One of the best vore games I've played only second to Some Bullshit, do you plan to add a sandbox mode? I think it would be so fun to play around with!
First off, let me just say this is one of the best vore games I've ever played. While I was originally waiting for it to come to steam, I finally gave in and bought it when you said it wouldn't happen. I specifically love the choice of stomach noises, easily some of the best I've heard in a game, especially since they're not just the same ones everyone else uses.
With that out of the way, can you please increase the chance of the easter egg happening? I'm genuinely starting to wonder if it even exists. I have beaten Nightmare Tulpy and Nightmare Dual Predator multiple times, and I have restarted even more times, and it has yet to appear. I've done everything else in the game and really want to experience it, but there's only so much one can restart the same mode over and over before they get bored, even if this is a really good game.
Edit: Well, I finally got it after turning on student preds lol. I almost beat it on my second attempt, but I'll have to try more later. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for this game!
Only Selective Weight Gain is implemented to all predators except… Ligeska? (Or I could be wrong, and she does have it, but the difference is very tiny).
The only thing you can see in first person perspective (While playing as a student predator) is that you can only see the chest expands a bit. That’s pretty much it.
all preds have WG, Bella is primarily in the breasts, Tulpy is balanced WG but being as small as she is you cant really tell unless you are bella being digested by her to see the growth, Satie is bottom heavy and it gets really obvious with how much clips out of the bottom as she grows, and Ligeska has it happen in her tail, it gets shaped more like a log than an arrow as she digests more stuff
WG also has an effect on speed, reducing it for preds and it's pretty obvious on Bella, as on 2 pred mode where she eats someone as small as Tulpy and all other students she is slower runner than even student bella who is starving... she'll still catch you at the end though due to pixel perfect pathing but the point still stands lol
Still, playing an apex role is an interesting concept. The only problem is, what exactly will you need to do to win? Eat all the students? Unless they'll actually try to escape, it would be just boring, and coding an AI that will be capable of searching for keys and opening doors sounds like quite a task.
I initially thought about playing as an apex would be finding your “target” for a set amount of time (And it would be crowded, like 20 or 30 students).
If the developer wouldn’t want to code the entire AI that searches keys and unlock rooms, some of the students will be locked inside of rooms where you’ll have to find the keys to unlock it (And one of them contains the target that’ll blend in the students that makes them less suspicious, but they’ll still attempt to crouch and hide in obscure places).
The lore stated that one of the students knows too much, so the apex predator is tasked to eat them before they’ll escape and spread the news.
Honestly, just being able to play as an apex pred would be nice. Whether it would be a 'free for all' style. Or a 'hide and seek' style, which is admittedly. What this game is more centered about in overall gameplay.
But 1 thing in particular still bothers me to this day. Which is unfortunately, a lack of replay-ability. I personally believe that something relatively simple could be introduced. Which are rewards for completing a 'match' against specific preds.
Best example I can give would be a 'Golden/special' apple from escaping normal/nightmare Belle. Which basically grants you a full stomach on nightmare mode. Making pred students a viable option again, rather than heavily relying on 'regular' student. Simply because he doesn't generate extra 'noises' while trying to hide.
Oh yeah, the lack of replay value is something I agree, especially after 100% all Modes (Normal and Nightmare, including Double Preds and the secret easter egg challenge). It’s just that after that… Well, there’s nothing else you can do except doing the stages that you already did.
“Best example I can give would be a ‘Golden/special’ apple from escaping normal/nightmare Belle, making pred students a viable option again, rather than heavily relying on ‘regular’ student.”
I also agree with this too, back when you start off with 100% hunger in the previous builds.
It is possible to beat it with low hunger, but due to speed penalty (And trying not to alert the predator by running), it feels like a slog. Only exception is playing as Tulpy, which makes this easier and is literally the best playable predator imo.
I think the coolest way to add playable pred's would be for the Ghost to add a new mode where you start off as a generic female student that wants to become a Apex pred so in secret they devour other students to built up weight into she is BIG enough to challenge the current Apex preds & take there place. the Dev would llike have to increase the total student by 4 time, add teachers (they would be twice the calories) & a principal (could give out missions for you to do if they are the one's to catch you or could be a final Super Pred that comes out when you defeat the other.) out to full out the school & make it a more challenging as well as it would be your goal to not get caught devour other students by the teachers or they will set one of the Apex pred's onto the generic female student that you play as & will send more as you built up the heat as you get caught consecutively after into you are being hunted down by all four Apex pred of them at the same time (if possible). the Dev should add some more helpful items like make the paper ball a throwable item that can stun the target for a short time or a energy drink to boost movement speed & digestion would be cool. I hope Tulpy will be play in the future as she is best girl in my book!
the AI already knows how to open a door it is just sheer coincidence that they do it, if they decide a key gives them better survival chances than whatever they are holding they have a chance to pick it up, and if they are running away they will actively use the key if they run to the door it unlocks, but the odds are so low I've only HEARD them do it once on nightmare when I was hiding from the pred and heard a door get opened down the hall leading her to sprint off before she rounded the corner to spot me in the bathroom
the best way to encourage this action is to place items in well traveled areas like the middle of the halls, the AI will look at the item while standing and make their choice to pick it up, it's why I clean out rooms and slap everything in the hallways when I unlock a room lol
Wait, I thought I heard a door click whenever I was hiding in a couple of rooms in either Normal or Nightmare Modes respectively. Although, as you said, the chances of that happening are very rare.
If it’s possible that the AI could grab the key, go to a set path to the direction of where the door is, and unlock it to find more keys, then this shouldn’t be that hard to implement.
that's not how the AI works, they identify the nodes in the room as being available when they have the key in their hand and then have to choose to go to one of those nodes while panicking from a pred because that is the only time they use their interaction (you sometimes see them drop their paper due to this) before they will unlock a door
making a more specific AI that would identify key locations and lock onto it would be hilariously bad considering all it takes is one random student with the only key available to make it an easy win, as the "target" would either derp out and stand in some random place forever, or it'd be latched up against the random student's back
there's also the fact there should be a penalty for eating the wrong students when considering this type of a mode, considering the inversing of penalty means keeping stuff down is harder the more students you get wrong until you are left in a crazy apple state which allows the target to walk around without issue
If you ever hear a door open on its own it means the remaining keys are all behind locked doors and the game would be in an impossible to win state. One of the updates made it open a door to fix this.
Basically it means there was a flaw in the keys being scattered so it is being fixed by opening a door randomly - A code working around the an error of another code. Otherwise only the player can open doors.
I 100% agree. There’s nothing you can do after beating all main 4 predators (And Double Predators are optional unless if you’re going for the hidden Easter Egg).
It is with (little) pride that I must say. After who knows how many resets. Over 100+ deaths. Close to perhaps 10 hours of off and on attempting. I have beaten the easter egg/secret level of 2 pred nightmare mode. By far the hardest challenge in this game and I hope there is NEVER. Another secret placed behind that purely optional and random mode. With that done, I have nothing else to accomplish. This game is strangely addicting and I patiently await what future updates may hold.
You mean an Apex tulpy, when you choose her as a main pred, or generally, because as far as I know you can eat any student pred aside from the apex one (didn't test it yet).
I see. So it doesn't count as completed? Fair enough, I couldn't tell since I already completed the nightmare mode by that moment. What I would like to know if you can eat Apex Tulpy in 2 preds nightmare mode and then complete it against only one that left. I hope that when Ligeska will become playable, she could devour any apex, considering how big she is.
To be utterly fair. The 2 main reasons why it was so difficult in the first place. Was in fact...
1. The easter egg itself being a 'random event' if you can call it that. So having to reset every time you spawn into a room filled with 'normal' students. Technically counted as an 'automatic game over' in my mind at least.
2. The very fact itself that the event was centered around 3 preds rather than just 2 apex preds. While it was rare itself, I count probably 6-10 of my deaths. To the 3rd non apex pred, Tulpy. Who at random times just decided to swallow my character and give me a game over. Since nightmare mode itself just has a higher chance of 'instant death' as I call it. It made even a little fairy a force to be well avoided.
This was my guess. Despite supposed to be a university, the character models for the students do not really seem to represent the age. And combined with the scale of them compared to the map, it is possible steam considered them children. This was something I feared would be the roadblock, but who knows steam's reason.
If you compare a Student Predator with a prey, the prey appears to be slightly shorter than the Student Predator, or just around the Student Predator’s chest. Good example to test it is Bella or Satie. (Honestly, this is harder to compare the heights from side by side.)
11 more days passed since last mention of steam release. Any news that you could share? Perhaps the game failed moderation once more, or you decided to never release it there?
Bought this last night and have had a blast so far, wanted to mention a couple of things off the top of my head that stuck with me. Take everything with a grain of salt, but really kudos on such a fun little game!
Bit of Feedback - The white keys I think should be changed to a different color, in some places like the cafeteria where the floor itself is white they're almost invisible at a distance even in the regular modes.
Bug Report - I think if you get caught by a Student Pred whilst holding the book it disappears off the map afterwards. I had gotten caught by Bella and escaped whilst Satie was the Apex Predator, and despite retracing her steps and looking around the entire school the book was gone completely.
First Wish - A toggle for third-person when playing as a Pred, maybe only active after having eaten someone so as to not give the player too big of an advantage.
Second Wish - More diversity among the Prey Students, like slightly different hairstyles and hair colors to add a bit of variety to them.
Third Wish - Something like a Spectator or Sandbox Mode where you can free-roam the camera or attach it to the Apex Preds, and spawn in student prey or student preds for them to eat.
And in an unrelated question are Satie and Ligeska unlockable characters too? I've so far unlocked Bella and Tulpy, but admittedly haven't gotten too far as I still need to do Satie and Ligeska's Nightmare modes along with the double pred mode.
Realistically, keys are metallic, which are immune to stomach acids.
Books are made out of mostly paper, ink, thread and glue. Thus, can be dissolved once it touches any acid, particularly stomach acid.
So unless if there’s a balance change that the books can only be spat out once (And the next time won’t be another chance), you’ll have to be very careful of not getting eaten if you have a book in hand.
Thanks to the testing, it’s to gauge the awareness of the predator.
Black/transparent means that the predator is in patrol mode.
Half opened Yellow means that the predator is currently on alert (Ex: Dropping keys/unlocking doors).
and Red means that she’s on your sight and is currently chasing you.
[New]Open eye yellow means that the predator lost sight of you but is still in chase mode and predicting where they’ll find you based on where they last saw you.
This status only applies if you’re the target. It doesn’t change if it’s chasing someone else. (Edited)
I learned it only applies to when the pred is chasing you so if shes chasing someone else it will not change
also its rather useful in nightmare mode it goes yellow when the predator hears you open a door or drop a key so you can prepare for there arrival. and as an added bonus if they get distracted by another prey the sense will go gray signaling that its safe now very useful.
Yep, you’re correct. It only applies if you’re the target and not if the apex predator spotted another student that’s not you (Ex: If they’re hungry).
This is especially useful for Nightmare Mode.
Edit: I tried Predator Sense on Nightmare Mode, manage to beat it with only 2 tries on Bella and Tulpy respectively. I’ve underestimated how powerful this is.
It’s in the settings. (Predator Sense)
If you have it activated, try running straight at the predator, and you can see that the eyeball will turn red when she spots you.
how bout ading like a sandbox where you can choose how many students you want to have around you and if the pred will eat on site or not and you can turn on and of the pred going for you for just some fun chananigens
That would be a fun reward after beating all predators and Two Pred modes: A sandbox mode with no timer, having commands to modify the values in game (This includes spawning more students), player becoming spectator (Ex: Player being invisible just to watch all 4 preds going nuts eating everyone, or hell, a free for all. 😈), and most importantly, being in the shoes of an Apex Predator.
Ghostwhisperes i have a problem, I bought the previous version of the game when the pred students stuff came out but now to download new versions I need to pay
I don´t know if its just for me, but when you eat something in the new version it automatically sets your hunger to a set %. For example if you eat a small apple while at 99%, once it gets digested you somehow get but to 17%.
Had some ideas, obviously you’re free to do what you want with them.
1: I think the green overtaking the screen indicating the digestion process is good, but personally I think that a meter similar to the noise meter would work much better as we can see the digestion and struggles a little more clearly.
2: the sound design for the digestion is good, but i think that finding someone who’s a little more experienced with creating a soundscape for digestion would serve the experience well. (Just me at least but I think the prey should sound much more desperate to escape)
3: maybe the ability to look around 360 while inside the pred would be great apart from the limited axis we get.
4: maybe instead of the player perspective being to a bone after digestion, link it to the pred? So we can continue to observe as they eat other students after digesting us.
5: I’m sure this would be pretty difficult to implement, but maybe show the pred actually swallowing the player character model? This could even have a gameplay mechanic to struggle and break free before being completely swallowed.
lastly I have some overall questions:
Were the struggling animations changed? I saw in a build from a month ago that face imprints were implemented, bone digestion was also included, and that the struggles were more rapid and frantic, but I haven’t seen that personally in the current build. Are you planning on adding them back in or no?
What are some other ideas you’re thinking of implementing that may not be included in the notes, and if so what’s the likelyhood of them being included?
anyways, that’s all I have for you. Thanks again for releasing, and looking forward to future updates.
Sort of, the original comment meant a mode where you play as a predator going round and eating students, what you're referring to is that you can play as smaller versions of the preds while still being hunted by a pred
Similar to what Rise (Best girl) mentioned, you only described Student Predators, where you play as a miniature version of the Apex Predators you unlocked. The OP specifically mentioned Apex Predators, where it’s the giant predator that chases you down (Or Tulpy who flies higher than normal).
Student Predators IS NOT Apex Predators, since Student Predators can still be eaten, and Apex can’t be eaten (Under specific conditions).
Curious how to do that. I've tried after escaping with an apple... I mean, the answer could be just "get good", but maybe I have not approached the situation correctly
It's not related but I need to know, when you say Rise is best girl, do you mean in p4 or in persona in general? And if it's just p4 then who would you say it is in general
I haven't been able to get the nightmare 2 pred mode even though I completed the 2 pred mode 5 times, I wonder if it's due to a bug or "completed" saves pre-update do not work and I need to delete my data
I played through nightmare double pred mode and I LOVEit! This is my favorite update since you first released the game (from 1 to 4 available preds) and the most replayable.
The sheer chaos of 2 hungry preds chasing +10 students is incredibly fun, dynamic, and immersive. The change of student preds being hungry in nightmare, not just the main preds, is fantastic as well. It's very funny with the easter egg you included. I do miss when they would move towards you to swallow you, though, it seems like they don't do this anymore.
What's interesting is the combination of hungry preds and many students inadvertently gives a player a really good change of spectating, even after being digested, since the preds will continue to hunt and swallow prey. Since bones aren't spit up when preds are digesting, and they are spit up only 1 or 2 at a time afterwards (if they haven't already found and swallowed someone new), spectating can happen for as long as 10 minutes on average! This is incredible. As a side note, this is the only time I can really get a close look at Ligeska, with the 360 rotational camera, and appreciate the work you did with her model as she swallows more students.
Possible Bugs? Speaking of Ligeska, it seems when she swallows 3.0 total units of students (if 1 normal student = 1.0 unit) after swallowing the player, the player immediately dies. I was curious if this was intentional, I believe I first noticed it as far back as Ligeska has been around.
When Ligeska spits out Tulpy, it seems like her model gets stuck in the air, about 2 feet higher than Ligeska's head. This makes Tulpy immobile (still swallowable though, which Ligeska immediately does after recovering).
Finally, when a pred swallows someone that swallowed someone (inception), the 2 prey are then treated as if they were swallowed separately. For example, say the player was swallowed by a student pred, then the student pred is swallowed by a main pred. if the player struggles and escapes, they're completely free. This seems difficult to implement, as it requires tracking 2 separate instances of digestion. Plus, escaping from one belly, only to end up inside another may be hard to represent visually and just feel punishing from a gameplay perspective, so I can understand why it's not this way.
Thank you for reading my feedback and for the updates to this game, I really do enjoy it :)
Yeah, if 2 (normal sized or bigger) students are swallowed after you are. I don't particularly mind it, because I imagine Ligeska pushing her existing prey deeper inside her guts as she swallows others lol
… Is it intentional that the (hungry) predator just basically RUNS up to your location even if you’re sneaking around or just walking normally? Like in the entire run, I never run at all, except from the start of the 30 second cooldown.
Because I noticed that it happened when I was directly above or below a floor from the predator, which ruin a couple of my nightmare runs. (Or just when the predator was like nearby lmao)
Thankfully it’s an uncommon occurrence, but just to point it out.
I am once again asking for our beloved game dev GhostWhisperer971 to consider giving Ligeska the Lamia a big frontal belly upon the initial swallowing of prey, and for the bulge to move downwards into the snake part as part of the digestion animation.
It is pretty disappointing as it is currently tbh!
Hello everyone I just beat 2 pred mode and unlocked the nightmare mode of it I heard there was a easter egg if you beat nightmare tulpy and then play nightmare 2 pred mode.
without spoiling what the easter egg is could anyone who could have found this easter egg tell me some information on how to find it like how rare is it do i need to play as tulpy i just want to information if possible.
Start up random two nightmare, turn around, if something is not unusual, go back to main menu and repeat this process. It should take no more than seven tries.
I found it lol I guess i can tell who your favorite pred is now lol its amazing hope you do that with the other eventually worth all the trouble in my opinion
oh also one more thing i saw someone say they played as satie you didnt include playable satie in the patch notes so i dont know how true this is. Is satie playable?
random two nightmare is completely inspired from requests I saw in the past, which is why it does not count towards escape progress. Also I do not have a favorite.
I can not say about satie, but if you saw someone say it and I did not delete the post then who knows?
Start Double Predators Nightmare Mode after beating Tulpy’s Nightmare Mode, and it has a random chance of encountering an easter egg during the start of the game. Be sure to look around if you noticed something unusual, and if not, restart and try again.
When there is a noticeable change or a lot of changes, I post a dev log and then remove it after 24 hours. For smaller updates, I do not want to notify everyone of a small change like an unnoticeable bug fix. Sometimes if I do a lot of small updates, I do a dev log later talking about all of them.
May I ask why you remove the old patch notes? 24 hours is quite a small window to notice. I come back to this game randomly and have to guess if its updated.
It doesnt appear in my feed if deleted I guess, perhaps you could leave the lastest dev diary until the next update instead of 24 hours?
That way they wouldnt build up and the latest build would always show in the feed. Currently you dont appear in the feed at all other that the guide post.
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One of the best vore games I've played only second to Some Bullshit, do you plan to add a sandbox mode? I think it would be so fun to play around with!
Hiya Ghost. Really do enjoy your game, so I'm curious to ask. What plans do you have for this going forward?
First off, let me just say this is one of the best vore games I've ever played. While I was originally waiting for it to come to steam, I finally gave in and bought it when you said it wouldn't happen. I specifically love the choice of stomach noises, easily some of the best I've heard in a game, especially since they're not just the same ones everyone else uses.
With that out of the way, can you please increase the chance of the easter egg happening? I'm genuinely starting to wonder if it even exists. I have beaten Nightmare Tulpy and Nightmare Dual Predator multiple times, and I have restarted even more times, and it has yet to appear. I've done everything else in the game and really want to experience it, but there's only so much one can restart the same mode over and over before they get bored, even if this is a really good game.
Edit: Well, I finally got it after turning on student preds lol. I almost beat it on my second attempt, but I'll have to try more later. Can't wait to see what else you have in store for this game!
turn on student preds option it wont occur unless that option is on
No, the easter egg has a random chance of occurring, and it overrides the student predator option regardless.
Edit: Forget what I just said, I wrote this when I was just really tired. 😅
Sorry that you had to keep restarting like that. I will try to change this if I can in the future.
Is there a weight gain in this game? I think I kinda saw it on apex predators, but does it apply to everyone if it's even present?
Only Selective Weight Gain is implemented to all predators except… Ligeska? (Or I could be wrong, and she does have it, but the difference is very tiny).
The only thing you can see in first person perspective (While playing as a student predator) is that you can only see the chest expands a bit. That’s pretty much it.
all preds have WG, Bella is primarily in the breasts, Tulpy is balanced WG but being as small as she is you cant really tell unless you are bella being digested by her to see the growth, Satie is bottom heavy and it gets really obvious with how much clips out of the bottom as she grows, and Ligeska has it happen in her tail, it gets shaped more like a log than an arrow as she digests more stuff
WG also has an effect on speed, reducing it for preds and it's pretty obvious on Bella, as on 2 pred mode where she eats someone as small as Tulpy and all other students she is slower runner than even student bella who is starving... she'll still catch you at the end though due to pixel perfect pathing but the point still stands lol
You are correct that they all have weight that can be gained but it does not affect their speed unless they are carrying something inside them.
Any chance there will be a mode you can play as the Pred?
Probably Not many people asked this before besides we can already play as student preds anyway
Still, playing an apex role is an interesting concept. The only problem is, what exactly will you need to do to win? Eat all the students? Unless they'll actually try to escape, it would be just boring, and coding an AI that will be capable of searching for keys and opening doors sounds like quite a task.
I initially thought about playing as an apex would be finding your “target” for a set amount of time (And it would be crowded, like 20 or 30 students).
If the developer wouldn’t want to code the entire AI that searches keys and unlock rooms, some of the students will be locked inside of rooms where you’ll have to find the keys to unlock it (And one of them contains the target that’ll blend in the students that makes them less suspicious, but they’ll still attempt to crouch and hide in obscure places).
The lore stated that one of the students knows too much, so the apex predator is tasked to eat them before they’ll escape and spread the news.
Honestly, just being able to play as an apex pred would be nice. Whether it would be a 'free for all' style. Or a 'hide and seek' style, which is admittedly. What this game is more centered about in overall gameplay.
But 1 thing in particular still bothers me to this day. Which is unfortunately, a lack of replay-ability. I personally believe that something relatively simple could be introduced. Which are rewards for completing a 'match' against specific preds.
Best example I can give would be a 'Golden/special' apple from escaping normal/nightmare Belle. Which basically grants you a full stomach on nightmare mode. Making pred students a viable option again, rather than heavily relying on 'regular' student. Simply because he doesn't generate extra 'noises' while trying to hide.
Oh yeah, the lack of replay value is something I agree, especially after 100% all Modes (Normal and Nightmare, including Double Preds and the secret easter egg challenge). It’s just that after that… Well, there’s nothing else you can do except doing the stages that you already did.
“Best example I can give would be a ‘Golden/special’ apple from escaping normal/nightmare Belle, making pred students a viable option again, rather than heavily relying on ‘regular’ student.” I also agree with this too, back when you start off with 100% hunger in the previous builds.
It is possible to beat it with low hunger, but due to speed penalty (And trying not to alert the predator by running), it feels like a slog. Only exception is playing as Tulpy, which makes this easier and is literally the best playable predator imo.
I think the coolest way to add playable pred's would be for the Ghost to add a new mode where you start off as a generic female student that wants to become a Apex pred so in secret they devour other students to built up weight into she is BIG enough to challenge the current Apex preds & take there place. the Dev would llike have to increase the total student by 4 time, add teachers (they would be twice the calories) & a principal (could give out missions for you to do if they are the one's to catch you or could be a final Super Pred that comes out when you defeat the other.) out to full out the school & make it a more challenging as well as it would be your goal to not get caught devour other students by the teachers or they will set one of the Apex pred's onto the generic female student that you play as & will send more as you built up the heat as you get caught consecutively after into you are being hunted down by all four Apex pred of them at the same time (if possible). the Dev should add some more helpful items like make the paper ball a throwable item that can stun the target for a short time or a energy drink to boost movement speed & digestion would be cool. I hope Tulpy will be play in the future as she is best girl in my book!
the AI already knows how to open a door it is just sheer coincidence that they do it, if they decide a key gives them better survival chances than whatever they are holding they have a chance to pick it up, and if they are running away they will actively use the key if they run to the door it unlocks, but the odds are so low I've only HEARD them do it once on nightmare when I was hiding from the pred and heard a door get opened down the hall leading her to sprint off before she rounded the corner to spot me in the bathroom
the best way to encourage this action is to place items in well traveled areas like the middle of the halls, the AI will look at the item while standing and make their choice to pick it up, it's why I clean out rooms and slap everything in the hallways when I unlock a room lol
Wait, I thought I heard a door click whenever I was hiding in a couple of rooms in either Normal or Nightmare Modes respectively. Although, as you said, the chances of that happening are very rare.
If it’s possible that the AI could grab the key, go to a set path to the direction of where the door is, and unlock it to find more keys, then this shouldn’t be that hard to implement.
that's not how the AI works, they identify the nodes in the room as being available when they have the key in their hand and then have to choose to go to one of those nodes while panicking from a pred because that is the only time they use their interaction (you sometimes see them drop their paper due to this) before they will unlock a door
making a more specific AI that would identify key locations and lock onto it would be hilariously bad considering all it takes is one random student with the only key available to make it an easy win, as the "target" would either derp out and stand in some random place forever, or it'd be latched up against the random student's back
there's also the fact there should be a penalty for eating the wrong students when considering this type of a mode, considering the inversing of penalty means keeping stuff down is harder the more students you get wrong until you are left in a crazy apple state which allows the target to walk around without issue
If you ever hear a door open on its own it means the remaining keys are all behind locked doors and the game would be in an impossible to win state. One of the updates made it open a door to fix this.
Basically it means there was a flaw in the keys being scattered so it is being fixed by opening a door randomly - A code working around the an error of another code. Otherwise only the player can open doors.
many people have already asked this question, I believe they've hinted at no, as they've already given us the ability to be "a" Pred
ghost!!we need to know the characters' ages!!for research purposes yeeeeeeaaaahhh
average student: 18, Predator 1: Early 30s, Predator 2: 18, Predator 3: 20, Predator 4: Late 30s
please add sandbox mode sir ToT
if you scrol down to my erly post you kan se my asking this
I 100% agree. There’s nothing you can do after beating all main 4 predators (And Double Predators are optional unless if you’re going for the hidden Easter Egg).
In which case. The easter egg is also optional and very time consuming. Unless you get wildly lucky and find the exit key within 5 doors.
New update (Minor bug fixes) from 24.09.24 erases user saves
The save is not being read. Very few people might have this issue. This should be fixed in the update that was just made.
Great, everything works, also I really like the new digestion sounds
why not going have support for other language? q-p
It is with (little) pride that I must say. After who knows how many resets. Over 100+ deaths. Close to perhaps 10 hours of off and on attempting. I have beaten the easter egg/secret level of 2 pred nightmare mode. By far the hardest challenge in this game and I hope there is NEVER. Another secret placed behind that purely optional and random mode. With that done, I have nothing else to accomplish. This game is strangely addicting and I patiently await what future updates may hold.
And I thought 10+ hours of trying to beat Normal mode Tulpy was hard enough (And that was my first playthrough). 💀
Do you know that with Bella you can eat Tulpy, right?
Nah, that was way before the fact that you can eat Tulpy with Bella (Back in July 18th), so I didn’t know that during my first playthrough.
Though, I was oddly against eating Tulpy as Bella.
You mean an Apex tulpy, when you choose her as a main pred, or generally, because as far as I know you can eat any student pred aside from the apex one (didn't test it yet).
They said that if you’re playing as Bella, you can eat Apex Tulpy, given the context of his comment.
I remember performing that, and I was like “Wow, that’s cool” until the developer made sure that you won’t complete the game by doing that.
I see. So it doesn't count as completed? Fair enough, I couldn't tell since I already completed the nightmare mode by that moment. What I would like to know if you can eat Apex Tulpy in 2 preds nightmare mode and then complete it against only one that left. I hope that when Ligeska will become playable, she could devour any apex, considering how big she is.
To be utterly fair. The 2 main reasons why it was so difficult in the first place. Was in fact...
1. The easter egg itself being a 'random event' if you can call it that. So having to reset every time you spawn into a room filled with 'normal' students. Technically counted as an 'automatic game over' in my mind at least.
2. The very fact itself that the event was centered around 3 preds rather than just 2 apex preds. While it was rare itself, I count probably 6-10 of my deaths. To the 3rd non apex pred, Tulpy. Who at random times just decided to swallow my character and give me a game over. Since nightmare mode itself just has a higher chance of 'instant death' as I call it. It made even a little fairy a force to be well avoided.
Damn, I’m not gonna grind more hours into beating it. 💀 And I honestly wish the event would’ve been an accessibility rather than random chances.
I think beating Ligeska’s normal mode was my limit, and even hers was annoying to beat.
Edit: Nevermind, I beat Nightmare Mode Ligeska with only Tulpy! Never doing that again…
i haven't beat anyone yet
what is the Easter egg? What do I need to complete to spawn it?
Complete Tulpy’s Nightmare Mode and Double Predator’s Normal Mode.
In Double Predator’s Nightmare Mode, If you don’t see anything unusual with the students around you, keep restarting the game until you get it.
It's weird that steam rejected the game, there's no sex scenes or nudity in it 🤔
Or probably because of the school setting. I’m not too sure either. 🤔
This was my guess. Despite supposed to be a university, the character models for the students do not really seem to represent the age. And combined with the scale of them compared to the map, it is possible steam considered them children. This was something I feared would be the roadblock, but who knows steam's reason.
Yeah, I thought so too. Whichever the case, what’s done is done.
If you compare a Student Predator with a prey, the prey appears to be slightly shorter than the Student Predator, or just around the Student Predator’s chest. Good example to test it is Bella or Satie. (Honestly, this is harder to compare the heights from side by side.)
yeah this is most likely the reason
kinda want the preds bellys adjustabel in the game on how meny then kan eat and the fairy if she was abel to eat 4 pepol she be imobile on the ground
One word Fuck no steam
11 more days passed since last mention of steam release. Any news that you could share? Perhaps the game failed moderation once more, or you decided to never release it there?
the announcement unfortunately covers what's happening with the steam version
Unfortunately, it’s not coming on Steam; They rejected the game (via the announcement).
Bought this last night and have had a blast so far, wanted to mention a couple of things off the top of my head that stuck with me. Take everything with a grain of salt, but really kudos on such a fun little game!
And in an unrelated question are Satie and Ligeska unlockable characters too? I've so far unlocked Bella and Tulpy, but admittedly haven't gotten too far as I still need to do Satie and Ligeska's Nightmare modes along with the double pred mode.
Satie can be unlocked (Nightmare Mode) and Ligeska aren’t available. Also, books can be digested if you happen to get eaten, so that’s not a bug(?).
I wasn't sure about the books, but thanks for the heads up about it.
Realistically, keys are metallic, which are immune to stomach acids. Books are made out of mostly paper, ink, thread and glue. Thus, can be dissolved once it touches any acid, particularly stomach acid.
So unless if there’s a balance change that the books can only be spat out once (And the next time won’t be another chance), you’ll have to be very careful of not getting eaten if you have a book in hand.
Is there a way to get the preds to eat each other on Nightmare 2 random?
Good lord they're everywhere
what happened
how did you do that?
sems to be a bug in 2 pred nightmare mode but i like it
Note: This is an Easter Egg; it’s completely optional.
There’s a rare chance of it spawned if you happened to beat Tulpy’s Nightmare Mode and then head to Double Predator’s Nightmare Mode.
What on earth is 'Predator sense'?
Thanks to the testing, it’s to gauge the awareness of the predator.
This status only applies if you’re the target. It doesn’t change if it’s chasing someone else. (Edited)
I just did a bit of testing if this helps
I learned it only applies to when the pred is chasing you so if shes chasing someone else it will not change
also its rather useful in nightmare mode it goes yellow when the predator hears you open a door or drop a key so you can prepare for there arrival. and as an added bonus if they get distracted by another prey the sense will go gray signaling that its safe now very useful.
Yep, you’re correct. It only applies if you’re the target and not if the apex predator spotted another student that’s not you (Ex: If they’re hungry).
This is especially useful for Nightmare Mode.
Edit: I tried Predator Sense on Nightmare Mode, manage to beat it with only 2 tries on Bella and Tulpy respectively. I’ve underestimated how powerful this is.
I'm still confused, is it something activated or is it in some debug mode or what?
It’s in the settings. (Predator Sense) If you have it activated, try running straight at the predator, and you can see that the eyeball will turn red when she spots you.
Its basically showing how aware the predator is to your presence
Is the very slow sensitivity normal
thats actually my mouse -_-
how bout ading like a sandbox where you can choose how many students you want to have around you and if the pred will eat on site or not and you can turn on and of the pred going for you for just some fun chananigens
That would be a fun reward after beating all predators and Two Pred modes: A sandbox mode with no timer, having commands to modify the values in game (This includes spawning more students), player becoming spectator (Ex: Player being invisible just to watch all 4 preds going nuts eating everyone, or hell, a free for all. 😈), and most importantly, being in the shoes of an Apex Predator.
Ghostwhisperes i have a problem, I bought the previous version of the game when the pred students stuff came out but now to download new versions I need to pay
go to the top of the page it should say, you own this game. then just click download
it does not appear, is like i never bought the game
Have you checked your library?
yes, it doesn't appear
Will there be an option for the pred's clothes to pop after they've eaten enough, seeing how big Bella gets I would love to see it.
And speaking of that, wonder if all of the weight would slow her down the more she digests? That would probably be a good balance as well.
will the game be free in a future?
If your playing as a student pred are you able to eat the big apex preds if your hunger bar goes low enough
Will it be on Android someday ?
so is anyone else getting the failed to load il2cpp error when trying to start up the game. Nevermind it was just a bad download
I'm confused about how the student pred works in the demo. do I beat the demo for a student pred to show up or is it in the full ver
only in paid version
what is the new update
would you consider controller support if you can implement it ghost?
Here to make a report.
I don´t know if its just for me, but when you eat something in the new version it automatically sets your hunger to a set %. For example if you eat a small apple while at 99%, once it gets digested you somehow get but to 17%.
Had some ideas, obviously you’re free to do what you want with them.
1: I think the green overtaking the screen indicating the digestion process is good, but personally I think that a meter similar to the noise meter would work much better as we can see the digestion and struggles a little more clearly.
2: the sound design for the digestion is good, but i think that finding someone who’s a little more experienced with creating a soundscape for digestion would serve the experience well. (Just me at least but I think the prey should sound much more desperate to escape)
3: maybe the ability to look around 360 while inside the pred would be great apart from the limited axis we get.
4: maybe instead of the player perspective being to a bone after digestion, link it to the pred? So we can continue to observe as they eat other students after digesting us.
5: I’m sure this would be pretty difficult to implement, but maybe show the pred actually swallowing the player character model? This could even have a gameplay mechanic to struggle and break free before being completely swallowed.
lastly I have some overall questions:
Were the struggling animations changed? I saw in a build from a month ago that face imprints were implemented, bone digestion was also included, and that the struggles were more rapid and frantic, but I haven’t seen that personally in the current build. Are you planning on adding them back in or no?
What are some other ideas you’re thinking of implementing that may not be included in the notes, and if so what’s the likelyhood of them being included?
anyways, that’s all I have for you. Thanks again for releasing, and looking forward to future updates.
I hope if you add player can play predator mode not student mode
I bet playing as a giant apex predator eating other students would’ve been a REALLY fun experience to play. 🥴❤
You can play as them in a full version I think. If only it was avaliable on steam.
Sort of, the original comment meant a mode where you play as a predator going round and eating students, what you're referring to is that you can play as smaller versions of the preds while still being hunted by a pred
Similar to what Rise (Best girl) mentioned, you only described Student Predators, where you play as a miniature version of the Apex Predators you unlocked. The OP specifically mentioned Apex Predators, where it’s the giant predator that chases you down (Or Tulpy who flies higher than normal).
Student Predators IS NOT Apex Predators, since Student Predators can still be eaten, and Apex can’t be eaten (Under specific conditions).
Apex Preds can be eaten
Yeah, I forgot to mention that lmao-
Curious how to do that. I've tried after escaping with an apple... I mean, the answer could be just "get good", but maybe I have not approached the situation correctly
It's not related but I need to know, when you say Rise is best girl, do you mean in p4 or in persona in general? And if it's just p4 then who would you say it is in general
Just in general, nothing special haha.
Honestly fair, I'm a bit biased because p4g was my first persona game
I haven't been able to get the nightmare 2 pred mode even though I completed the 2 pred mode 5 times, I wonder if it's due to a bug or "completed" saves pre-update do not work and I need to delete my data
I was experiencing this same issue. Have you beaten 2 pred mode post-update? This is what did the trick for me.
Ghost also specifically mentioned that both main preds need to still be alive (can't have 1 eat the other or eat 1 yourself) when completing it
Hey Ghost :) just wanted to share feedback:
I played through nightmare double pred mode and I LOVE it! This is my favorite update since you first released the game (from 1 to 4 available preds) and the most replayable.
The sheer chaos of 2 hungry preds chasing +10 students is incredibly fun, dynamic, and immersive. The change of student preds being hungry in nightmare, not just the main preds, is fantastic as well. It's very funny with the easter egg you included.
I do miss when they would move towards you to swallow you, though, it seems like they don't do this anymore.
What's interesting is the combination of hungry preds and many students inadvertently gives a player a really good change of spectating, even after being digested, since the preds will continue to hunt and swallow prey. Since bones aren't spit up when preds are digesting, and they are spit up only 1 or 2 at a time afterwards (if they haven't already found and swallowed someone new), spectating can happen for as long as 10 minutes on average! This is incredible.
As a side note, this is the only time I can really get a close look at Ligeska, with the 360 rotational camera, and appreciate the work you did with her model as she swallows more students.
Possible Bugs?
Speaking of Ligeska, it seems when she swallows 3.0 total units of students (if 1 normal student = 1.0 unit) after swallowing the player, the player immediately dies. I was curious if this was intentional, I believe I first noticed it as far back as Ligeska has been around.
When Ligeska spits out Tulpy, it seems like her model gets stuck in the air, about 2 feet higher than Ligeska's head. This makes Tulpy immobile (still swallowable though, which Ligeska immediately does after recovering).
Finally, when a pred swallows someone that swallowed someone (inception), the 2 prey are then treated as if they were swallowed separately. For example, say the player was swallowed by a student pred, then the student pred is swallowed by a main pred. if the player struggles and escapes, they're completely free. This seems difficult to implement, as it requires tracking 2 separate instances of digestion. Plus, escaping from one belly, only to end up inside another may be hard to represent visually and just feel punishing from a gameplay perspective, so I can understand why it's not this way.
Thank you for reading my feedback and for the updates to this game, I really do enjoy it :)
This bug still persists? I’ve heard someone pointed that out a month ago.
Yeah, if 2 (normal sized or bigger) students are swallowed after you are. I don't particularly mind it, because I imagine Ligeska pushing her existing prey deeper inside her guts as she swallows others lol
… Is it intentional that the (hungry) predator just basically RUNS up to your location even if you’re sneaking around or just walking normally? Like in the entire run, I never run at all, except from the start of the 30 second cooldown.
Because I noticed that it happened when I was directly above or below a floor from the predator, which ruin a couple of my nightmare runs. (Or just when the predator was like nearby lmao)
Thankfully it’s an uncommon occurrence, but just to point it out.
It should be possible for them to hear you if you are walking and you are within about 4 meters directly below of above them.
I am once again asking for our beloved game dev GhostWhisperer971 to consider giving Ligeska the Lamia a big frontal belly upon the initial swallowing of prey, and for the bulge to move downwards into the snake part as part of the digestion animation.
It is pretty disappointing as it is currently tbh!
A tough request that I most likely can not consider since there are complications that come with it
What about just, like, a big frontal belly instead? Or an option for it?
I don't really like snake stomachs...
No, you’ll only pay once, and you still have access to the game.
Hello everyone I just beat 2 pred mode and unlocked the nightmare mode of it I heard there was a easter egg if you beat nightmare tulpy and then play nightmare 2 pred mode.
without spoiling what the easter egg is could anyone who could have found this easter egg tell me some information on how to find it like how rare is it do i need to play as tulpy i just want to information if possible.
Start up random two nightmare, turn around, if something is not unusual, go back to main menu and repeat this process. It should take no more than seven tries.
I found it lol I guess i can tell who your favorite pred is now lol its amazing hope you do that with the other eventually worth all the trouble in my opinion
oh also one more thing i saw someone say they played as satie you didnt include playable satie in the patch notes so i dont know how true this is. Is satie playable?
random two nightmare is completely inspired from requests I saw in the past, which is why it does not count towards escape progress. Also I do not have a favorite.
I can not say about satie, but if you saw someone say it and I did not delete the post then who knows?
alright fair enough hope you have a good day maybe i will find Satie one day
Satie was always an unlockable character ever since the initial release of the full game, hence why it wasn’t in any of the patch notes.
Start Double Predators Nightmare Mode after beating Tulpy’s Nightmare Mode, and it has a random chance of encountering an easter egg during the start of the game. Be sure to look around if you noticed something unusual, and if not, restart and try again.
Could you post some patch notes, I believe I saw them, but then they disappeared
They are removed after 24 hours. I might stop removing them once the game is added to steam.
Is it possible to post some sort of Dev log/patch notes when you do an update so there a notification.
When there is a noticeable change or a lot of changes, I post a dev log and then remove it after 24 hours. For smaller updates, I do not want to notify everyone of a small change like an unnoticeable bug fix. Sometimes if I do a lot of small updates, I do a dev log later talking about all of them.
May I ask why you remove the old patch notes?
24 hours is quite a small window to notice.
I come back to this game randomly and have to guess if its updated.
I believe there is a feed tab on here that tells you when someone you followed has made a change to a game.
I deleted the dev logs because I did not want it to stack up and become a big pile of dev logs that buries any other dev logs like the game guide.
Should the guide be in the actual game for transparency? Like a mini-tutorial or some sort?
With the exception of the in-game tooltip via the pause menu.
It doesnt appear in my feed if deleted I guess, perhaps you could leave the lastest dev diary until the next update instead of 24 hours?
That way they wouldnt build up and the latest build would always show in the feed. Currently you dont appear in the feed at all other that the guide post.