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I absolutely love this game. I love tricking her until her belly has eaten three people and then watching her digest them while trying to keep my distance. The risk of her trying to eat me is amazing


Is there a way to unlock student select?


Student select doesn't do anything right now. Might be added in the next update


Here's a idea. How about that insted of holding F you have to type in a set of keys or maybe it displays a arrow key before moving to the next one that fills up a escape bar or whatever that has to get filled up before getting spat out

(1 edit)

That would make it so you could be free when caught guaranteed and lessen the importance of being stealthy to win, which is not what I am aiming for in this game.

(1 edit) (+1)

Fair enough but still I think there is too much RNG in whether you escape or not. Feels bad when you have the Exit key, wasn't eaten once and then get grabed and your run is over becouse RNG said "Nope"


When you get caught, it is supposed to be game over. The RNG in this case is in your favor for a second chance. If your escape depends on constant additional chances then what I would need to do is make it so it is harder for the pred to catch the player.


will you ever be considered adding cheats or modifiers to the game like invincibility, invisibility, fast digestion etc.  

I have no plans in adding that.

When Bella swallows you, are you supposed to mash F or click it when the prompt comes up?


Hold F

Thanks man!

(1 edit)

Good game so far but I'm confused as to what the apples and paperse do. I would apreciate it if someone could explain.


Paper balls useless, Apples save you from being eaten.

there is a red, green and crazy apple. What do they do? Are there any more apple types?


Those are the only 3 types the color determines the grade and rarity

Red is the most common it saves you from being eaten by Bella and fill her stomach a bit the more stuff she has in her stomach the longer it take for her to digest.

Green is just a better version of the red apple

If bella eats a crazy apple it will make her start vibrating and starts she will burp out stuff in her stomach it could be useful if she swallowed a key you needed.

Thanks man


Is there weight gain? Or the pred getting stronger?


There is weight gain, just bait the pred into eating several npcs.

how tho, it's impossible for her to eat them

You have to hide really close behind one of the NPCs when she chases you. It can be tricky at first

(1 edit) (+2)

when is the next update?


I do not know.

So, after playing this game and actually escaping (w/o sound on) I actually have to say this is what I'm looking for in concept for a stealth survival game (w/ vore).

This might be difficult to implement but it might help the player if you could somehow hide under the teacher's desk or a closet so if chases end up in the classroom and our friend Bella strolls in, there's a chance to escape (would also totally wouldn't complain if there's a chance Bella would start checking these spots if you abuse these methods).

Question how does the AI of the pred know when to eat the ai bots? I try to lure her into eating someone else but it seems just a bit tricky of when it will hunt others.

Otherwise fantastic game and survival love it. Would love more belching

You have to hide behind the student then when she chases you, she'll eat the student instead of you

really? I have been unlucky and always been grabbed. SO i guess try to guide her and hide behind an AI student. Thanks for the tip.

(1 edit) (+2)

It is pretty hard to do, but i might be doing it wrong, I haven't been very successful when I try it


I would not say hide behind them. Do not crouch behind them. You make sure they are directly in front of you when the pred gets close. 

I just had the best run of my life I didn't get eaten by bella once I fed her the Crazy apple and escaped with the book

that aside I do have a question since you planning on adding more preds I've been wondering are you only allowed to go against on pred at a time or will it be possible to go against multiple?

After beating pred4 you will unlock a mode called 2 Random which puts you against two random preds

Nice sounds like a challenge I like the fact its random that sounds like it could come with surprises 

can the preds interact with each other in anyway?

no they can not.

Do you need to beat the game with the book?


The book doesn't do anything at the moment 

You just need to go out the exit with the book 

you can't exit without the book?

You can but in a future update, when you exit with the book, it will count as a bonus completion.

(4 edits) (+3)

A few small gameplay ideas I had:

- Perhaps there should be a special item held by other preys that you can only acquire if you get them digested and the pred burps it up.

- The key in your inventory UI should also be coloured purple or white .

- The mic in the auditorium could be swallowed by pred and it makes their stomach sounds louder and easier to detect.

- A librarian pred that will eat you only if you make any noise but is otherwise passive.

- A teacher pred that will eat you if you are running in the halls

- A mid-tier pred that can eat you but also would be eaten by Bella. It is extra dangerous to get swallowed by this pred and end up two stomachs deep.

- An item stuck in a pred's belly that you must get swallowed in order to retrieve.

- Places that are only accessible by being swallowed, a pred might carry you back to her dorm and fall asleep to digest for example, then (if you escape) you can take a special item from there.  Or a teacher that brings you back to the teachers lounge.

- Items that make a dangerous amount of noise if you carry them.

- Cameras that you can use in security room. A dangerous Principle pred who can use the cameras to find you if you make her angry somehow.

Overall this game is an amazing start. The vore is hot but the game is fun on its own. Vore is an excellent mechanic for a stealth game like this.

These are pretty interesting ideas I think, I doubt any would actually be added considering what the creator has said before but I really like the librarian and teacher pred concepts, though im curious on if you mean as main antagonists (like the current pred) or as extra npcs alongside the main pred

either way really cool ideas dude

yeah I agree I like the teacher pred concept especially is number 1 on the List. second being librarian, 3rd being Nurse or Truant officer, 4th being gym teacher or principal, and 5th being Janitor/Student

Giving other students items is something I might add.

The mic being an item I might consider.

actually really looking forward to this being a game actually started and didn't stop for like 6 hours

(1 edit)

Glad you liked it. Did you escape?

I did manage to escape maybe 3 times. I will say this tho I don't know if it was me just being blind but on one playthrough the keys lead to a deadend I had used every key I could use (that were in unlocked rooms) and half the rooms I could not unlock because the last room I unlocked with a key had no keys in it. so the rest of the time I used trying to retrace and look around the map but could not find any keys

(1 edit) (+1)

That sounds like it can be frustrating to me. I will make it so the closest key that you can get is seen through walls if you do not find a key within a certain amount of time.

(1 edit)

would it be possible to implement a setting/slider for how fast she digests? Not only would it give players an optional difficulty setting but it would also make it easier to see any weight gain throughout a run, and while this is probably a big ask, what about different clothing options for each pred?


I do not plan to make a custom difficulty for each pred. 

different clothing is something I want to add but I do not know if I will have the time to add it.

Will bella be the weakest among the other preds you plan to add?

I want her to be but players might find ways to deal with the other preds.

are there any cheats i could use?


Bella's Year Book Photo ( Fanmade)


this is amazing art! I hope the creator sees this!

Deleted 254 days ago
Deleted 244 days ago

Damn this looks amazing, do you post stuff anywhere else?


i have my Twitter on the top right of the drawing (i'm mainly a gas artist but i love VORE so much too X3)

have you considered making a forum post on the weight gaming or Eka's portal game section to link here, if you want more people who are definitely into vore to find it that is.

No since the game is mainly stealth/survival. Vore is just in it. Also, I do not like posting on forums

would you be open to someone else doing it for you? like just a post with a link to your game page, so you'd get the credit & publicity ofc :0 I feel like it'd be a big hit at eka's.

I would not mind but I would prefer it to happen once the game is complete.


decided to support this game after giving it a try. top notch work so far, can't wait to see where this goes!

Yo, it's me again. The update is really good and increased amount of students(preys) is just wonderful. I also didn't know that there was BE and AE in the first place. I guess with only 3 preys (2 studs and you) it was barely noticeable. After the update I noticed in one of the runs that Bella was different. And I also learned in one of the comments that there always was expansion content. So I was feeding her everything I could and tried to see the difference. After she digested like 3-4 students her ass was BIG. And because her honkers already insanely massive, BE was barely noticeable. But if you keep in mind that green tie that she wears, you will notice that it won't be visible after she digested almost everyone (perhaps a bunch of apples too). Her badonkers just grew so much that  the tie is not visible. I also saw a funny thing. After the 4th bell rang, she came after me first and then proceeded to devour every other student. When she was running on the stairs (I hope I said that correctly since English is not my first language), her tits kinda... sticked to her body? Like, they weren't going all over the place as I believe they would've if a person with such milkers will try to run down the stairs without bra irl. I even once saw animation exactly about it. Don't remember the artist tho. I also started seeing crazy apple more frequently which is nice. I tried to make her eat it after she swallowed a student beforehand, but when I hid behind one she just moved around the stud and ate the apple and, I believe, a key too. Perhaps you should do something about her going around the stud and voring you or items? That's if I'm not the only one with such idea ofc. 

Maybe you should increase her capacity to 3 people and 1 apple? I feel like just 3 people is rather humble. And I would also try to make her eat 2 preys and a crazy apple to see her shake. I think that would be funny. Or you could make that she will come at you to eat your items even if she already has 2 preys inside. Gonna use that remaining storage space somehow. 

As other people mentioned, I think you should decrease the camera shaking when running. You see, we people have neck for a reason. It stabilizes our vision when moving or running. This way the things we see doesn't go up and down when we walk, and when running, our head doesn't shake violently. So perhaps you could look into it? 

Personally for me, I think that the idea of not being able to pick items when in chase is kinda stupid. Since the chase goes infinite(or not exactly) until something or someone is swallowed, it would only be reasonable that you would try to grab, say, an apple during chase to give yourself a chance to not be eaten. Yes, you can hide behind a student, but as I mentioned earlier she doesn't always eat the student, but rather run around them and eat you. And a student might not be not too far away from you to try and save yourself. 

Also, I noticed that she loses sight of you when you hid behind a stud and she ran around them and you too. I mean that you're moving around the student like Bella does to stay out of her sight. She loses sight of you and goes back into a searching state. If stud stays still, you will be able to go away from her in a direction opposite of the one that she went to. But if that little mothersucker decides to move, you're guaranteed (or I believe so) to get captured. 

Also, what is that student select in the settings? Is that a WIP? 

In one of your replies you mentioned that you don't plan to further increase the number of studs as that would make the game too easy. I understand your opinion on this subject but still kinda sadge. Perhaps you could do "difficulty modes"? Like in easy mode there will be more students than now currently and some other things to make the game easier. Normal mode is basically how it is now. And hard mode is less preys, less apples and maybe Bella is 5% or so faster? Just an idea tho. 

About apples, in my humble opinion minimum amount of apples that can spawn being 2 is too low. Like, imagine exploring the whole map, running around the school opening classrooms to only find 2 apples. Maybe increase it to 4? Or 3? While usually I have around 4-6 apples in my runs, I  had a run once where I believe there was only 2 or 3 apples. And I tried to feed her every apple and student in that run. Yeah, that was not poggers. 

Also, I noticed that studs and Bella started going into places they weren't going before. Like classrooms, janitors closet, electricity room. Pretty neat. Also makes no place completely Bella-proof. I believe earlier she was only going into bathrooms and auditorium, maybe storage too. 

Also I like Bella's current speed. While she's fast when empty (or even more when hungry) I was lucky enough to meet a student and hide behind them. And when I wasn't, I always have apples and keys with me. And man she's so slow when she has 2 preys inside. Sometimes when I tried to make her eat 3 studs, the 3rd stud was going away and Bella just couldn't keep up with me to keep me in her sight. Especially when one of the preys was making an attempt to escape. Then she would often just end the chase and walk away. I had to get her attention then and that was risky, because she doesn't always react to the sound of a key dropping and I could be very close to her after dropping the key and she would the start the chase and almost immediately devour me. 

Also, sometimes she tends to swallow you or your items through walls especially in a staircase and bathrooms. I believe the bathroom stalls are non-existent as she just grabs you through one and you didn't even see her. And there's spots on stairs where she can grab you through walls. I'll try to make a screenshot of these spots. 

Oh and also in one of the runs, when I was baiting her, she saw me and started the chase, but then ran up the stairs and swallowed someone. And the thing is, the chase stopped but I couldn't pick up any items. And when she started chasing me again, she swallowed my items and I still couldn't pick anything up. Here's the screenshots of that. It looks like I was still in "chased" state when I wasn't actually. 

Damn I wrote a whole essay. Sorry if I was yapping. 


I looked into the picking up item bug. I cant tell if I already fixed it or if it is some hidden bug that I cant find. Next update will make it so you can pick up items when in chase but I do not know if the bug will be fixed.

I am looking for a solution to the camera shake but it might be possible that I can not get rid of it. 

Student select is the player getting to choose who they play as. Not available yet.

The preds and the students were always able to go anywhere in the school. The recently update made the students go anywhere more frequently.

Yeah the preds do not always react to a sound if they previously did. I might make adjustments to this

Btw you changed your pfp? I believe it was Bella or someone and now it's a random student


You've done really good on this, can't wait to see where it goes!

What does escaping with the book do ? i did it and nothing happened


noting atm, but it will do something in later updates

The book ... OF POTENTIAL PLOT!!! XD good luck . i love this game so far!


When's the new update coming out

I do not know how long it will take.

(14 edits)

Good game! Question, will it be free? I'm excited for the updates to come, it would be nice to see updated animations, and AI, The screen shake removed or turned down, maps could go up in difficulty the bigger the map is, and perhaps multiple preds. More preds, more preys,  different camera options when eaten, Some kind of survival arcade mode, smth that has replayability cuz it could get boring over time. "You will be able to play as a pred just not the main pred." I'd love to see something like this, kinda like- you eat prey while watching out for the bigger pred. Maybe a lil more expansion when digesting :) w game either way. 

(1 edit)

Only the demo version will be free. 

I might not be able to remove the screen shake.

A new map may come way later.

Different angles when the player gets eaten will be added. 

You will be able to play as Pred1 and Pred3. Pred1 is this one in this demo.

(2 edits)

How much will the full game cost?

I do not know yet.

Love it! Would love to see what else you could bring with more updates, maybe have the Pred eat the other preys more often. I only have to say that the head bobbing is a bit nauseating, so it would be lovely if that could be reduced, a mechanic such as hiding in lockers would be very neat and helpful, more foods around would be helpful, and it would be nice if our perspective wasn't locked to directly facing forward once we are eaten. I am very excited once again to see the development of this or any other projects you make!


I will see if I can do something about the head moving around when running.

The food count is 2-8. I can see if the minimum amount should be increased or the max should be decreased.

I will also see if I can make the camera move to different angles when the player is trapped.


hey! tried this game today, you did a fantastic job,it can actually be scary sometimes which is gud! After i beat the game,i decided to do another round and after she killed me ,the game glitched and kept spectating her,so i think it would be cool if you added an option at the end to spectate her till she eats everyone

(1 edit) (+3)

Next update will change how the game ends when you lose.

Is there any tips on how to find the book and to evade the pred having a hard time trying to escape

No need to find the book currently. The next update with have save data and will save if you escape. All the tips I can think of are in the pause menu - Survival Tips.

(2 edits)

It would be cool if the player could shrink (to the size of an apple, for example) and the giantess could easily catch him.

how are you just watching?

(1 edit)

Can anyone tell me what the Crazy apple does? I am clueless as every time I have had it I can't tell what it does.


When the predator eats it, she gets locked out of eating anything for a long time (at least a minute). You can tell if she is still under its' effects because her body will be twitching and shaking during this time.

Bug: Sometimes after being chased you are permanently locked out of picking up and using items. I believe it happens when the predator is hungry and goes after a different student while in the middle of chasing you.

(1 edit)

hmmmm did you hit the 4th bell? she shouldn't be after other students for any other reason, other than a breif period when she gets a lil too hungry, 4th bell is game over time you can't pick up anything while she's running, also once the 4th bell goes off she will remain in that state until her belly is full(yes it does mean she will gobble up as many students as she can fit too even when you are already inside)

I'm sure it wasn't after the fourth bell. She ate the other kid, digested completely and was patrolling as normal with a completely flat belly. I also could not drop items at all from my inventory, because that normally gets locked out while being chased to prevent you from just dropping keys before they're eaten.

Thanks. I will look into it.

Deleted 259 days ago

Out of all the vore games I've played, this one easily has potential to be the best. And it's still in its alpha stages. Having a voice actor for the pred to tease you while being digested would be my add-on suggestion.


I do want the preds to talk when searching for the player.


I have a Voice actress, if you want i can ask her to record some lines of your liking^^



I will consider it once the game is finished but not right now since finding four different voices for each pred will be too much to do right now.


4 voices?? dang, well i'll see if my Voice actress can do 2 Different voices tho when u need them, Also how would u like a Hand drawn PFP? ^^

At this point, I feel like I am always turning down things and I am sorry about that. I do not want a custom profile picture.


Here I am enjoying the game when I finish playing it I come back and reread some comments and find out there are hybrid-monster girl preds being planned, I am wondering what kinds of monstergirl hybrids there will be, but a student sized pred that can be eaten by a bigger one sounds like a fantastic idea, no joke.

Pixie and Lamia are the monster girl preds.

(1 edit) (+2)

Really love the game. Threw a tip your way.

Some minor suggestions. A game over where you could watch the belly slowly shrink and the pred waddle post-digestion, would be cool, rather than the game just suddenly ending. Also, it would be cool to adjust the length of digestion time as an option, with the struggle success rate adjusted accordingly of course.

Sloshing sounds when the prey is walking by with a big full gut and maybe muffled cries from the prey

Thank you for the tip.

There will be changes to the way the game ends when the player loses. Adjustment to the pred settings is very unlikely to be added.

I will try to add prey muffled sounds but I do not want to add too much internal pred sounds.

my only bone to pick with this game is the fact that if you get eaten, your only hope is to pray to the rng gods to get out, even with 3 people inside of her you can just eat shit and never get out, otherwise i love this game and see great potential in it


I'd love to see some kind of arcade style endless mode, by either seeing how long you can survive a progressively more aggressive pred, or starting over with a harder pred every time you escape, that way you can play your best and still lose eventually.

(1 edit)

Nightmare mode if added and an end game mode will increase the difficulty but an endless mode can not be added.

Deleted 139 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

if she spots you run up to one of the others, make sure they are blocking all line of sight you have to her(position them to bodyblock between you and Bella) she has a little grace period after each time she swallows something before she will begin to hunt you again, when her belly has 2 others students she will be unable to fit you if you have any items on you, slightly risky since you'll need to drop any apples to get her to 3(of course at this point she's slow enough to outrun and she wouldn't catch you unless you stop for some reason like you will be doing if you're sacrificing other students to her) if her stomach contains 2 students and any apples, you wouldn't fit in there either so she waddles not trying to hunt you as if she were basically full until something is spat out or until she digests it all.

Deleted 139 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Just a fun little idea I had for a potential (harder) mode: Shrunk Mode.

Player is half the height of the normal model, moves slower, and can only carry one item at a time, but has greatly increased "stealth", meaning that Bella has to be a lot closer than normal to see you, and she'll prioritize eating your similarly smaller classmates she sees from the get go, but also has a greatly reduced hunger cooldown because you're all just apples to her and it would be easier than usual to stuff you all down her gullet.

Now some problems with implementing this aside from the fact you're doing this for free and have no obligation to add anything you don't want to is that since the player can't really look up or down, some item placements might be extremely hard to see/impossible for the tiny player model to pick up. And as I don't know how much time it takes for the fourth bell to ring, fine tuning the reduced walking speed so it's still possible to escape in time might take a bit of troubleshooting. 


This is a cute idea. I like this.

(1 edit)

Something similar to that can be added with all the students being Pred2 - a pixie. I will keep this in mind.

where's Discord Group? coz this needs one for sure

I do not plan to make a discord group.

aaa gotcha gotcha, either way, i sent u a Email ^^

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