A downloadable game for Windows

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WARNING: Game contains VORE (Female predator). I recommend you turn back now if you do not know what that is. 

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere lies a school called Deep Pit. In a world where there are humans, monster hybrid humans and giant humans, Guy, a regular human, is your average student and is one of many students in this school. Guy was concerned about the rare cases of students going missing and after gathering information, he discovers how some of them went missing. The issue is that someone else in this school has a gut feeling that Guy knows too much and will do whatever it takes to keep their secret safe.

Players need to find keys in order to escape. Listen out for the predator in order to avoid being eaten. There are apples around the school that can help you escape from predators if you get caught. Other students will be walking around; looking clueless since they have no idea what is going on and maybe they can be useful to you in some way.

You can play as four different students. There are four predators to escape from.

Controls: Press ESC when you start the game and can move around.


Textures.com - Texture maps for the building.

Pixabay.com - Various Sound effects.

Reiinapop - Predator internal sounds.


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(90 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsNSFW, Stealth, vorarephilia, vore
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Buy Now$4.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Escape From Deep Pit University.zip 58 MB

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Escape From Deep Pit University Demo.zip 48 MB

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Will this game eventually be updated with more stuff or is it basically dead in the water due to steam's rejection

When playing as a predator student, how do I eat other students? The description on Aryion says I press "F" on someone once I reach 30% hunger, but it doesn't work even once I reach 0%.

(2 edits)

You must highlight the stomach icon in order to consume other students, just like you highlight the item that uses keys to unlock the doors.

Also, it’s not 30%. It’s 15% of hunger or lower where you’re able to devour (Nightmare Mode is even lower than that).


not sure what happened here. why are there so many?


And no this isn't on double


Uhh… How do you replicate that?


No Idea. my game seems to be bugged. 


can you make it so I can play with a controller 


Is there a time limit on this game? If so then I feel like that needs to be said. Everytime I play there's a bell that rings and the pred forever knows where I am. It did that in the demo so I thought that was just the demo timer but it's also in the main game. The game overall is fun but is damn near impossible if there's a time limit and objectives. Also what does the book do? I found it but no clue what it does


There is a time limit, and you’ll only have 24+ minutes to escape.

The book unlocks other predators (Excluding Ligeska) and Nightmare Mode.


Ok, so I got the book for Tulpi and beat nightmare mode but I still can't play her. Gonna try to beat Bella and see if that does anything but I have a feeling it's gonna take a while


If you still have Tulpy’s book, you’ll have to beat all 4 predators in order to obtain Tulpy.


So you can play as her? Sweet! Guess it's time to face off against the lamia then. Though I still haven't unlocked Satie yet. I'll do that first

How do I play as one of the predators? I've seen people talking about being the pred, but I don't know how to do that.


is this absorption vore or just vore id like to see them get thicker as they digest kids


they have it

is there going to be a linux or mac support? if not, might be a waste.

Hello. So far, I'm loving the game!
Question: When playing as one of the predators, is possible to eat the faceless students?

Yes, but you’re only able to devour students at under 12% of hunger. It varies depending on if you’re on Normal or Nightmare modes.


hi ghost 🙌


how do i make it so that the preds try to eat other students

(1 edit) (+3)

get spoted, and walk real close to the student, as if it was a human shield,

Deleted 9 days ago

Bella, Tulpy and Satie are playable you need to beat the map while they are apex pred the snake girl or principal is the only one who isn't payable as ghost can't get her to work in a playable state

(1 edit)

You can’t make two NPCs of the same character spawned.

Let’s say for an example: In a fresh save, if you beat Bella (Or any first predator you’ve beaten), select Student Predators and then go back to the one you already beat, the Student Predator won’t spawn if the Apex version of that already existed.

Deleted 9 days ago

Oh yeah that’s true haha 😂 The only exception of duplicate preds is if you’re playing as one of them. You can have you playing as Bella while the Apex is Bella.

Deleted 9 days ago

That’s not a glitch. In fact, that’s possible. The game only checks if the Apex Predator exist that prevents the student predator spawning, not the player. So you can still have you being as Bella and the existing Apex Predator as Bella, but the Student Predator Bella won’t spawn because the apex existed.

play us pred?

The closest thing you can play as is unlocking playable student predators (Excluding Ligeska), but if you’re referring to Apex Predator, then that’s a no.


Is there cheats?

(1 edit) (+9)

a sandbox mode would be cool, like spawning in a freecam, having a spawn menu where you could spawn preds or students and take control of them


Why does it saying to "buy now"



The download option if you've bought it should be at the top of the page.


Was there an update??

Sort of. the only noticeable thing was a new tip section in the pause menu when you play the game

No. The game has not been updated since September 24th. I assumed the page got updated, but not the game’s file itself.


Deleted 66 days ago
(1 edit) (+2)

can't pay the game with paypal is there another ways i can transfer the money to you?

EDIT: nvm i was too retarded



why so Evil? u little skibidi

(1 edit) (+17)

Despite this game being considered complete I will still make a suggestion to see what other who view the page think.

I suggest a unlockable extras and cheats to add some extra variety and just make the game easier on more casual repeats with the player being able to mix and match cheats however having cheats enabled does not count towards wins.

The extra menu would contain spinnable 3d model of the any predator you have escaped with buttons to change between weigh stages and prey counts as well as enable the struggling animations.


No Predator - No predator spawns.

Sluggish Hunter - Predator is much slower than the player.

Soundless - Player Makes no sound.

Endo - Play cant be digested.

Open doors - Player can open doors without the key.

Hunger - Allows player to set their hunger at 100 or 0 permanently regardless of how much time passes or how much they eat. 

Elastic hunger - Player can eat two students instead of one each one filling 50% of the hunger bar, at the cost of a becoming near immobile.
No bell - Bell never rings

(2 edits) (+9)

Some other suggested cheats:

  • Player Super Digestion: Player will digest the prey faster than normal.
  • Tall Player: Player becomes the same size as an Apex Predator, granting the player to eat multiple students, excluding Tulpy. However, Hunger will decrease faster and (Excluding Nightmare Mode) reaching 0% hunger for too long will cause a game over.
  • Voracious Player: Player will always devour the prey regardless of hunger percentage. This also makes the player eat more than 1 apple. Works well with Tall Player.
  • Invisible Player: Player will not be detected by the Apex Predator.
  • Fast Player: Player will get a boost of speed, including running speed and crouching speed.
  • Full Class: The number of students is multiplied by 3x
  • Starving Apex: Apex Predator will always be hungry, similar to Nightmare Mode.
  • All locked doors: All doors will be locked. Same system to Nightmare Mode but will apply to Normal Mode.
  • Safe Mode: Apex Predators won’t be spawned.
  • No Permanent Digestion: All prey who were digested will respawn in their starting point. This includes the player. Works as a “Practice” mode.
  • Super Key Helper: The game will always show the player the next key. Works for both Normal and Nightmare Modes.
  • Steel Gut: Any prey eaten by the player will never escape.
  • Apple Tree: Apples are far more common, replacing crumbled papers.
  • Always Easter Egg: Makes the Easter Egg occurs outside of Two Random Nightmare.

hell yeah bro


While I do not have any plans for cheats, I might make some customizable settings for a match.

Yes please,no time limit and showing next key are usefull.


can this game be multiplayer


that would be nice but not sure if ghost can make that work

That would require a lot of refactoring in the code in order for it to work, since the game is refined for singleplayer only. And steam rejected this game, so chances of it happening is very slim.


is it possible to add more of those roaming students than the usual 6?


Roaming students, as in the models/characters (Including Student Predators)?


yes those

Deleted 87 days ago
(2 edits)

The original comment was referring to roaming students, such as the two gendered preys, Student Predators such as Bella, Tulpy, Satie, and Ligeska. That adds up to 6 in total.

Two Random Normal and Two Random Nightmare respectively (Including the easter egg challenge on the latter) does not unlock anything, it’s an optional mode after completing all 4 main predators’ normal modes.

also adding 3rd person


is there going to be updates


as of now No the project is considered complete with the slight possiblity of updates


i really love this game and while i love the addition of the playable preds im sad i cant play as all of them and i do wish that there was a full pred game mode (perhaps unlockable) where you dont need to worry about getting vored, that would make the game a 10/10 for me


So what you’re suggesting is an Apex Predator mode (Playing as a larger predator that won’t be eaten). But then, how’s that going to work?

(3 edits) (+3)

I had a similar but more ambitious version of the same Idea// Cool Idea 💡 for a Vore game mode: I think the coolest way to do a possible playable pred's would be a game mode where you start off as a generic female student that wants to become a Apex pred so in secret they devour other students to built up weight into she is BIG enough to challenge the current Apex preds & take there place. there would be 24-or so total students with teachers (they would be twice the calories) & a principal that could give out missions for you to redeem yourself if they are the one's to catch & they could be a final Super Pred that comes out when you defeat the other. There would be additional challenges to fufill that make it more of a challenge then just reaching the goal not by get caught & devour by the other Pred students or the teachers who will set one of the Apex pred's onto the generic female student that you play as & will send more as you built up the heat as you get caught consecutively after into you are being hunted down by possibility Four Apex pred's at the same time (if possible).  Would add like if it was added some more helpful items like the paper ball that is a throwable item that can stun the target for a short time or a energy drink to boost movement speed & digestion could be cool (Big inspiration for more Item's would be Baldi's basics.)


I'm honestly quite sad that a playable Ligeska isn't a plan for the future. But I would like to say that I really appreciate what you've done, and i deeply look forward to your future projects with great interest.

(3 edits) (+9)

Playable Ligeska is a slight possibility in the future.


I rarely check Itch but it makes me quite happy to see that you're still working on it and considering adding her as a playable. If it helps any I'm willing to kick some additional funds your way if it would help.

Thanks for sticking with this game, even if it may be a sour spot for you, its a gem in the community if i'm being entirely honest. <3


 the outfits will come out cute once the issue been fixed.

(2 edits) (+15)

This game has been in this status ever since the four predators were added.

As far as updates go: The game is complete. My focus is to fix an issue with the outfits, but I can not say if or when I will be able to.




I'd love to see some more updates if you have time for them. If not, at least I'm following you for whatever project you have next.


You've returned

we all must know about updates

when or if


I Hope updates are smooth and nice


Glad to hear from you again and glad to hear that updates might continue!


GhostWhisperer971 if you can fix Tulpy's weight gain on her gut as it resets everytime she eats something instead of just building up with each item or person she devours like how Bella boobs just keep growing. Plus Satie needs a run speed buff as her walk sound penalty for speed is just not worth it as she is now. Thank you too any who read this. 

(1 edit) (+2)

I second this too on the Satie issue. She doesn’t feel “fast”, or the value is so small that there are no differences. It just feels like I’m playing as a noisier Bella.

Edit: Can confirm this since I’ve played both Satie and Bella as I’ve completed all Normal and Nightmare modes for the two mentioned predators (Excluding Two Random).

I did want all playable students to feel very similar so that none has a big advantage over the other in a non nightmare mode

(1 edit) (+1)

I do not know about this issue with tulpy. I need more details on the issue so I can try to see what it is.

Satie has a decently high struggle power which is not mentioned in the game. I am thinking about what changes to make with the unlockable students. 

(1 edit)

It's not easy grab pick in game as there is no training mode to show it off plus it's no way to chain together several pic on a post on this site so for now you will have only my word, if you eat more then one apple or a student then a apple (in Nightmare Mode only) Tulpy gut size will only count the last item she has eaten & not the total add size from all food items she has eaten.

Thanks for ocassionally returning to the project

Have an issue where after coming back after beating Bella and Satie and trying to beat it on Nightmare, it just thinks I've never played before at all. Does anybody have any knowledge of where the save is or how to just toggle things to get back to where I was?

have you had any luck


I've completed first 3 preds with books and also on a nightmare. But now i'm stuck on Snake girl and she's really hard. Can i get any tips for her?

she is pretty easy to beat once you get her to eat the students, she's just a quieter Bella with student based radar lol

why do you want her to eat the students?

(1 edit)

Because Ligeska can use the students to know your location from time to time. Removing all students by tricking the Apex Predator into eating them (Or if you’re a student predator to eat them, but waiting for the time to eat is very time wasting) will make sure Ligeska won’t use her ability,

i haven't beat any yet

I have seen you say this for awhile now. How come you have not escaped from any of the predators yet?


I found a fair bit of success in just moving quickly. She's on the slower side, so as long as you have a rough idea where she is it's pretty easy to avoid her for an extended period. She's hard to ditch once she does find you, but using a student as a meatshield and ducking around a corner is pretty effective. The new pred awareness radar is also pretty handy for triangulating her location.

(5 edits) (+3)

As a person myself who already beat her before, here are some handy tips:

  • It’s the same as beating Bella, except you can’t use apples as your advantage. Keep in close mind that Ligeska is VERY slow, but also hard to lose track when being chased.
  • If you hear hissing noise nearby, it’s better to either hide or move away from the source of the sound. Or if you already have a key, lure her away from your direction by intentionally causing noise.
  • If you’re having trouble, Predator Sense is VERY helpful.
  • Keep a close eye on where Ligeska is heading towards, so that you can head towards the opposite direction of where she’s moving. This is the same tip as the noise I mentioned before.
  • Following the above tip, make sure you’re not heading towards of where she’s heading into. (Ex: If she’s heading to the cafeteria, do not go to the Room 101 and 104/105 area.)
  • Similar to what Manchura mentioned, if you’re skillful enough, you can lure the Apex Predator to eat all of the students. Then the rest should be a breeze.
  • Do NOT play as Satie, I recommend Tulpy (For Nightmare Mode) or Person/Guy.

How do you unlock the all of the playable Pred's

(3 edits) (+1)
  • Bella = Escape with the book in hand against Bella.
  • Satie = Complete Satie’s Nightmare Mode.
  • Tulpy = Escape with the book in hand against Tulpy and Complete All Predator’s Normal Mode (Excluding Two Randoms).

I really like this game! Hope that it'll be updated in the future with new preds, maps etc.

Deleted post

i heard it does nothing it only works in the full ver. but I think you must beat the demo in order for a student pred to appea


In the demo, student predators won’t do anything unfortunately. Even if you already beaten Bella, there won’t be another Bella as a student predator, since Bella is the only predator you’ll be facing against in the demo.

This is the same case in the full game as well: In a fresh save, if you already beat Bella, select Student Predator as an option, and then go against Bella again, there won’t be another duplicate of her as a student predator if the Apex Predator of her already existed.

(1 edit)

wasn't able to play the new updates, but can't wait to do so when i buy a new laptop ^^


Will the next update have preds eat each other and more things added?

(8 edits) (+4)

student preds eat whatever students they can find when they are hungry, some alpha preds can eat the others but have certain conditions needed to eat each other

the common requirements are: the pred being eaten must not be chasing you, stunned, or digesting something and the pred eating them must bump into the other one while chasing you and it is a chance, not a guarantee, in the 30%ish area 

other conditions that I have gathered from testing: 

Tulpy is so small all preds can eat her even when she has a student in her, easiest way to get rid of her is have her eat a student and piss off another pred and camp behind her like any other student

Bella can eat Satie so long as both are empty and Satie has no weight gain (weight gain adds some mass to the target and slows them down while increasing escape chance as far as I can see, there is also a margin of error here as I've gotten Bella to eat Satie while Satie only has a crazy apple in her)

Satie has never eaten non-Tulpy alpha preds under any condition as many ways as I've tried, because her capacity seems to be 3 or 4 while the other 2 large alphas are at mass 5 (Bella) and 7 (Ligeska)

Ligeska can eat both bella when both are empty and Satie so long the total capacity is less than or equal to 1 student


Can Satie eat Bella???




Forgive me for being a bit of an idiot. what exactly is the Double Predators mode that I've been seeing in the comments? is that something you have to unlock?


The Double Predator mode gets unlocked once you beat every predator at least one time, where you need to escape while two random predators chase you instead of one.

There was nothing idoiotic about that question. Feel free to ask questions.


One of the best vore games I've played only second to Some Bullshit, do you plan to add a sandbox mode? I think it would be so fun to play around with!


Hiya Ghost. Really do enjoy your game, so I'm curious to ask. What plans do you have for this going forward?

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