Also just out of curiosity, on the normal mode, does the predator get hungry at all and if so, how does it work? Do they seek out any student they can find or how does that work?
Do you have to beat certain characters or do certain things in order to unlock anything? I read the Guide and it made me think there were options you could play around with and stuff but I'm not seeing them. Just wanna be sure I'm not missing anything, thanks in advance for any answers
she does it pretty often, but she has to be near a student who has also seen you, then she investigates that area but more often it's used if a student sees you duck into a room while she's chasing you so it's not entirely an obvious situation to the player in the moment (also in nightmare she generally just eats the student so it fires far less frequently by proxy of them being wiped out within the first 8 minutes)
When she passes by students she has a chance to "talk/influence" them. When they are influenced, they will point at you when they see you. Ligeska will know your location when they do this.
Being testing a bit. Nightmare mod is awesome, is really challenging and I love it, probabbly my favourite so far (I havent completed ine yet but is not really frustrating at all). Maybe the fact that all keys are white mess with locating them and distinguished with the floor or walls at the distance but I found it fair enough, because is kinda fun confusing them with paperballs at the distance.
Could I ask whats the difference between a red and a green apple (besides the color)?
from testing, red apples increase digestion rate and indigestion by a moderate amount (and while unconfirmed it seems to have minor boosts to weight gained by preds when they digest other things like students and paper as well as other apples)
green apples decrease digestion and have a low indigestion increase meaning you have more RNG time but less chance of RNG indigestion compared to red apples
crazy apples (purple) are rare but increase indigestion by a substantial amount and add a crazy modifier to the pred, making them shake a lot and be unable to eat/keep anything down while the apple is digesting so using one when you are about to leave with the book is a good idea (but with the RNG nature you can still fail if you are in a pred's stomach with this apple as she'll probably vomit everything else out first and leave you in there for 5 minutes and lose all mass to get a vomit RNG tick in the indigestion RNG ticks)
Yep, Just got eaten with a purple apple in hand and with two students already catch by the pred, RNG really sucks T_T
Sometimes the collision is really clunky, like Im right behind someone and the pred still swallow me instead, have you tested that part? Also thank your for the explanation
the easiest way to explain that is the pred uses a hitbox right in front of themselves to pick what to eat and the pred also has their "eyes" somewhere in their chest/neck for normal girls and the bottom of the breasts for the fairy thus they loses sight of you if you are directly behind a student at a distance allowing them to "pivot" around a student while searching your last known location (this means she is not actually chasing you while you are behind a student, merely in aggressive investigation mode while the student acts like a wall she saw you go around), the easiest way is to wait till the pred is almost on you on one side then switch to the other for more success in getting them eaten
ie: sit slight right of the student and once she starts chasing sit in the middle, if she loses sight of you then peak on the right again until you are sure she can see you over the other student, then move left to keep the student directly between the two of you for them to be takes a bit to get it in your head but once you do it just becomes muscle memory
below is a diagram of how the pred works if she spots you at the 104/105 elbow on the first floor from 3 different spots, red is her with the red triangle being her vision and light blue being your last known location to her, blue is your current position if you duck back to cover with orange being her target location based on what she saw, the green dot is a student and the funny triangle is a representation of how a student can block her vision at a distance leading to her pivot around them and nab you if you dont pivot to either of the fins at the last second while standing directly behind, so it's much easier to just sit on one of the light blue dots until she is close then pivot to the other dot
Bro yor are a genius, its really handful to know this. Well unless the other student start to run away form the pred too and most of the times they are even faster than me haha.
I just know this little trick about that if you press the Right click you crouch, and for the Left click you run. Don't know if it was intented but I don't see a text in game that tells you
I love this game; the stealth aspect is great, and nightmare mode is also amazing. Though the only problem I have with this game is the struggle mechanic, holding down F is a bit boring. and also the RNG aspect is not that great. Maybe make it use the mouse movement or the WASD keys instead and make a bar that you need to fill up to escape. Besides that, this game is great. I can't wait for the next update.
I really like this game, I like the art style it goes for and the stealth is fun to interact with
I only really have 2 criticisms with the current state of the game:
1. paper is effectively a useless resource that could be used in far more interesting ways than just a tiny passive fullness increase, having it be swallowed like you shoved it down their throat instead of them swallowing you would be an easy usage, giving the pred a speed boost after they are done to emulate being pissed off would balance it pretty well I think, and/or having it be a throwable so you can distract a pred by making them go after a noise farther away from you
2. where vore intersects with normal gameplay... where do I even begin, it's unintuitive first and foremost as well as all around unresponsive. Holding F and praying the RNG creates an indigestion tick AND THEN hoping the RNG creates a vomit tick rather than a burp tick is just not fun and painful to deal with, it'd be much better to have an indigestion gauge based on the current stuff in their stomach then you got to make up the difference with some kind of interactions like QTE wasd. The current system promotes a gameplay loop of just quitting the second you get grabbed because you can be stuck in a pred for 8 minutes with 3 other students and fail to get out after 7 indigestions(while holding F the entire time)due to RNG... it's just not worth being in the stomach if you are trying to play the game like a game
Just hide behind the students it's not that hard, just have an apple on hand just in case
Also while behind a student move to the opposite side on where the pred is makes it easier. Like if the preds on the right move to the left side of the student
paper also has WG, but good luck getting enough in them and surviving to notice without using a red apple's seeming ability to boost WG while digesting it
Does anyone have screenshots of all Bellas stages of expansion? Like, how big her boobs or ass is after digesting each student. Because I really cant tell the difference during gameplay
Nah she gains weight, pay attention to her uniforms tie, the more she eats the higher its angle becomes as her breasts grow larger, and by larger i mean they pretty much triple, or more, in size after she digests 5 or 6 students, that and her ass gets massive enough to clip under the skirt. The only pred that i've noticed pretty much 0 weight gain from is the fairy, but thats only because her ass never starts clipping out of the weird space filling bs on the skirt.
the fairy also gains weight, you notice it more if you compare how close her breasts are to her feet while flying...granted you have to be on top of her while she is actively ready and capable of eating you to really notice lol
I don't think there are stages, it appears to be dynamic. It definitely becomes more noticeable the more students she eats. I have a few videos made of trying to get her as big as she can get and will upload them later.
Someone uploaded some earlier in that now deleted post and then they disappeared, and another of my own comments disappeared, too. I fear there may be some sort of censorship going on here and that post would disappear as well
And in nightmare mode the time between rings seems shorter for some reason (instead of 8 minutes). I say this because in Satie's nightmare mode it seems like time passes very quickly.
It depends on when you downloaded the new version, when the new version was put out it initially deleted all progress, try download it again and you should have everything
I tried to do one for Bella but for local, but even a large model like command r plus couldn't comprehend the map (because I also included the map layout) I don't know if character ai's llm would fare better, but that place got super censored a few years ago and that may make the core character suffer in performance
I'll look into it. I prefer local though, instead of relying on a company's api. My current problem is the "smartness" of the ai that controls the character. Command R + is a pretty huge model and even it is struggling with the map layout instructions. The character teleports from floor to floor ignoring positionings, and hears me from across the map.
I'm still adjusting the instructions and trying the lorebook approach for sillytavern for the map.
I might try it with claude to see if any ai can comprehend the map
so i have another question. i managed to escape all 4 preds. but Ligeska wont appear as a student during other play through s. is that a bug.. or is it intentional?
Having a Sandbox or "Creative Mode" for the game would mean a ton of attention for people who are bad at these kind of games and just want to mess with the characters themselves
It happened to me only once, but I think the pred gains awareness of wherever you are, hyper fixates on you and mercilessly hunts you down. They'll even vore you right after eating another student you were hiding behind.
I just want to say, fantastic job! There's a great game here as is with great potential to expand it if you see fit. So, I'll say again, great job, I purchased, I'll be happily following.
My advice: Slow down the predators and increase their detection. When the player is out of sight, the sound the player makes leads the predators to continue their search. In this case, how the player controls his steps becomes very important.
If possible, I hope to add some hiding places to the map
Currently, predators rely too much on sight and too little on hearing. As a result, players can usually escape capture by simply turning a corner.,and almost no punishment for running all the time.
After seeing the weight gain on all the preds, i just gotta say, again, that it would be 10x better without the weird stuff under the skirt. Looking buggy if we can just look up their skirts or not it just looks wrong right now, especially after Bella and satie (ok maybe less so satie because her ass always pokes out, but it starts sticking out more) where after they've eaten, their asses just awkwardly hang out of the "filled in space," and it looks janky, and this is literally my only gripe with the game as of the first official paid release to now.
Anyone else experiencing any kind of choppiness when turning? I find myself constantly getting caught on things when running due to this and find it difficult to use a student as a shield in a hurry. I feel a lot of my runs have ended because the turning doesn't feel smooth to me.
Satie is also unlockable, but unlike Bella who is unlocked by winning with the book in your inventory, Satie is playable when you beat her nightmare mode.
I made the update yesterday but did not have time to make a dev log post about it. There is no version to the game. Each update will have a dev log post explaining what was updated.
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Also just out of curiosity, on the normal mode, does the predator get hungry at all and if so, how does it work? Do they seek out any student they can find or how does that work?
They do get hungry after I want to say 4-5 minutes. As for seeking out food, I think they eat whoever they see first.
I'll need to double check this later so take what i said with a pitch of salt
No need to double check. What you said is accurate.
Do you have to beat certain characters or do certain things in order to unlock anything? I read the Guide and it made me think there were options you could play around with and stuff but I'm not seeing them. Just wanna be sure I'm not missing anything, thanks in advance for any answers
There are two unlockable characters to play as Bella and Satie.
To unlock Bella you need to escape against her while holding the book.
To unlock Satie you need to escape against her in nightmare mode.
PS: not sure if you need the book or not for Satie
Really? I tought I could unlock the fairy or the Lamia too, I really don't want to survive Satie even worst in nightmare mode T_T
Did anyone trigger the moment when a student reveal our location to ligeska? i didn't get that yet for some reason
she does it pretty often, but she has to be near a student who has also seen you, then she investigates that area but more often it's used if a student sees you duck into a room while she's chasing you so it's not entirely an obvious situation to the player in the moment (also in nightmare she generally just eats the student so it fires far less frequently by proxy of them being wiped out within the first 8 minutes)
Thank you for this explanation
When she passes by students she has a chance to "talk/influence" them. When they are influenced, they will point at you when they see you. Ligeska will know your location when they do this.
Being testing a bit. Nightmare mod is awesome, is really challenging and I love it, probabbly my favourite so far (I havent completed ine yet but is not really frustrating at all). Maybe the fact that all keys are white mess with locating them and distinguished with the floor or walls at the distance but I found it fair enough, because is kinda fun confusing them with paperballs at the distance.
Could I ask whats the difference between a red and a green apple (besides the color)?
from testing, red apples increase digestion rate and indigestion by a moderate amount (and while unconfirmed it seems to have minor boosts to weight gained by preds when they digest other things like students and paper as well as other apples)
green apples decrease digestion and have a low indigestion increase meaning you have more RNG time but less chance of RNG indigestion compared to red apples
crazy apples (purple) are rare but increase indigestion by a substantial amount and add a crazy modifier to the pred, making them shake a lot and be unable to eat/keep anything down while the apple is digesting so using one when you are about to leave with the book is a good idea (but with the RNG nature you can still fail if you are in a pred's stomach with this apple as she'll probably vomit everything else out first and leave you in there for 5 minutes and lose all mass to get a vomit RNG tick in the indigestion RNG ticks)
Yep, Just got eaten with a purple apple in hand and with two students already catch by the pred, RNG really sucks T_T
Sometimes the collision is really clunky, like Im right behind someone and the pred still swallow me instead, have you tested that part? Also thank your for the explanation
the easiest way to explain that is the pred uses a hitbox right in front of themselves to pick what to eat and the pred also has their "eyes" somewhere in their chest/neck for normal girls and the bottom of the breasts for the fairy thus they loses sight of you if you are directly behind a student at a distance allowing them to "pivot" around a student while searching your last known location (this means she is not actually chasing you while you are behind a student, merely in aggressive investigation mode while the student acts like a wall she saw you go around), the easiest way is to wait till the pred is almost on you on one side then switch to the other for more success in getting them eaten
ie: sit slight right of the student and once she starts chasing sit in the middle, if she loses sight of you then peak on the right again until you are sure she can see you over the other student, then move left to keep the student directly between the two of you for them to be takes a bit to get it in your head but once you do it just becomes muscle memory
below is a diagram of how the pred works if she spots you at the 104/105 elbow on the first floor from 3 different spots, red is her with the red triangle being her vision and light blue being your last known location to her, blue is your current position if you duck back to cover with orange being her target location based on what she saw, the green dot is a student and the funny triangle is a representation of how a student can block her vision at a distance leading to her pivot around them and nab you if you dont pivot to either of the fins at the last second while standing directly behind, so it's much easier to just sit on one of the light blue dots until she is close then pivot to the other dot
Bro yor are a genius, its really handful to know this. Well unless the other student start to run away form the pred too and most of the times they are even faster than me haha.
I just know this little trick about that if you press the Right click you crouch, and for the Left click you run. Don't know if it was intented but I don't see a text in game that tells you
I love this game; the stealth aspect is great, and nightmare mode is also amazing. Though the only problem I have with this game is the struggle mechanic, holding down F is a bit boring. and also the RNG aspect is not that great. Maybe make it use the mouse movement or the WASD keys instead and make a bar that you need to fill up to escape. Besides that, this game is great. I can't wait for the next update.
Its so cool, good job dude. You deserve it.
My only problem could be that the "struggle" system is really hard, if I got caught Im bsaically dead, just something to be considered
I really like this game, I like the art style it goes for and the stealth is fun to interact with
I only really have 2 criticisms with the current state of the game:
1. paper is effectively a useless resource that could be used in far more interesting ways than just a tiny passive fullness increase, having it be swallowed like you shoved it down their throat instead of them swallowing you would be an easy usage, giving the pred a speed boost after they are done to emulate being pissed off would balance it pretty well I think, and/or having it be a throwable so you can distract a pred by making them go after a noise farther away from you
2. where vore intersects with normal gameplay... where do I even begin, it's unintuitive first and foremost as well as all around unresponsive. Holding F and praying the RNG creates an indigestion tick AND THEN hoping the RNG creates a vomit tick rather than a burp tick is just not fun and painful to deal with, it'd be much better to have an indigestion gauge based on the current stuff in their stomach then you got to make up the difference with some kind of interactions like QTE wasd. The current system promotes a gameplay loop of just quitting the second you get grabbed because you can be stuck in a pred for 8 minutes with 3 other students and fail to get out after 7 indigestions(while holding F the entire time)due to RNG... it's just not worth being in the stomach if you are trying to play the game like a game
Short clip of weight gain on Bella. She had already digested one and she digested two more in this clip.
Not sure why this was deleted so I'm reposting this
All were eaten as well as four apples and two keys
How did you get her to eat all the students? I still haven't managed to do it.
Just hide behind the students it's not that hard, just have an apple on hand just in case
Also while behind a student move to the opposite side on where the pred is makes it easier. Like if the preds on the right move to the left side of the student
Thanks but i don't have or find apples everytime so that's why im asking. I was just hidding behind students
And here's one for Satie, all were eaten as well as two keys and two Apples would have been three but the slow down was killing me
paper also has WG, but good luck getting enough in them and surviving to notice without using a red apple's seeming ability to boost WG while digesting it
Does anyone have screenshots of all Bellas stages of expansion? Like, how big her boobs or ass is after digesting each student. Because I really cant tell the difference during gameplay
I'm about 80% sure she doesn't gain weight, but give me about a few hours to get some screenshots
Nah she gains weight, pay attention to her uniforms tie, the more she eats the higher its angle becomes as her breasts grow larger, and by larger i mean they pretty much triple, or more, in size after she digests 5 or 6 students, that and her ass gets massive enough to clip under the skirt. The only pred that i've noticed pretty much 0 weight gain from is the fairy, but thats only because her ass never starts clipping out of the weird space filling bs on the skirt.
the fairy also gains weight, you notice it more if you compare how close her breasts are to her feet while flying...granted you have to be on top of her while she is actively ready and capable of eating you to really notice lol
I don't think there are stages, it appears to be dynamic. It definitely becomes more noticeable the more students she eats. I have a few videos made of trying to get her as big as she can get and will upload them later.
Upload them here or do you have a YouTube or somewhere else?
Someone uploaded some earlier in that now deleted post and then they disappeared, and another of my own comments disappeared, too. I fear there may be some sort of censorship going on here and that post would disappear as well
I posted it. If it disappears, I'm easy to find. Just search for my name or for the name of the game and I show up pretty quick.
In the security room there is a higher chance that the exit key will appear, right?
How many keys does it usually take before you get the exit key?
And in nightmare mode the time between rings seems shorter for some reason (instead of 8 minutes).
I say this because in Satie's nightmare mode it seems like time passes very quickly.
is the map a progress thing where you need to open every door or is it an item needed to escape with?
it's either, you Escape with the book, and you beat the pred on Nightmare mode, that will complete the progress
anyway i could unlock the characters without beating the game ( i kinda suck)
The new version has them all unlocked from the beginning, just redownload
any specific thing you need to do after downloading the new versions. i only have bella unlocked even after clearing the fairy stage.
It depends on when you downloaded the new version, when the new version was put out it initially deleted all progress, try download it again and you should have everything
yayyyyy i finally got the game, good work! also you should make your characters bots in a character ai app 😉
I tried to do one for Bella but for local, but even a large model like command r plus couldn't comprehend the map (because I also included the map layout)
I don't know if character ai's llm would fare better, but that place got super censored a few years ago and that may make the core character suffer in performance
you could make her or the others on sakura ai or figgs ai
I'll look into it. I prefer local though, instead of relying on a company's api. My current problem is the "smartness" of the ai that controls the character. Command R + is a pretty huge model and even it is struggling with the map layout instructions. The character teleports from floor to floor ignoring positionings, and hears me from across the map.
I'm still adjusting the instructions and trying the lorebook approach for sillytavern for the map.
I might try it with claude to see if any ai can comprehend the map
not sure if it'll be easy to put in but controller support would be nice
so i have another question. i managed to escape all 4 preds. but Ligeska wont appear as a student during other play through s. is that a bug.. or is it intentional?
alright i take back what i said it finally happened... my bad lol
Is it very difficult to get past Satie's nightmare mode? Or your need lucky??
It's both difficult and some luck is required
what is the book
it's a item to find
Having a Sandbox or "Creative Mode" for the game would mean a ton of attention for people who are bad at these kind of games and just want to mess with the characters themselves
Are there more changes besides the game name?
You can now rub your belly when you have eaten an apple if your character is a predator student (if it wasn't already a thing in the previous version)
my progress is kinda all gone
I did a fix. If you redownload the game, your save data should come back.
How do you complete the map I won a round and the map says incomplete but it turned yellow instead of red
beat it on nightmare
Nightmare mode and escape with the book as well
What happens when the bell rings 3 times?
It happened to me only once, but I think the pred gains awareness of wherever you are, hyper fixates on you and mercilessly hunts you down. They'll even vore you right after eating another student you were hiding behind.
That's correct. The third bell signifies the end of the run as the predator pursuing you will chase and eat you irrespective of where you are.
game over
the pred will know exactly were you are and imidetly chase you.
I have a question when you redownload for a new update does your progress carry over?
Yeah it does, the save file is stored separately from the game in your AppData folder under LocalLow.
I just want to say, fantastic job! There's a great game here as is with great potential to expand it if you see fit. So, I'll say again, great job, I purchased, I'll be happily following.
My advice: Slow down the predators and increase their detection. When the player is out of sight, the sound the player makes leads the predators to continue their search. In this case, how the player controls his steps becomes very important.
If possible, I hope to add some hiding places to the map
Currently, predators rely too much on sight and too little on hearing. As a result, players can usually escape capture by simply turning a corner.,and almost no punishment for running all the time.
After seeing the weight gain on all the preds, i just gotta say, again, that it would be 10x better without the weird stuff under the skirt. Looking buggy if we can just look up their skirts or not it just looks wrong right now, especially after Bella and satie (ok maybe less so satie because her ass always pokes out, but it starts sticking out more) where after they've eaten, their asses just awkwardly hang out of the "filled in space," and it looks janky, and this is literally my only gripe with the game as of the first official paid release to now.
Anyone else experiencing any kind of choppiness when turning? I find myself constantly getting caught on things when running due to this and find it difficult to use a student as a shield in a hurry. I feel a lot of my runs have ended because the turning doesn't feel smooth to me.
Before considering additions, the most important thing is to optimize and improve the existing game flow. It's still a little rough at the moment.
Yeah I agree optimizing everything that it has right now is the best option
Great work, loved the Demo! Thinking about getting the full game now that male preds are a possibility in the future
Do you get anything for having all maps completed with all predators?
I mean beating everyone unlocks two random preds mode, which has more students in it to feed to your fav pred if you enjoy the weight gain visuals.
so can you only unlock Bella as a playable character?
Satie is also unlockable, but unlike Bella who is unlocked by winning with the book in your inventory, Satie is playable when you beat her nightmare mode.
...oh.. that's going be fun...
btw, it's my favorite vore game from now. the best i've played in a while i look forward to see new stuff coming
why i can't access the updated stuff
Download the game again. Delete the old folder. Extract the new downloaded zip folder.
it's still the old version

I made the update yesterday but did not have time to make a dev log post about it. There is no version to the game. Each update will have a dev log post explaining what was updated.
okok thx you so much sir
i can't selected all pred
Are you able to see all four predators?
yeah i can see it
Does anything happen if you beat nightmare mode?
If you beat nightmare mode for Satie, you unlock her as a playable character. The rest are just a harder mode with no rewards yet.
do we have to buy the game again to get the updated stuff?
alright thanks
What happened to the change log for the bug fixes?
I remove them after 24 hours.
Could you please include a part of the player pred experience in the demo?
(Im more Pred leaning and want to see that first before buying the game)