I think Ghost has said that this is the release and probably does not want to add more stuff, and is probably just going to focus on tweaks until satisfied.
However, someone may find inspiration from your idea, whether it be the originally intended recipient or someone else.
A pred that stalks through the halls, always in pursuit, making the player feel like they are being fallowed no matter where they hide,
So here are the stats.
Speed when not in chase: slow, Speed when in chase: High Chasing skill: high,
Noise when not in chase: quiet, Noise when in chase: loud Height: slightly taller than the student model.
Gimmick: The pred is constantly aware of the player location at all times and will start heading towards the player; once pred has spotted the player, they will make an audio cue and stand still. If the player were to stare at the pred for 2-3 seconds, the predator would retreat to a random area, then start fallowing the player again after 5 seconds. If the player does not look at the pred within 5–6 seconds of being spotted, the pred will give chase at an alarming speed.
And of course, if you wish, change anything you like. After all, this is just a concept.
Apologies, I forgot that potentially adding new preds is literally right there in the might add section. Your mechanic idea sounds like it would be the easiest pred in the game, even with two random ones. I think the complete opposite would make for a more challenging experience. A large, slow, lumbering pred that just wanders, but will chase you, quickly, if looked at. Sort of like the enderman I guess.
In two pred mode it would be rather difficult, cutting off areas of the map while you actively try to avoid the other.
These might be too much of a deviation from the stealth focus though.
pls add shoulder third person camera bro also sandbox mode is kinda nice and make pred student can eat as much as they capacity and also BIGGER BELLY (i brought this game cuz just want to play as pred)
Yes download it again. Delete your old folder that has the same name as the zip folder and extract the zip folder. Save data is in a different folder named GhostWhisperer971
I like the change of the game, i personally think pred shouldn't be nerfs anymore. Challenge is important for me. I hope the weight gain will be added for the others' pred. Great and fun game so far.
Otherwise, the first game version model of Bella was better.
I'm sorry but I can't stand the void under the skirt design. No void was here in the first game version, and he was completely fine. Even if the under model isn't perfect, it's waaaay better than a dumb void that makes the butt look even weirder. And because of that, I think the model of Satie is wasted.
I also prefer the original Bella. Perhaps if ghost adds the outfit option, there could be an option to switch between the two based on preference, that way everyone is happy and no model goes unused.
while apples are fantastic in all their forms against Bella even crazy apples don't seem to have their old effect on the full release preds like Satie and Ligeska, from what I recall crazy apples while rare were suppose to guarantee regurgiation but I've gotten eaten from Satie and Ligeska with one and they just finish the job most of the time, they vibrate sometimes and so you do you as a student pred and you eat the crazy apple(I am clueless what a crazy apple would or should be doing for a student pred) but right now I have no idea if they're working properly against Tulpy, Satie and Ligeska.
maybe not exactly a bug I also learned the hard way that the larger preds refuse to eat each other in two random pred mode, tulpy is the only one that I can get them to eat, the buggy part is that all the others eat me without actually touching me while predator between us is reeling from having just regurgitated me the player, I even got Ligeska to spit me out in front of Bella which is suuper rare but even though there's no way bella could touch me with the massive snake in the way it seems to ignore the distance between us.
Really? okay I clearly need to do more testing, Why is Ligeska unable to eat Bella since she should have in theory enough stomach capacity to fit at least 7 students? is ligeska's detection of the player take priority over other preds or somethin, she's refuses to eat any other predators in all my testing in two random pred mode besides tulpy. (I just saw ligeska slither AROUND Bella to get to me after i got regurgitated so I'm assuming you've coded her to reject Bella at least, more testing i got a green apple and satie spat me out in full view of ligeska, while satie has her hands on her knees I crouch behind her to make sure ligeska can't touch me without touching Satie, she gupled me through a reeling Satie, ANOTHER TIME SHE PHYSICALLY PUSHED SATIE'S MODEL OUT OF THE WAY THEN GULPED ME. Ligeska's hit detection is so weird)
fuck yes I finally got a purple apple to spawn and satie regurged me near enough to bella, satie do be edible as an apex pred by bella at least. edit: reaaal shame satie must've regurged the crazy apple into bella cause she started making those weird movement shortly after I made this messsage and spat out satie :/ (without the purple apple not getting the results tho....yeah got satie to regurgitate me in front of bella once again, she just goes around her to eat me while satie is recovering from regurging me, idk if this has some kind of effect on satie's collision but yeah her hands on her knees animation seems to not let her be eaten during it maybe?)
Ah so it is coded to make it unlikely by design, I can definitely understand not wanting to have the player easily do it, other preds in two pred mode is hella risky to start with and not really a win since there's still gonna be one pred, she's just gonna be a fatter pred. I guess this is just an edge case considering two random preds is not the standard game so you've designed it with a player pred in mind? I appreciate the info I'm guessing the 25% chance only to eat and only while not stunned/chasing is something you have in advance for when you make larger preds playable? None of the current playable student pred have the stomach capacity to fit more than tulpy so it didn't occur to me that you'd go out of your way to add extra checks to prevent larger preds from being eaten.
new update lets goooo, you didn't need to add more students to two random pred mode and you didn't mention it anywhere but I appreciate the opportunity to bait bella into eating tulpy then see how much weight predator bella gains eating all the other students
A thing I noticed is that on nightmare mode the pred will hear you or whatever you dropped on the ground, but can't recognize what floor the noise happened on. I pick up and drop a key in the second floor bathroom and Tulpy, the fairy and/or pixie pred, is in the storage room on the first floor, which is directly below said bathroom. Speaking of Tulpy, whenever she stands still or turns her wing flapping sounds cuts out and a stepping sound happens repeatedly.
Anyone have any tips on beating Satie on Nightmare difficulty? Her speed and hunger combined with the fact that there are only 2 other students makes it a really hard challenge.
1. Reset until you have Ligeska as a student pred with you (assuming you beat Ligeska's regular map already). When Ligeska is swallowed by Satie, Satie is unable to swallow anyone else, letting you do what you want for a short time. Keep in mind you have to be aware of if Ligeska is either spit out (a distinct audio cue) or instead digested.
As a result, if you explore where Ligeska is going, you'll be safe, as long as you make sure Satie sees her first.
2. Utilize key dropping. Find a room you can hide in (classroom, bathroom, etc.), stand outside it and drop a key.
If Satie doesn't come running, you know she isn't around and you're generally safe. You can run around, explore, and open doors.
If she DOES come running, go hide in the room. She'll run up to the source of the noise (the key), then be on her way. This lets you keep track of her location to proceed accordingly.
I managed to do it, almost didn't make it at one point. I had the exit key, but got caught on the middle floor as I was making my way to the exit, I got lucky and got out, and waited for the key so I could finally beat that nightmare. She ended up bringing it down to the kitchen floor in the cafeteria, and after a bit of time passed and I got the exit key again, I went back up to the middle floor. I saw Satie chasing another student that somehow made it that far, so I was able to gun it for the exit. I never want to do that again. At least for today.
I haven't tried it yet, but I assume her slower speed will make her easier to run away from, but her silent movement could be troublesome if you round the wrong corner and into her sigh
I've tried her nightmare few times now. Ligeska has a slower 'neutral' speed, but like all predators, she can outrun you on an empty stomach. You can use the other 2 students as bait, but she'll STILL chase you, and she'll digest her prey quickly.
Her being silent and excellent at hunting prey makes it difficult, it's been harder than Satie's nightmare for me
idk what your code looks like and it may never have been setup to enable this kind of concept, have you ever player driver: san francisco? one of the main features in that game is that you can basically possess any other driver on the road in that game effectively letting you continue a pursuit of a moving objective even if you fuck up/crash too hard to recover the chase, so anyway with that concept across it got me to thinking if I made a vore game anything like this one I'd make a mode that let you continue on after you get digested, instead of ending the round, you instead take control of a different student(like you're a spirit taking possesion of a different persons body) and you can keep doing this until there are no prey left to take control of. I get the reasons you wouldn't do it, as it wouldn't make sense that preds are ignoring any student to begin with but still a concept I'd want you to rattle around in your own head perhaps for a future project if nothing else.
Just a suggestion but as sombody who has Autism, i find it hard to differentiate the footsteps of the pred and the students. Please could you try and make them sound different as i cant tell if its a student or a pred walking past.
I am experimenting with changing the sound of footsteps for pred and students but it is hard to find footsteps that sound like they are stepping on the same floor type while sounding different from each other. This will be even more problematic if I add a different map and the floor type is different like grass.
The pitch is already slightly different. If I change the pitch anymore and it will sound like the preds are wearing boots and it just did not sound right. Also at a distance, the footsteps sound the same. I am just not confident that the change will be good overall.
Can the sandbox be made in the future or a continuation after eating the main pred?
I ask this because it would be a good idea to have to control a pred student and that you have to eat everyone before they escape or that you play a pred student and that when the hunger reaches 0% you are able to eat the main pred, digest it and you will be the one who must eat the remaining students.
Ghost is partly right about the sandbox because the sandbox is a lot of work, but what I'm saying is that the game, having a pred student that you manage, should be able to eat any student (be it a normal one or the main pred) if You have 0% hunger and after digesting them you can eat all the remaining students in order to win and/or investigate the rooms for X amount of time (it would be very little time, around 2 minutes 30 seconds or 3 minutes) to being able to find the book or escape without worrying about being eaten.
Hey I see in the might add section you have Male Predators listed there, can you make sure it is entirely optional as a toggle or something if you do? I am really liking this game so far and I'm excited to see what else you're making, but I'm really not into that part and do not want to see that. If it's completely avoidable and optional, or set to a toggle to replace some of the other predators in the game that's fine, I just really don't want to see that or have to play with those in order to get cool ulockables for the Females or new content for the game such as new maps, that would really suck.
When starting the map, you're unable to move at all (can still look around, kneel, and walk/ run in place). Footsteps don't make a sound when this happens.
It seems to occur with only certain spawn points.
As a reference, I'm playing the latest update (Nerfs).
can confirm this bug is repeatable for me, (atm I'm trying to see if student preds can eat the player if i just hang out in front of them while their tummies are making the rumblies, yes to all for playing student, no to all playing bella, so testing satie is ANNOYING when this bug happens so much, i've also notice in addition to the stuff above there's no stomach% when this bug occurs, no numbers there at all )
EDIT: student pred ligeska CAN eat Satie. Tried it again after Ghost provided numbers =)
I've tested trying to get pred students to eat me too, only seems to happen if you're the student. I've even tried as Satie (the next biggest after a student) with Ligeska (highest stomach capacity).
not a requirement i've definitely seen student ligeska eat student satie while i hadn't unlocked satie I think this was while I was a student wondering if they would eat me only for ligeska to snarf up the gyaru, if no standard students and apples are available other smaller preds are on the menu....but now the numbers are available...a student bella in theory can eat ligeska but ironically ligeska can't eat bella
yeah why not, other people could use the reference and maybe I'm wrong about student bella. Really the bug isn't occuring on your end? hmmm hard to tell you what's happening without debug, only seems to be at the start of matches...but idk if this will help but I got digested by student Ligeska playing as Satie and my next round said you are dead at the very start of the round as satie so maybe something isn't being cleared from the previous round.
It happens maybe 60% of the time, and it seems heavily dependent on your spawn point. It's also possible to spawn halfway into another student's spawn point.
Like it was mentioned before, if you just died as satie and start a new game, it will still show (you died) on the screen. It goes away maybe after 4 to 5 restarts.
I got the game not to long ago, and I really enjoy it, it's super fun! Also, the lamia scared me half to death, I rounded a corner to go to the cafe, and she was just in my face, I shook my mouse so bloody hard.
Also, a tiny idea, for the lamia, when she eats you or another student, when not digesting, she could hold you in her human half's stomach, and when digestion starts, she could move you down to the snake half. It's just a simple idea, but I thought it would be fun.
Anyways, I look forward to any future updates, and just wanted to say again that this game is really fun! Hope you and whoever else reads this has a good day! :)
is it actually possible to escape from Ligeska after getting caught? doesnt seem to matter what I'm carrying or how many others she has eaten I'm not able to escape.
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Can we have an update with everything unlocked?
I would like to see the rest of the content, but I struggle just beating the first level.
that would defeat the whole purpose of playing through it to unlock things tho?
Maybe Decide for yourself whether you want to unlock everything aybe you can ?
If you don't mind ghost, could I give you a concept for a predator i came up with?
Should I just post the concept?
I mean go ahead no ones stopping you
I think Ghost has said that this is the release and probably does not want to add more stuff, and is probably just going to focus on tweaks until satisfied.
However, someone may find inspiration from your idea, whether it be the originally intended recipient or someone else.
well here the Idea if anyone wants to use it.
A pred that stalks through the halls, always in pursuit, making the player feel like they are being fallowed no matter where they hide,
So here are the stats.
Speed when not in chase: slow,
Speed when in chase: High
Chasing skill: high,
Noise when not in chase: quiet,
Noise when in chase: loud
Height: slightly taller than the student model.
Gimmick: The pred is constantly aware of the player location at all times and will start heading towards the player; once pred has spotted the player, they will make an audio cue and stand still. If the player were to stare at the pred for 2-3 seconds, the predator would retreat to a random area, then start fallowing the player again after 5 seconds. If the player does not look at the pred within 5–6 seconds of being spotted, the pred will give chase at an alarming speed.
And of course, if you wish, change anything you like. After all, this is just a concept.
Apologies, I forgot that potentially adding new preds is literally right there in the might add section. Your mechanic idea sounds like it would be the easiest pred in the game, even with two random ones. I think the complete opposite would make for a more challenging experience. A large, slow, lumbering pred that just wanders, but will chase you, quickly, if looked at. Sort of like the enderman I guess.
In two pred mode it would be rather difficult, cutting off areas of the map while you actively try to avoid the other.
These might be too much of a deviation from the stealth focus though.
I was going to suggest a thing where the pred will teleport near the player if they are too far or after 30 seconds but didn't think it would work
Actually,I prefer to be a pred rather than a prey.Would you consider letting players play teachers?
and……another reason is that this game is too difficult for me:<
I know this requirement may be a bit troublesome, but an option of freely adjusting the difficulty should still be satisfied, right? Thank you.
All students are prey to the predator that is selected.
One Big Apple eaten -

My twitter: @SMBR33
I should definitely find you on twitter
I like how the camera follows around the pred until she spits up your bones, a very nice improvement over the purple screen game over in the demo.
The weight gain is also very nice.
Took a while be yeah Bella and Tulpy's Nighmare complete
pls add shoulder third person camera bro
also sandbox mode is kinda nice
and make pred student can eat as much as they capacity
and also BIGGER BELLY (i brought this game cuz just want to play as pred)
Is it an intentional function that once the player has been spotted that we are unable to drop the key we are currently holding?
Also, for clarity sake, when we are prompted to struggle inside a pred are we supposed to hold F or press it rapidly?
Hold F
Great update, will Tulpy be playable someday or a shrunk student?
Do you have to download the game again after this update, right?
I'm asking in case the data is going to be replaced.
i'd like to know this too
Yes download it again. Delete your old folder that has the same name as the zip folder and extract the zip folder. Save data is in a different folder named GhostWhisperer971
Or just download the Itch app
and you'll be able to update the game without needing to download it again
4 dolla well spent, its rare to see 3d vore games and you did a great job
I like the change of the game, i personally think pred shouldn't be nerfs anymore. Challenge is important for me. I hope the weight gain will be added for the others' pred. Great and fun game so far.
Otherwise, the first game version model of Bella was better.
I'm sorry but I can't stand the void under the skirt design. No void was here in the first game version, and he was completely fine. Even if the under model isn't perfect, it's waaaay better than a dumb void that makes the butt look even weirder. And because of that, I think the model of Satie is wasted.
this man yearns for the Gyaru Gyatt
Who doesnt?
I also prefer the original Bella. Perhaps if ghost adds the outfit option, there could be an option to switch between the two based on preference, that way everyone is happy and no model goes unused.
while apples are fantastic in all their forms against Bella even crazy apples don't seem to have their old effect on the full release preds like Satie and Ligeska, from what I recall crazy apples while rare were suppose to guarantee regurgiation but I've gotten eaten from Satie and Ligeska with one and they just finish the job most of the time, they vibrate sometimes and so you do you as a student pred and you eat the crazy apple(I am clueless what a crazy apple would or should be doing for a student pred) but right now I have no idea if they're working properly against Tulpy, Satie and Ligeska.
It is actually something I messed up on this update. Quite amazed that you caught that.
maybe not exactly a bug I also learned the hard way that the larger preds refuse to eat each other in two random pred mode, tulpy is the only one that I can get them to eat, the buggy part is that all the others eat me without actually touching me while predator between us is reeling from having just regurgitated me the player, I even got Ligeska to spit me out in front of Bella which is suuper rare but even though there's no way bella could touch me with the massive snake in the way it seems to ignore the distance between us.
Really? okay I clearly need to do more testing, Why is Ligeska unable to eat Bella since she should have in theory enough stomach capacity to fit at least 7 students? is ligeska's detection of the player take priority over other preds or somethin, she's refuses to eat any other predators in all my testing in two random pred mode besides tulpy. (I just saw ligeska slither AROUND Bella to get to me after i got regurgitated so I'm assuming you've coded her to reject Bella at least, more testing i got a green apple and satie spat me out in full view of ligeska, while satie has her hands on her knees I crouch behind her to make sure ligeska can't touch me without touching Satie, she gupled me through a reeling Satie, ANOTHER TIME SHE PHYSICALLY PUSHED SATIE'S MODEL OUT OF THE WAY THEN GULPED ME. Ligeska's hit detection is so weird)
fuck yes I finally got a purple apple to spawn and satie regurged me near enough to bella, satie do be edible as an apex pred by bella at least. edit: reaaal shame satie must've regurged the crazy apple into bella cause she started making those weird movement shortly after I made this messsage and spat out satie :/ (without the purple apple not getting the results tho....yeah got satie to regurgitate me in front of bella once again, she just goes around her to eat me while satie is recovering from regurging me, idk if this has some kind of effect on satie's collision but yeah her hands on her knees animation seems to not let her be eaten during it maybe?)
Ah so it is coded to make it unlikely by design, I can definitely understand not wanting to have the player easily do it, other preds in two pred mode is hella risky to start with and not really a win since there's still gonna be one pred, she's just gonna be a fatter pred. I guess this is just an edge case considering two random preds is not the standard game so you've designed it with a player pred in mind? I appreciate the info I'm guessing the 25% chance only to eat and only while not stunned/chasing is something you have in advance for when you make larger preds playable? None of the current playable student pred have the stomach capacity to fit more than tulpy so it didn't occur to me that you'd go out of your way to add extra checks to prevent larger preds from being eaten.
new update lets goooo, you didn't need to add more students to two random pred mode and you didn't mention it anywhere but I appreciate the opportunity to bait bella into eating tulpy then see how much weight predator bella gains eating all the other students
I like this change too! It makes the 2 random pred mode more fun
Now Nightmare mode is a lot more possible, my Respect to the two who beat Tulpy's and Satie's Nightmare modes before them nerfs
A thing I noticed is that on nightmare mode the pred will hear you or whatever you dropped on the ground, but can't recognize what floor the noise happened on. I pick up and drop a key in the second floor bathroom and Tulpy, the fairy and/or pixie pred, is in the storage room on the first floor, which is directly below said bathroom. Speaking of Tulpy, whenever she stands still or turns her wing flapping sounds cuts out and a stepping sound happens repeatedly.
I bought the full version, but can't figure out how to play as a pred?
For Bella, you must finish her level with the book, for Satie, beat her level on nightmare mode
Awesome, thanks!
Anyone have any tips on beating Satie on Nightmare difficulty? Her speed and hunger combined with the fact that there are only 2 other students makes it a really hard challenge.
There's 2 major things I did:
1. Reset until you have Ligeska as a student pred with you (assuming you beat Ligeska's regular map already). When Ligeska is swallowed by Satie, Satie is unable to swallow anyone else, letting you do what you want for a short time. Keep in mind you have to be aware of if Ligeska is either spit out (a distinct audio cue) or instead digested.
As a result, if you explore where Ligeska is going, you'll be safe, as long as you make sure Satie sees her first.
2. Utilize key dropping. Find a room you can hide in (classroom, bathroom, etc.), stand outside it and drop a key.
If Satie doesn't come running, you know she isn't around and you're generally safe. You can run around, explore, and open doors.
If she DOES come running, go hide in the room. She'll run up to the source of the noise (the key), then be on her way. This lets you keep track of her location to proceed accordingly.
Just stay patient. Hope this helps.
I managed to do it, almost didn't make it at one point. I had the exit key, but got caught on the middle floor as I was making my way to the exit, I got lucky and got out, and waited for the key so I could finally beat that nightmare. She ended up bringing it down to the kitchen floor in the cafeteria, and after a bit of time passed and I got the exit key again, I went back up to the middle floor. I saw Satie chasing another student that somehow made it that far, so I was able to gun it for the exit. I never want to do that again. At least for today.
Well done. Yeah, hardest nightmare map for me so far. I have a feeling Ligeska's will be even harder though
I haven't tried it yet, but I assume her slower speed will make her easier to run away from, but her silent movement could be troublesome if you round the wrong corner and into her sigh
I've tried her nightmare few times now. Ligeska has a slower 'neutral' speed, but like all predators, she can outrun you on an empty stomach. You can use the other 2 students as bait, but she'll STILL chase you, and she'll digest her prey quickly.
Her being silent and excellent at hunting prey makes it difficult, it's been harder than Satie's nightmare for me
idk what your code looks like and it may never have been setup to enable this kind of concept, have you ever player driver: san francisco? one of the main features in that game is that you can basically possess any other driver on the road in that game effectively letting you continue a pursuit of a moving objective even if you fuck up/crash too hard to recover the chase, so anyway with that concept across it got me to thinking if I made a vore game anything like this one I'd make a mode that let you continue on after you get digested, instead of ending the round, you instead take control of a different student(like you're a spirit taking possesion of a different persons body) and you can keep doing this until there are no prey left to take control of. I get the reasons you wouldn't do it, as it wouldn't make sense that preds are ignoring any student to begin with but still a concept I'd want you to rattle around in your own head perhaps for a future project if nothing else.
Just a suggestion but as sombody who has Autism, i find it hard to differentiate the footsteps of the pred and the students. Please could you try and make them sound different as i cant tell if its a student or a pred walking past.
The Preds footstep's a Way Louder up close, that's why if you run too much you cna't hear the pred's
I am experimenting with changing the sound of footsteps for pred and students but it is hard to find footsteps that sound like they are stepping on the same floor type while sounding different from each other. This will be even more problematic if I add a different map and the floor type is different like grass.
What about editing the existing footstep sound and speeding it up or slowing it to make one with a different pitch?
The pitch is already slightly different. If I change the pitch anymore and it will sound like the preds are wearing boots and it just did not sound right. Also at a distance, the footsteps sound the same. I am just not confident that the change will be good overall.
why not make the player footsteps normal and the default preds like a military boot footstep
I also sometimes struggle to differentiate the pred and students footsteps
because it did not sound right to me.
how i can get hungry faster when i play as pred?
How do you get the fairy's pred student?
Because I have already won the normal mode and the nightmare with Bella, but I don't have the playable character.
so far only Bella and Satie are selectable
Okey, thanks. I think that others pred can be selectable xD
How do you get Satie??
i think you need to beat her on nightmare
Can the sandbox be made in the future or a continuation after eating the main pred?
I ask this because it would be a good idea to have to control a pred student and that you have to eat everyone before they escape or that you play a pred student and that when the hunger reaches 0% you are able to eat the main pred, digest it and you will be the one who must eat the remaining students.
well Ghost said there won't be a sandbox, but we'll see if they change their mind XD
Ghost is partly right about the sandbox because the sandbox is a lot of work, but what I'm saying is that the game, having a pred student that you manage, should be able to eat any student (be it a normal one or the main pred) if You have 0% hunger and after digesting them you can eat all the remaining students in order to win and/or investigate the rooms for X amount of time (it would be very little time, around 2 minutes 30 seconds or 3 minutes) to being able to find the book or escape without worrying about being eaten.
that's a interessting hypothisess
do you mash the "F" key or hold it to escape I am using a laptop and i just want to be sure
You hold F
just hold man XD
Hey I see in the might add section you have Male Predators listed there, can you make sure it is entirely optional as a toggle or something if you do? I am really liking this game so far and I'm excited to see what else you're making, but I'm really not into that part and do not want to see that. If it's completely avoidable and optional, or set to a toggle to replace some of the other predators in the game that's fine, I just really don't want to see that or have to play with those in order to get cool ulockables for the Females or new content for the game such as new maps, that would really suck.
i agree
It would be something you can toggle in settings.
Excellent, thank you so much!
ghost can you please make this buyable with euros too?im European so i can't get it since i dont have $
I might add this on steam if I can.
gonna confuse alot of people on steam when they look for the co-op Hazelight Studios game also called A Way Out
I'm British and bought it with pounds so it shouldn't be a problem I wouldnt think
Toast did you just remove the Usd and make it pounds?
super fun game love the gameplay style you really cooked with this one worth the purchase
Her with multiple stomachs would be soooooooooo goood
There's a bug when playing as Satie.
When starting the map, you're unable to move at all (can still look around, kneel, and walk/ run in place). Footsteps don't make a sound when this happens.
It seems to occur with only certain spawn points.
As a reference, I'm playing the latest update (Nerfs).
How you play as Satie, if its beating her level with the book, ive done that
You have to beat her on nightmare
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok
can confirm this bug is repeatable for me, (atm I'm trying to see if student preds can eat the player if i just hang out in front of them while their tummies are making the rumblies, yes to all for playing student, no to all playing bella, so testing satie is ANNOYING when this bug happens so much, i've also notice in addition to the stuff above there's no stomach% when this bug occurs, no numbers there at all )
EDIT: student pred ligeska CAN eat Satie. Tried it again after Ghost provided numbers =)
I've tested trying to get pred students to eat me too, only seems to happen if you're the student. I've even tried as Satie (the next biggest after a student) with Ligeska (highest stomach capacity).
not a requirement i've definitely seen student ligeska eat student satie while i hadn't unlocked satie I think this was while I was a student wondering if they would eat me only for ligeska to snarf up the gyaru, if no standard students and apples are available other smaller preds are on the menu....but now the numbers are available...a student bella in theory can eat ligeska but ironically ligeska can't eat bella
it's surprising, since normal Ligeska has basically max stomach volume
Test something like that will take a long time. Do you want their capacity info?
yeah why not, other people could use the reference and maybe I'm wrong about student bella. Really the bug isn't occuring on your end? hmmm hard to tell you what's happening without debug, only seems to be at the start of matches...but idk if this will help but I got digested by student Ligeska playing as Satie and my next round said you are dead at the very start of the round as satie so maybe something isn't being cleared from the previous round.
ty for the numbers wow Tuply has more belly capacity than Satie did not expect that.
Wait, so Bella can get any of the others? Interesting.
Ghost, then Bella (that you manage) should be able to eat a pred if her hunger is at 0%, right?
How often does this bug happen? I've started the game as satie like 15+ times. I have not encountered it.
It happens maybe 60% of the time, and it seems heavily dependent on your spawn point. It's also possible to spawn halfway into another student's spawn point.
Like it was mentioned before, if you just died as satie and start a new game, it will still show (you died) on the screen. It goes away maybe after 4 to 5 restarts.
Did you close the application then start it again. Does this still happen?
Yes, and it still happens
I found a bug that sounds like what you were talking about. I fixed it and it will be available in the next update.
What are the locations of the book?
Because I can't find it and I'm looking everywhere.
And is there any other pred student who can eat the main pred? Apart from Bella (who you manage) who eats the fairy.
i've seen the book almost everywhere, except the auditorium and the storage room
but it's most common to appear in the classrooms and the kitchen
Okey, thanks.
i don't think i can do it with book and i know it's rng based
You can eat the Fairy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Teach me the ways
From what I know at the moment you need to unlock Bella and when you have between 0 to 10% hunger, you can eat the students or the fairy.
One recommendation I give you is to wait for her to finish digesting and/or spitting out someone, otherwise she will eat you.
I will try
I cant do it, is there any other hints
One Big Apple - (Fanmade)
For a moment I thought it was a loading screen
i think it would fit
really good fanmade
I got the game not to long ago, and I really enjoy it, it's super fun! Also, the lamia scared me half to death, I rounded a corner to go to the cafe, and she was just in my face, I shook my mouse so bloody hard.
Also, a tiny idea, for the lamia, when she eats you or another student, when not digesting, she could hold you in her human half's stomach, and when digestion starts, she could move you down to the snake half. It's just a simple idea, but I thought it would be fun.
Anyways, I look forward to any future updates, and just wanted to say again that this game is really fun! Hope you and whoever else reads this has a good day! :)
Hey i suggested that Ligeska idea first XD
Great minds think alike
You're Godamn right
Locker doors and water fountains can be helpful to hide for a Brief moment from preds, but not completely reliable as a Hidding spot in plain sight
is it actually possible to escape from Ligeska after getting caught? doesnt seem to matter what I'm carrying or how many others she has eaten I'm not able to escape.
Yes it is, But it's a difficult thing to happen
i got full game
- being able to toss items foward lightly