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(14 edits)

Good game! Question, will it be free? I'm excited for the updates to come, it would be nice to see updated animations, and AI, The screen shake removed or turned down, maps could go up in difficulty the bigger the map is, and perhaps multiple preds. More preds, more preys,  different camera options when eaten, Some kind of survival arcade mode, smth that has replayability cuz it could get boring over time. "You will be able to play as a pred just not the main pred." I'd love to see something like this, kinda like- you eat prey while watching out for the bigger pred. Maybe a lil more expansion when digesting :) w game either way. 

(1 edit)

Only the demo version will be free. 

I might not be able to remove the screen shake.

A new map may come way later.

Different angles when the player gets eaten will be added. 

You will be able to play as Pred1 and Pred3. Pred1 is this one in this demo.

(2 edits)

How much will the full game cost?

I do not know yet.

Love it! Would love to see what else you could bring with more updates, maybe have the Pred eat the other preys more often. I only have to say that the head bobbing is a bit nauseating, so it would be lovely if that could be reduced, a mechanic such as hiding in lockers would be very neat and helpful, more foods around would be helpful, and it would be nice if our perspective wasn't locked to directly facing forward once we are eaten. I am very excited once again to see the development of this or any other projects you make!


I will see if I can do something about the head moving around when running.

The food count is 2-8. I can see if the minimum amount should be increased or the max should be decreased.

I will also see if I can make the camera move to different angles when the player is trapped.


hey! tried this game today, you did a fantastic job,it can actually be scary sometimes which is gud! After i beat the game,i decided to do another round and after she killed me ,the game glitched and kept spectating her,so i think it would be cool if you added an option at the end to spectate her till she eats everyone

(1 edit) (+3)

Next update will change how the game ends when you lose.

Is there any tips on how to find the book and to evade the pred having a hard time trying to escape

No need to find the book currently. The next update with have save data and will save if you escape. All the tips I can think of are in the pause menu - Survival Tips.

(2 edits)

It would be cool if the player could shrink (to the size of an apple, for example) and the giantess could easily catch him.

how are you just watching?

(1 edit)

Can anyone tell me what the Crazy apple does? I am clueless as every time I have had it I can't tell what it does.


When the predator eats it, she gets locked out of eating anything for a long time (at least a minute). You can tell if she is still under its' effects because her body will be twitching and shaking during this time.

Bug: Sometimes after being chased you are permanently locked out of picking up and using items. I believe it happens when the predator is hungry and goes after a different student while in the middle of chasing you.

(1 edit)

hmmmm did you hit the 4th bell? she shouldn't be after other students for any other reason, other than a breif period when she gets a lil too hungry, 4th bell is game over time you can't pick up anything while she's running, also once the 4th bell goes off she will remain in that state until her belly is full(yes it does mean she will gobble up as many students as she can fit too even when you are already inside)

I'm sure it wasn't after the fourth bell. She ate the other kid, digested completely and was patrolling as normal with a completely flat belly. I also could not drop items at all from my inventory, because that normally gets locked out while being chased to prevent you from just dropping keys before they're eaten.

Thanks. I will look into it.

Deleted 192 days ago

Out of all the vore games I've played, this one easily has potential to be the best. And it's still in its alpha stages. Having a voice actor for the pred to tease you while being digested would be my add-on suggestion.


I do want the preds to talk when searching for the player.


I have a Voice actress, if you want i can ask her to record some lines of your liking^^



I will consider it once the game is finished but not right now since finding four different voices for each pred will be too much to do right now.


4 voices?? dang, well i'll see if my Voice actress can do 2 Different voices tho when u need them, Also how would u like a Hand drawn PFP? ^^

At this point, I feel like I am always turning down things and I am sorry about that. I do not want a custom profile picture.


Here I am enjoying the game when I finish playing it I come back and reread some comments and find out there are hybrid-monster girl preds being planned, I am wondering what kinds of monstergirl hybrids there will be, but a student sized pred that can be eaten by a bigger one sounds like a fantastic idea, no joke.

Pixie and Lamia are the monster girl preds.

(1 edit) (+2)

Really love the game. Threw a tip your way.

Some minor suggestions. A game over where you could watch the belly slowly shrink and the pred waddle post-digestion, would be cool, rather than the game just suddenly ending. Also, it would be cool to adjust the length of digestion time as an option, with the struggle success rate adjusted accordingly of course.

Sloshing sounds when the prey is walking by with a big full gut and maybe muffled cries from the prey

Thank you for the tip.

There will be changes to the way the game ends when the player loses. Adjustment to the pred settings is very unlikely to be added.

I will try to add prey muffled sounds but I do not want to add too much internal pred sounds.

my only bone to pick with this game is the fact that if you get eaten, your only hope is to pray to the rng gods to get out, even with 3 people inside of her you can just eat shit and never get out, otherwise i love this game and see great potential in it


I'd love to see some kind of arcade style endless mode, by either seeing how long you can survive a progressively more aggressive pred, or starting over with a harder pred every time you escape, that way you can play your best and still lose eventually.

(1 edit)

Nightmare mode if added and an end game mode will increase the difficulty but an endless mode can not be added.

Deleted 71 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

if she spots you run up to one of the others, make sure they are blocking all line of sight you have to her(position them to bodyblock between you and Bella) she has a little grace period after each time she swallows something before she will begin to hunt you again, when her belly has 2 others students she will be unable to fit you if you have any items on you, slightly risky since you'll need to drop any apples to get her to 3(of course at this point she's slow enough to outrun and she wouldn't catch you unless you stop for some reason like you will be doing if you're sacrificing other students to her) if her stomach contains 2 students and any apples, you wouldn't fit in there either so she waddles not trying to hunt you as if she were basically full until something is spat out or until she digests it all.

Deleted 71 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Just a fun little idea I had for a potential (harder) mode: Shrunk Mode.

Player is half the height of the normal model, moves slower, and can only carry one item at a time, but has greatly increased "stealth", meaning that Bella has to be a lot closer than normal to see you, and she'll prioritize eating your similarly smaller classmates she sees from the get go, but also has a greatly reduced hunger cooldown because you're all just apples to her and it would be easier than usual to stuff you all down her gullet.

Now some problems with implementing this aside from the fact you're doing this for free and have no obligation to add anything you don't want to is that since the player can't really look up or down, some item placements might be extremely hard to see/impossible for the tiny player model to pick up. And as I don't know how much time it takes for the fourth bell to ring, fine tuning the reduced walking speed so it's still possible to escape in time might take a bit of troubleshooting. 


This is a cute idea. I like this.

(1 edit)

Something similar to that can be added with all the students being Pred2 - a pixie. I will keep this in mind.

where's Discord Group? coz this needs one for sure

I do not plan to make a discord group.

aaa gotcha gotcha, either way, i sent u a Email ^^

Deleted 197 days ago
Deleted 197 days ago
Deleted 197 days ago
(3 edits) (+1)

Really enjoying this game. I've always thought there's a lot of potential for vore games in a horror-esque genre, yet there are criminally few games of that nature. This strikes a nice balance of vorny with a horror game tension. The animations are simple but good, and I really like the weight gain. Also the emphasis on sound for locating the pred is a really nice touch, it enhances both the horror and vore aspects of it.

My one major gripe is how difficult it can be to spot the keys. Even ignoring the times they blend in with the purple walls or the tiles, they are small, unobtrusive, and often in little out of the way corners. While there is something to be said for having to carefully search while under pressure, when the keys are this hard to locate it can quickly become tedious and frustrating, which completely kills any tension the search would give. Not to mention I've had a couple runs where I lost to the 4th bell because I simply ran out of keys I could find that opened new doors, even after methodically combing the school multiple times, and after dodging Bella for that long she winds up just feeling like an annoyance. Finding keys she ate can be even worse, since she's just as capable of burping them up in a corner or an out of the way classroom as the hallway. Something to make the keys easier to spot, like a mild glowing effect, would go a long to avoiding this. Alternatively, maybe something that would direct you towards the nearest obtainable key. Could be just an ability you have, maybe one that only unlocks after the first or second bell, or could be an item you could pick up (which if it takes the slot of the apple would add an additional risk-reward factor, though unless said item is readily available wouldn't really solve the problem). 

A minor gripe I have is how janky her grab feels when it comes to grabbing you vs another student. I've been grabbed by her when I had 2 other students and probably over 5 feet between us because they had a bit of a gap between them that I guess the grab went through. I've been grabbed when I was hiding directly behind a student and she collided with them, walked around, and then grabbed me (edit: and as of now I've had her do a full circle around a student before grabbing me instead). I've been grabbed THROUGH another student who was directly between me and her. I've been grabbed multiple times because the student I was hiding behind suddenly started moving around me as she got near and that tiny space it made in the half second of moving was enough. I've had her lose sight of me when she approached because I was hiding behind another student, walk around to the side, and then spot and grab me when I couldn't get away because the student I was trying to hide behind was hugging the wall. I've also been sure I was going to get caught when she came at me while I was at a weird diagonal with a student only for the student to get grabbed instead. It's not a big problem but with how random her and the students movements can feel on top of it, it can make the otherwise sound strategy of slowing her down by feeding her other students feel very rng. Also it makes it harder to do a runs where your only objective is to get her to eat everyone in the building (which is my favorite way to play so far).

A few other miscellaneous ideas/suggestions/feedback:

  1. Would really like more sounds to be added. I like the focus on sound, but right now it's mostly just footsteps with sparse digestion noises after she's eaten. More digestion noises (and louder when you have been eaten) plus other little noises like more burps and moans, giggles, lip-licking, etc. would go a long way. Just occasional other sounds sprinkled in to liven it up.
  2. An option to add more prey students and make them unable to escape her (or at least prioritize your escape over theirs if you've been eaten as well) would be nice. This is really just for those runs you are trying to get all the other students eaten. Though the current student count could maybe be bumped further (especially if additional preds are added), in normal play I like that other students eaten with you have a chance to escape instead of you.
  3. I like the low chance of escape that goes up the more prey she has in her. Was thinking a neat mechanic might be if the chance to escape her is lowered the more prey she's digested but her movement speed goes down a little bit as she gains weight. I think it's fine as is regardless, tho.
  4. Instead of a big pink block for the defeat screen that forces us to main menu after a few seconds, it'd be better if the text would just show up, a main menu option, so we could watch ourselves get digested. I like the digestion animation, but its a shame you can only see it when following her around after stuffing her full (something you'd never do playing normally).
  5. I wouldn't mind if the screenshake when moving was reduced or gotten rid of entirely. It can be a little distracting/headache inducing.
  6. Although finding them can be a pain, I overall really like the mechanic of the pred eating the key you are holding and burping it out later. However, it seems like they burp it out only after digesting everything, which can be kind of a pain if they've eaten a lot.

Anyways, really looking forward to future updates.


I will see if I can find a way to make keys more visible, especially if one can not be found in awhile.

For the grabs i will keep it in mind.

I will test making the main preds body noises louder and I do want the preds to have some type of talking sounds while they walk around.

more students cannot be added as it would make the game play too easy.

I plan on changing the way the defeat screen shows up.

The screen shake I will keep in mind to edit the animations for less shaking if I can.

If they ate alot that means you were "saved" alot which resulted in the pred eating something else. This most likely will not be a problem against other preds since being saved will be less likely.


I accepted that the screen shake - rather jarring as it is - may have been a measure to disincentivize the player from sprinting constantly, since it can be quite hard to see things like keys while running around at breakneck pace all the time. 

At the same time, my friend and I were both like "If <motion-sickness friend> played this, she'd fucking die", lol.

(2 edits) (+1)

I played around even more with trying to feed her students and noticed a few things: the grab seems to act up the most on stairs, around corners, and when hugging walls. Take these observations with a huge grain of salt, because they are mostly just from memory and gut feeling rather than measured data, but I do get the strong feeling that I have weird grabs more often in those cases. On the stairs I feel like she'll bypass nearby students more (and sometimes feels like her range is longer), when me and the student are really near a wall it feels like she's more likely to run around the student before trying to grab me than when we're in the open, and while almost all of the weird corner interactions have happened while at least one of us was on stairs, there was one time when she grabbed me through the wall around the corner before even fully coming into view (and with a student between us). Also noticed she'll often lose line of sight when hiding closely behind a student and this can cause her to behave erratically, meaning you have to ensure she keeps line of sight while chasing to ensure reduce chances of surprises happen, which is kind of dangerous cause it means staying farther from the student.

As for adding more students, I mostly meant it as an optional slider type of thing, to let the player increase or decrease the student count to their preferences. If you want to ensure that the player gets the intended experience from the game, and worry this will interfere with that, it could be something you only unlock after a successful escape or the like. Obviously its up to you how much you want to let the player deviate from the core design, but just going through these comments I can see a lot more people than just me enjoy playing the game in alternative ways (such as trying to feed the pred all the students) and are wanting various options that'll allow them to customize the experience a bit to suit those playstyles. There are a ton of simple things you could give the player the option to tweak (such as number of students, escape chance, etc.) that would go a long way to allowing players to set up scenarios they can have fun with, and, again, if you are worried about that hurting the experience you can always lock it behind completion requirements. Just something to consider, since I think the game is still shaping up good without it.

That being said, I also don't think a few more students would make the game THAT much easier. I've got only 3 successful runs so far (would have been 4 but I got impatient and made a dash for the exit without determining her location, only for her to come around the corner while I was in the hallway), but in all but one of them I found the exit key after opening around 8ish doors, and made a swift escape long before the student population could be decreased by much. In my experience if you aren't purposefully hanging around the other students (which can really harm your ability to search) they aren't at all reliable as emergency meat shields either, since you have to be close to them to even have a chance, grabs are finicky, and it feels rare for them to be particularly near the pred. A few more students might slightly increase the chances for you to have one nearby in an emergency, but I feel like they tend to both avoid the pred and clump up a bunch, so might not even do much on that front. The biggest effect of having more students means more sacrifices to stall for time with, and intentionally baiting yourself to feed her your fellows with is a risky strategy, so allowing the player to do it a little more often doesn't feel like it'll break the difficulty. I think I said it in my last post, but, while I do think the current student count is completely fine for balance purposes, I also think having more fodder could be pretty fun, especially for alternative playstyle (though if its through an optional slider that also lets you decrease the number that'd be best I think).

Oh, and thanks for the speedy reply, means a lot when devs do that.

(2 edits)

Grabs on slopes are tricky since the detection is affected by the altitudes. It is not recommended to use students as bait on stairs. 

Major changes to gameplay settings that allow adjustment by the player would have to be in a custom mode which can be added once the game is complete but as of now, there are no plans to adding modes like that.

I am looking into how players use other students as shields but this actually is an easter egg that got popular. The reliability is supposed to be low if you use them as a last resort but if you intentionally try to do this then it might be high. Doing this slows the pred to where you can outrun them, makes them stop from time to time and stuns them if a student escapes. This will have have different effects on different preds.


Ooo android support? Sign me up

Bug: See an item you like just on the other side of the security window? Door's locked? Doesn't matter, it's free real-estate!

You can also drop items through the security window. Don't do that.

Unrelated: Huzzah, I completed my genocide run! Every classmate liquidated, book acquired, exit reached! I got unusually lucky with the keys, so I didn't even need to open several rooms - like the security room, which I checked via the window shortly before the end.


ah yes. I have discovered issues with items and transparent materials in the game and am working on a fix. I thank you for your bug reports and comments in general.


I like the apple change because I play more like an idiot feeder than a prisoner trying to escape lmao


Yeah, you know, I could escape and survive

or I could bait Bella into eating all my classmates and watch her butt jiggle - for just a couple more minutes - while she's too stuffed to end my life o uo


haha, yeah not really a strong incentive to win atm, book does nothing, more rewarding to stick around to see just how big we can make her, only thing I'd really desire from a nightmare mode currently would be preds just eat almost everything on sight: apples, paper other students with no regard for how hungry they are, would both function as a fitting reward and effetively make the game nightmarish if your goal was ever "winning" (also would have hoped she would be capable of fitting every student, at 6 students be completely immobile...but you the player could still walk into her and be number 7. But sadly the dev had stated a capacity of more than 4 is off the table)


I'm excited to see what "nightmare mode" actually ends up being. I enjoy the game for both the challenge, and for just screwing around - more of either sounds delightful.

Does the pred eat any of the mini students, or is it just you?

mainly you but will go after other students after a certain amount of time when they are hungry.


I've been having a lot of fun with this, thank you for working on it! However, I do miss the sense of danger from before the update. Before, I was constantly sneaking around and peeking around corners, but because of the change to how apples work, it feels like now I can just sprint from room to room as long as I'm holding an apple, which gives me enough freedom to find replacement apples before the pred is dangerous again (and I was able to escape with the book on my first try after the update even though I was pretty careless). It does make the pred feel a lot less... predatory when she'll just take your apple and hold on to your key for a minute, too.

I know a lot of people mentioned having trouble completing the demo before, and I do think apples didn't help enough in the initial release, so I hope it isn't frustrating to hear that I personally think they're a bit too handy now. In any case, I'm still enjoying the game very much, and I'm excited to see what you add to it!

Seems like you are good at surviving. Yeah I feel apple is really strong against this pred now especially if alot spawn but for the other preds it will not be.

(3 edits)

For digestion I had it longer when the game was first made and it just did not feel right spending that long struggling. The chance of escaping from the pred in the demo is low because she can eat alot. The pred was nerfed greatly when I made it so they take apples instead of you making the apple grant you invincibility for 1 grab. For the other preds I will have to see what needs adjusting.

Yeah I am still working on the apple's effects on the preds.

I will look into the volume of other sounds.

Almost everything with pred2 and pred3 is just testing. Pred3 does not have any type of anal vore or escape. Her extra animations will be scraped since I can not implement them into the game.

Deleted 200 days ago
Deleted 200 days ago
Deleted 200 days ago

A lot of what you said sounds like it would be really fun to see, I hope the creator thinks about using some of these ideas, especially the idea of a ghost pred that can go through walls and also acts like a weeping angel of sorts, sounds like it would be fun to go up against!

Ghost pred can not be made anytime soon if at all since all 4 female preds have already been made.

Finally able to beat it with help of the apples! I even found the crazy apple, which didn't do anything noticeable. What does the crazy apple do, if anything?

When eaten it shakes up the pred greatly increasing belly upset chance. It also stops the pred from chasing anyone as long as the apple is in effect.


Lovely stuff! Always enjoy a good vore game!

Though I have a question.
I read through the survival tips in the pause menu and saw that you should escape with the book, so I did. I found the exit key right next to the book funnily enough, grabbed them both, got chased on the way out, got out of sight, reached the exit and left with the book in hand.
However, when I won the game nothing special happened. Did I miss something or what should've the book when you escaped?

The book does nothing yet.

be cool if you could play as the pred

the pred got nerfed? because she's only eating two preys

Slightly nerfed. Any item taken will make it so the pred does not have enough room for 3. I am still working on the stomach capacity.

Managed to finally get to the end. The crouch walking really did help a ton there.

Though I did witness something strange; she got close enough to grab me while I had the red apple in my hand, and I hid behind a student, but she still grabbed the apple from me. Intentional or not?

(2 edits)

Patch notes, yes she yoinks apples(also your key) if you have one in hand, means apples are all useful and not just there to occupy tummy space/make her belly slightly less likely to kill you which is barely noticeable if she's lucky,  which was all they did before. While it kinda does trivialise the current game it probably won't be enough once the other preds are added.

Most likely the other student did not completely block her from grabbing you  because she was at an angle so you were grabbed but since you had an apple, it was taken.

I can not say for certain since I did not test this update as much as I would like to.

why is she only eating me?

She will only chase after you but if you hide behind another student while shes chasing you she will eat them instead of you.

You are the pred's target. Other student are just there to walk around and possibly stop the pred from receiving a speed boost when hungry

So, can more prey spawn after they're digested? Or are the ones that spawn the only ones in a run?

I'm also confused on what student select in the settings will be used for, is it the player or the prey?

preys do not spawn after being digested.

Student select is for the player.



Er, uh, nice update! Great improvement in many ways, I think. 

I got used to the apple system prior, but I think this one is going to be a lot more intuitive. Still have yet to encounter the elusive Crazy Apple. Maybe the real Crazy Apple was the friends we threw under the bus along the way.

The pathing is excellent. A great deal of the prior jank has been extinguished. And Room 104 is no longer the run-assassin it once was.

I feel like Bella's new speed is quite reasonable, and I'm still terrified to be spotted if she's unoccupied. 

And did you decrease the odds of escaping after being eaten, or has the RNG just been coincidentally lethal today?

(1 edit)

Apples before the update I think only increased your escape chance by like 4% atmost. Now it might be 2-3% but gives more chances.

Her new speed? I do not think I have changed it. Could be possible that I did something unintentionally. 

odds of escaping should be the same if not higher.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ahh, now that I think about it, it might have been the hunger speed boost in the previous version. Usually the other two students would have been gone well before the end of the run.

Also, slight ... kind of bug? I noticed that things like keys have a chance to generate underneath the sinks in the bathrooms, and they require a surprisingly specific angle and distance to pick up. I haven't seen one which is completely inaccessible just yet, but it definitely feels very awkward.

The odds of escaping have seemed lower than before so far - for both the player, and our unfortunate fellow students - but it's obviously difficult to say for certain, with the RNG nature of things.


She still has the hunger speed boost but I removed the speed boost when digestion is complete. 

Keys being under the sink is not intended and was fixed, next time it will be on the floor in front or to the sides of the sink in the next update.

Oh no, I just mean she would have had the hunger speed boost more often in the previous version, since she'd run out of students to eat much sooner.

you should consider adding co-op multiplayer if you can or want to.

Deleted 202 days ago

It might be too tough for me to add. I did somewhat look into it

Okay here are my thought's after playing this new update for a bit I really liked it.

The addition of new student's makes the school more lively and I love the added touch that Bella now has breast expansion when ever she digests a student or apple I wonder what she would look like if she digested every student?

I enjoy the new features with the apple's and how the Bella eats it and your keys instead of you and I noticed you decreased apple spawn rate to balance this clever.

I do have one question according to the patch notes it says Bella can still carry 3 prey but for me she can only eat two before she leaves me alone this is not a complaint or nick pick I'm just curious of that was a mistype or if there's something I'm missing.

And I noticed the existence of a rare crazy apple in the patch notes could this be the Legendary purple apple I thought I saw once I haven't found it yet oh but I will one day and prove to everyone I'm not crazy.

Overall a very good update I hope to see more.

she has always had breast expansion. I think there is a cap. I do not know how many will reach it.

The apple spawn rate was actually increased. It used to be 2-6 now it is 2-8.

She can carry 3 but for her to chase you after eating 2, you have to have no items on you and she has to have no items in her.

It is that item you saw that one day before you got caught.

Thanks for the Reply its nice to know more about the Game knowledge is power. good luck on the Development of the other preds. 

There will be a pred with a stomach capable of containing 4 or more preys?

most likely not

Aww i was gonna hop into the update and see if she could fit everyone at once still but there's the answer

I feel like something this game could definitely use is a little tutorial page like something you could click on in the menu and read on how certain aspects of the game like how the Bella works and the uses of apples and crumbled paper I think it would help a lot of newer players understand the game more.

(1 edit)

In the full game, before you select the pred there will be details about them. In the game now, if you pause, there are survival tips with a button to see each tip.

also entrance to room 104 can cause player to get stuck in the doorway if you enter it toward the left


Thanks and yeah I know. I think I got a fix for it in the next update.

sometimes Bella just stands still so I just fucking run into her on accident because she was making no noise, I hear big footsteps on approach(but she hasn't come into view) i scurry into a nearby room and for a solid 10 seconds silence, then i crouch and sneak my way out wondering where she went and turn a corner she's been standing on the stairs a couple of meters away YOINK game over,  defititely gives me dead by daylight flashbacks like she's just fucking waiting for me to sneak my way right in her face on the stairs because she was making no noise while a fun way to ambush the player hiding knowing theres only one way out of most rooms if she ever did spot me(and she knows I'm near) i dislike it when she just goes stationary and makes no noise despite having never spotted me.

I second this, it's part of why I am currently unable to beat it

Personally to me this feels a bit like a Nitpick I mean I kinda enjoy the random surprises Bella can give you I once just started the game and I knew Bella spawns in the cafeteria so once I explored the second floor I decided to move down to the cafeteria assuming she left by then but when I got down there I heard footsteps I assumed she was still in the cafeteria and coming towards the stairs to I began to go back but she was actually right behind me it was funny for me she somehow walked all the way around the school just to get behind me she surprises me so much with how fast she can move by just walking it was a fun surprise for me I some times feel like she can Teleport LOL through I can understand where your coming from this is just my opinion.


it is a little nitpicky, but honestly I don't mind her ambushing me outside a room when she saw me go in, I just didn't like where she did it without much warning(I have wised up to her standing there for a long while outside rooms, to me that's makes some sense that room only has one exit and she's waiting there to remind the player that there's only one way out) I'm guessing she heard me when she ambushed me in this scenario, if she standing still without spotting the player recently I'd rather if she made seductive taunts, humming, more common belly rumbling anything to indicate that she's in the area if she's gonna sit still for so long.


Not a nitpick. Her going idle is random and the max time is 16 seconds. I put this feature in so that it is not too easy to get keys and in bonus it does provide a bit of surprises. When you know the map and feel like you have been everywhere but have not heard her, dropping a key can sorta check for her. I am monitoring how often she does this and how problematic it can be.

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