle simulator were you have to press the keys at the right time its supposed to be tense. you don't want to be caught if you could just either mash or minigame your way out of her belly she would become more of an inconvenience than an actual threat. and sure Ghost could make it a hard minigame but then would you really want to break both your fingers and you keyboard just to get out of Bella's belly the point is being eaten by Bella is supposed to be a bad thing you will likely die from. and I have stated previously that there are defenses you can use to keep Bella at bay or escape her belly easier by filling her up.
7. yes Bella taking your key is annoying but that's the point think about it if you just had an apple it just means you have a get out of jail free card in order to make it so you still don't want to be caught she will eat your key to punish you. and you don't lose it forever you just have to wait for her to burp it out her taking your key is a punishment for being caught so JUST DONT GET CAUGHT. and if you find that hard than that's your skill issue I have beaten Bella mutable times without being eaten you just have to be careful and even so her escape RNG isn't as bad as you think its not an entirely grantee death I once got eaten by her 3 times and escaped each one yeah I was lucky as hell but I took steps to increase my chances and besides its supposed to be against you anyway that's why its to tense its a great feeling.
8. I honestly have no idea what you mean by Bella moving towards your last location usually I don't see her for awhile until running into her later which supports that tense feeling of not knowing where she is. she has the exact same pathfinding as the other students just a bit tweaked with features like being able to hear you and chasing you when she sees you other than that she wanders the exact same way as the other students.
so after all that look your treating Bella like she's some impossible force but look around you almost everyone here in the comment section beat her that fact is you supposedly failing over 100 times says more about your skill than it does about the game. just be more careful check if students are nearby to use as meat shields, try to predict her current location from where you saw her last if you see a student going in the same direction as you stick with them when going around corners listen for footsteps just incase these are the strats I use to stay alive and they work. and its not easy making a game and ghost must of worked really hard to get it out fully in only a month then there you whos complain about almost every feature of the game Bella's sight, Bellas speed, RNG this RNG that when in reality your just having a skill issue thw whole solution to your problem is to just get good. I will admit this game is not perfect I sometimes wish there were more ways to keep the Preds at bay and more items you could use to interact with them though I don't want to pressure any of the devs about this its more of a nickpick if anything if what's already there works it works its still a very fun game and in my opinion one of my favorite vore games. its hard the odds are supposed to be stacked against you that's why its all the more satisfying when you finally win. sorry if this came out a little aggressive I just keep seeing these kinds of complaints and wanted to address them I don't mean to insult you and I'm sorry if I have.
A few of these are most likely skill issues or just poor luck happening repeatedly. I really shouldn't be playing for several hours on no sleep for a few days and slightly drunk, but I'm an idiot who keeps screwing himself. As for the see through walls and tracking my location even when not being chased, I was actually spotted by her despite her being practically behind a corner on the opposite end of the hallway and going upstairs to the washroom and hiding. She honestly should have lost me since I hid in the last stall crouching, but she still ate me. There was one time I was hiding behind a pillar in a room I was in while sneaking immediately open hearing faint footsteps and she entered the room walking right up to me and insta gulped me. No chase, no gasp, just gulped me instantly. I'm pretty sure she isn't supposed to walk towards the player if they are hiding properly and didn't run near her like she has with me more than once. As for the RNG I finally managed to escape her stomach once and if I were to put a percentage based on my fails to success, it would be 0.3% chance. I'm a very unlucky person.
As for her speed being 25% faster then the player. I did test it on a few runs that I got spotted on prepose and did the math. I'm fine with her being faster then the player, but 25% is a bit much for a character who is supposed to be the slowest. 10%-15% instead of 25% faster with her being about 10% slower then the player after gulping a student isn't an unreasonable request. She's just a bit too fast based on what her profile says. and her field of view is a bit ridiculous for such a small map and some hiding spots such as behind pillars don't actually hide the player from the preds Like they should if she decides to check the room you are in after stopping right outside. and as for her becoming increasingly slower I had her eat 2 students and she wasn't much slower than the player. I think it was a minor glitch where she didn't fully register the second prey she ate since her belly only grew to the size of 2 prey after swallowing me.
(Edit) I'm well aware of my luck with apples being that bad since if only 4 spawns for me they are usually all behind locked doors, but if 8 spawn I usually get 3 in non-locked rooms with 1 on the cafeteria and since the kitchen is almost always locked I at least know where one is should I find the key as fer her sight I was sneaking on the opposite side of the hallway I saw and heard her start running despite her not looking directly at me a few times. I do like the game a lot and the apple mechanics are well done, but how long she's sated by them is about 3 seconds which is just too short in my opinion. I've also been pinned in a room by her a few times since she likes standing in doorways after taking my apple.
I see the thing is when shes chasing you is that sometimes shes can be closer than you think so maybe the reason she got you in the stall was because she was right behind you.
I do see what your talking about with her field of view but personally I never encountered any issues with it normally I run into a room and crouch behind the open door and she loses me so that's something you can try
She is supposed to be slower than you when she eats 2 students maybe shes not I always assumed she was due to the fact I was always able to escape her when she had 2 prey.
I will say this some of your criticisms could apply a bit more to another Pred Satie shes the third one you unlock and shes basically Bella on steroids Bella the only Pred affected by the apple trick so Satie will just eat you anyway and shes faster than Bella the only 2 downsides she has is shes has louder footsteps than Bella and can only hold 2 prey instead of 3 I like to think she could hold more but according to her lore she wants to keep her figure so I like to think she holds back her true power shes still very scary but personally I still had fun with her despite this because I just had to be more careful and if your wondering no apples aren't useless now they can still be used to fill saties belly to make escape slightly easier.
as for the other 2 preds there not exactly Bella clones they have things that make them different The fairy is a completely silent Pred with her only sound cue being the gasp when she sees you but she can only hold one prey so feed her a prey and she will leave you alone for awhile. and the lamia is also a silent Pred she does make the sss sound snakes make though but its hard to tell where she is just by that one sound shes large and slow but still can move slightly faster than you to catch you she is the hardest to escape I only escaped her once and she can hold at least 5 students at a time maybe more I don't know the exact number and she gets the other students to snitch on your location I haven't beaten her yet but shes a fun challenge.
Bella I would say shes the second easiest to escape her belly the fairy the easiest though that doesn't mean its easy Satie either has the same or better belly strength than Bella and the lamia has the strongest even with 5 students she digested us all her stomach strength is insane and I love it.
I think part of my problem is I was trying to Metal Gear it, but the small map has little to no hiding spots that actually work and as for the bathroom thing I was far away when I hid, and she got to me after 20 seconds. It was most likely caused by me overusing my laptop or a bug that rarely happens. My mind is clearer now that I am not drunk and got some sleep, so I realize how stupid I sounded. I do think an easy mode for those who are having a lot of trouble like me would be a nice addition or at least lowering how far the preds can see since they can spot you from one side of the map to the other which does make stealth less viable and make the pillars a bit bigger so they can actually hide the player. Maybe Ghost will read this and consider these.
(Edit) She's about the same speed as the player but has better turning and can B-line towards you when she's eaten another student. I think she's supposed to get slower per prey, but it's not working as intended.
Personality I don't try to stealth it I feel like the game is more about getting as much done as possible while taking the measure's to secure yourself like if I can confirm Bella is on the top floor or is at least heading there I will take the opportunity to run to cover more ground and get more done quickly while also being careful around corners I usually follow other students around corners if possible to avoid surprises that's just how I play you can hide from Bella though I would agree that the map doesn't have enough hiding spots but you do at least have enough for her to lose sight of you if you know what to do at least in my experience
I've come across some major issues. 1: Bella's movement is always towards the players last position which is not acceptable at all for a game like this. 2: Bella has a ridiculous field of view which has no limits. In a map this small that basically means instant death which is very unfair. 3: Bella will always take any key you are holding, and you normally can't drop things when being chased. This is very unfair especially when a player has the exit key. 4: She is much faster than the player which means that despite being the "slowest" Pred she is still way faster. These make the game very unbalanced especially when this game is already heavily reliant on an unfair RNG system that already leaves the player at a huge disadvantage. RNG for struggle is set way too low for escape meaning that having a struggle system is entirely useless if it doesn't help the player and would just be aesthetical. Replacing this with a bellyache system that gets progressively harder each time you are swallowed would definitely help unlucky people like me who can NEVER ESCAPE with RNG. I have attempted Bella 123 times and still can't win.
As a suggestion, I think you could include an alternative third-person camera mode, it would be interesting especially when playing as a predator.
And speaking of them, is it possible to play like the fairy and the lamia? How are they unlocked for use?
i actually thought of that today, like a shoulder third person camera
do you plan on adding an option for internal views?
This is a good game, but it's unbalanced. Bella is supposed to be the "slowest" pred, but she's 25% faster than the player and about 5% slower than the player when stuffed. She is hungry after 3 seconds of eating which is ridiculously short of a timeframe for escape since she will usually hear you running. If she spots you, she can see you through walls and objects while chasing which is total BS since escaping her view is the only way to escape her and she can spot you from farther then you can hear her.
as Ghost said, Once you're caught is Considered a Game Over, the Struggles are RNG based, and is pure luck if you're able to get the pred to vomit you, using sound to locate the Pred Works BUT is a guessing game, you can't tell exaclty where they are at, if they are above, underneath or same level as you, and that's something you manage over the experience you gain as you play and if you're spoted with BELLA, TULPY and SATIE, get out of sight as quick as possible and sneak.
The struggler being RNG based is BS. If you have to rely on luck for escape, then you might as well give up once caught. RNG works for many things, but not struggling from a pred in a game like this. I've been caught too many times and never once escaped.
Not BS man, it's luck based, it's just a hope of Second chance
I've made well over 50 attempts at this and can't beat Bella at all. No strategy works since she hears the keys drop and can see me from the other side of the map instantly and sees me through walls when tracking me. Add the RNG making escape impossible, and it becomes BS. I like the game, but the preds have a ridiculous advantage that makes it outright unfair. I've also read about a nightmare mode and can't find it anywhere. Is it an unlock?
Nightmare appears after you escape her (and with the book possibly) but apples are your best friend here for bella just don't get caught so much..
Personally, I like the difficulty. It makes the game feel much more intense and you have to be really careful about keeping an eye on the pred and making sure a student is nearby just in case.
Although I will agree that nightmare mode is a legit nightmare. Seems nearly impossible!
I like hard games too, but the preds have a huge advantage that makes it impossible for anyone relatively unlucky like me. I can't beat Bella who is supposed to be the easiest enemy no matter what I do.
can you give me some tips on how to find the book every time i do i just lose lol. PS really like the game by the way keep up the hard work.
From my experience, it appears to be randomized and locked behind a chain of closed doors, much like the exit key.
nightmare needs a minor nerf, can't make progress and escaping is like a 1/100 chance
That's why it's called Nightmare, I've been trying for 4 hours straight the Bella nightmare mode XD
But you're right, it's DANG HARD, pred's Hearing is Granny Level almost, they can hear you throught the Floors, and at the moment you drop something the know exactly where that noise was and they don't give up on chasing that source of sound wich is Horrifying when it happens XD
i've been attempting the tulpy nightmare mode, we should try and beat the ones we are attempting and see if anything new is unlocked?
i am having an issue opening the game it keeps telling me "The code execution cannot proceed because UnityPlayer.dll was not found" anyone know how to fix?
Ok i fixed the first problem but now its telling me its failing to load Mono?
I fixed it just i didnt have enough space for the programs so i just had to extract everything again
Learning the game's mechanics, making a Strategy and evolving
Student preds is for ehrn you unlock the other 3 preds, the thing is... Keeping track of where the pred is, always carry a apple if possible, and again if possible, lure students into being eaten
you are always the main preds target, you can however body block using another student, you basically have to be physically touching them and positioning them between you and the pred to avoid getting eaten, if you successfully used the other student to bodyblock her from eating you you'll ahve a small window to run away while she ingests them, if she spots you before the other student inside her is digested she will move alot slower giving you an opportunity to break line of sight and hide(crouch behind stuff if you can) or alrenatively bait her into eating another student. Alternatively and this makes bella by far the easiest pred to deal with, hold an apple, she is the only pred that will not eat you if you are holding an apple she will instead consume the apple and any keys you happen to be holding.
its a bit rng you'll learn the map little by little until you know where they all spawn outside of rooms, one piece of advice i guerss would be to drop any purple keys you find outside rooms if you can't take them with you, same for apples gives you a reference that you have searched that room and have no need to re scan it. Obviously don't leave the room if you hear a pred very close. (disclaimer: this advice doesn't apply at all in nightmare mode since key dropping makes noise and preds will b line to any dropped item location if they're close enough to hear it)
what is the method for unlocking Tulpy? is it beating her on nightmare?
How can you unlock the 2nd pred student?
Nightmare is N I G H T M A R E to beat holy cow
i find that dropping a key in the middle of the bathroom then hiding in the final stall crouching saves me from predators, also use the student, it's the fastest one
Does "Student pred" means can other students can eat you. Or is it something else entirely???
No it means, the Preds turn into student, and they can eat other studends, but not the player
They actually can eat you, it has happened to me twice. It takes a lot of time for them to be hungry, though.
Is there a way to change the in-game resolution?
I did a little experiment now that I unlocked the two random pred mode....got fairy and bella....fairy spat me out in front of bella...while fairy was reeling from the regurg i wondered to myself...can I bodyblock with another predator? moments later fairy pred is swallowed by bella, dayum okay preds eat other preds. REALLY hard to pull off but that's awesome. Probably woulda made that run 50% easier if i hadn't gotten cocky and tried to lure her into as many students as possible, she ate me after eating the other fairy pred and one student, rode along until i could cofirm the fairy got digested, student escaped but bella released 2 sets of bones, one definitely the fairy pred's. edit: no matter how hard I try I can't manage to replicate this with other preds, I'm assuming preds can only eat other preds if the prey has their belly empty and i got SUUUPER lucky when she regurgitated me in front of the other pred so no idea if I can possibly get the lamia to eat one of the other larger girls since they almost never regurg and its really unlikely it will happen in front of the lamia(I say one of the other larger girls but I've never had a match with two random pred where Ligeska has spawned with Bella, always seems to be Satie every time)
How do you unlock pred mode?
For bella you need to exit the school with the book in hand
for the rest... well i'm still figuring out, but it's only available in the full game the demo only has bella
Man, I am just having a time esxaping Bella and finding a way to unlock the exit. I really can't wait to beat this first map and unlock the other preds and and play as the pred too. That's the only way to unlock further stuff and play as the pred, right?
congratulations on release, been looking forward to this.
Shut ut and take my money, i give $10 now, next moneth i'll give another $10
I accidentally vomited a student directly into Satie as she was about to grab me, and she ate them.
That just felt wrong on so many levels lmao.
10/10. Though I do wish you could eat the other students sooner.
Er, uh, I mean, apples! I love 'em! Who doesn't love apples?! Can't get enough of those APPLES...
Do you need to win against all 4 preds to get the ability to eat students? Or do you unlock the ability to play as the pred?
You can play as Bella. Though when the students aren't the main pred, most of them are a fair bit shorter than usual.
Currently you can only eat somebody when your belly is almost empty - with the hunger meter at about 16% left.
Strangely, Tulpy seems to require a slightly lower % (e.g. waiting longer without food) than the other students, which is amusing to me. I suppose she is just uh... calorically-dense.
How do you unlock the ability to play as Bella? Do you need to beat her level with the book?
Do you unlock Tulpy as a playable character by beating her on nightmare?
Damn man! Really good job with this!
Pixie Pred: her being so small is such a pain! She's so hard to spot! I swear she devoured me so many times around corners! (Especially when you turn your sound off!)
Satie: I didn't get to see too much of her, but I'm assuming she's just Bella+? kinda beat her on the first try.
Lamia Pred: Really cool to have this slow moving tank around the map! Fed her 3 students and that barely kept her from chasing me still! Going to try to beat her tomorrow.
Will it be free someday?
what does "student predators" do?
Is Android support still planned?
$4? Fuck you, shut up and take my $25!
YEAH! Hit em with Cash