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(1 edit) (+3)

For how simple the premise is, you've got something that's going to keep people coming back to play it.

Please keep it going, it's really good!

Edit: If you want any suggestions or ideas for UI things I'm happy to help as well.

I hope sometime in the future we get to play as the pred, or at the very least maybe a difficulty slider to make escaping easier/harder depending on what the player wants. Besides that, the game is really fun and I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the future with this game, it's really fun!

You wont get to play as the pred but as a smaller form of them and become both a pred and prey.

Difficult is going to depend on pred select with some being harder. The one currently is supposed to be the easiest but if I see that she is too difficult, i will work on ways to make it easier.

Another quick question, do you plan on adding more maps? And if yes, will each pred have their own unique map, or will any pred be able to spawn in any map? Either way I look forward to seeing what you do next, this game is really fun!

Maybe one day I will because I do want to add a cabins in the woods type of map. This will not  be added anytime soon though or possible not at all, since making the map was the hardest thing to do for me. Maps will not be pred specific. Any pred will be able to be in each map.

when you plan to do the first update?

I have no idea. Some things take longer than I planned. There's still a good amount of things that I am trying to add.

(2 edits)

what happens when i escape with the book? (i did it)

Unfortunately nothing as of yet.

GhostWhisperer971, this is a really cool start to the game! I'm unable to beat it in it's current stage. Also, it seems the preds grab you a little early before they're actually on top of you. It'd be nice for some sort of saving grace like having a struggle bar.  Maybe use the directional arrows to try to quickly type in a sequence correctly to escape and stun them? Or maybe something that can be thrown to stop them.

Also, do you plan on putting the prey in the vore animations down the road? That would be really nice to see. 

ANYWAYS, really cool progress so far!!

(1 edit)

I might be able to reduce the grab range. As for when you are caught, escaping is meant to be unlikely. I am adjusting how certain items affect preds like the green apple but I do not want to make an item that guarantees an escape if your caught; only increase the chance.

As for the animation, I have tried and failed. I also did not like the result, but I really do want to add a better animation of the prey being caught.


its an interesting game but a bit bare bones as of now
i think some more options like mouse sensitivity would be nice
the items only making your chance to be digested a bit lower is not as interesting as they could be
a proper title screen and game over screen would also help and maybe a screen that more clearly tells the main objective
some more sounds then just the idle walking of the students and the predator could also help make the game feel more interesting

yes i agree the text screens were made so there was atleast some type of navigation for options, settings etc. I will think about how to improve it but as of now the focus is making the gameplay better.

As for sounds I do want to add more for the models used but there are no plans for ambient sounds.


Awesome game! It took a few tries, but after seeing your hints on the start menu, I tried to lure her to eat the other 2 students. After that she slowed down to a crawl. 

Nice detail that she burps up apple cores and bones after eating students. The game seems a bit lucked based thought, even if you struggle you still might end up getting digested. If you hide in a room and she walks in instead of passing by, you are most of the time toasted. Would be nice if we could get a list of what all the items does. On the other hand, the struggle animations were nice along with face and bone imprints.


How could you doom those other students!

Her walking in a room that you are in does seem like it could be a problem in the game because there is not really anything you could do. I'll keep this in mind

what happen when i hear the bell three times?

Your location will be known and preds will chase you from anywhere.

What do the Apples, Crumpled paper do? I don't really know what to do with them

They just increase your chance in being vomited if eaten. 


ok! lovely game by the way


Would be cool if you could see the digestion happen instead of cutting to the "You are dead" screen immediately, other than that I think the game is pretty good!


noted this suggestion. Might add it in a future update.

I've only seen the pred eat one other student, otherwise, even if the student is in the direct path, they will ignore, and ignore them after getting eaten. 

Kind of wish there was a buffet mode to see how big they get 

yeah other students are only targeted when the pred is hungry.

I can't make a buffet mode but I can add more students. That way you will find them more often when being chased and can run behind them so they get eaten instead. You will know when the pred is at their limit when they do not chase you when you are seen.

cool!! Also, cursor lock for a window would be gr8

Do you have socials or something? Would love to comm you or something :D

I just tested the cursor in window mode and i will fix that issue in the next update! No socials for now atleast.

Quite confused on how you can get away from the predator enough for yourself to not get eaten

(1 edit)

if you are far enough away, you break line of sight by turning any corner and walk away. Do not run away after you break line of sight. The chase will continue as long as they can see or hear you.

Nice game. Only thing that would be cool if she swallowed another student instead of you if you managed to get past someone. Also, do you plan to add a pred mod?

You can run behind another student or sometimes even next to them and they will be taken instead.

I have no mod plans but I do have pred-prey models that are not in the game yet.

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